Cold War and decolonization


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Transcript della presentazione:

Cold War and decolonization Unit 3. Rebuilding the world Ch. 7 Cold War and decolonization S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The new international order At the Potsdam Conference Germany is divided in four occupation zones (USSR, US, Britain, France) The US and the USSR are the real winners of the war The United Nations are born on October 24, 1945; it is new international organization to solve controversies, with specialized agencies The Bretton Woods Conference turns the dollar into the reference currency for international transactions; the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are established. The US is the world's economic superpower S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Two blocs facing each other Marshall Plan Launched by the US for Europe in order to counter the appeal of the communist parties, relaunch the European economies and create a market for American products Truman Doctrine There is a juxtaposition between the free world and the totalitarian regimes. Communism risks spreading, it should be contained The world is divided in two blocs, the Cold War begins S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The Berlin Crisis The Soviets block supplies to West Berlin; the Western powers organize an airlift to counter the blockade, they retain their influence on West Berlin S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Central-Eastern Europe after WWII Communist parties take power in some Central-Eastern European countries in 1947-1948, they become satellite countries of the USSR An exchange economic area is established, Cominform is created in 1947 Tito's Yugoslavia remains outside the Soviet bloc The Warsaw Pact is established in 1949 in order to counter NATO S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

NATO and the Warsaw Pact S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Decolonization begins The inhabitants of the colonies reject a comeback to the situation in place before the war They have taken part in the war and contributed to the Allies' victory Aspiration to full autonomy spreads The US supports the dismantling of the European empires S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Decolonization in Asia India, Ceylon and Burma become independent in 1947. The Indian movement for independence is guided by Gandhi The Dutch violently suppress the Indonesians, charging them with collaboration with the Japanese. The US threatens to suspend Marshall aid to the Netherlands, Indonesia is granted independence in 1949 France regains control of Laos and Cambodia, but it is confronted by the Vietminh's resistance in Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh. A France-controlled Vietnamese state is born in the South in 1949, the guerrilla continues in the North S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Decolonization and the Cold War The Cold War struggle influences decolonization: the USSR supports the Communist movements for independence in Asia Communist guerrilla fights the Britons in Malaysia, but the rebels are isolated. Malaysia becomes indipendent in 1957, but it remains in the Commonwealth The Philippines gain independence on July 4, 1946, but they remain closely tied to the US. The Communist resistance goes underground S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Decolonization in Asia S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

China before WWII Chang Kai-Shek takes the power in 1927, the West supports him. Mao and his followers seek refuge in the inland Mao bets on the rural proletariat to bring about a socialist revolution Both camps fight against the Japanese invasion S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The Chinese civil war Nationalists and Communists fight against the Japanese invasion Communists rely on guerrilla and gain control of Manchuria Nationalists engage with frontal clashes Nationalists control 80% of China at the end of WWII Communists manage to conquer all mainland China Nationalists take shelter in Taiwan, it becomes a republic S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The Korean War In 1950 Korea is divided in two South Korea North Korea (Kim Il Sung) Communist South Korea (Syngman Rhee) Western-oriented North Korea invades South Korea, receiving Chinese support UN intervention, promoted by the US The armistice is signed in July 1953, Korea remains divided S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The division of Vietnam Communist guerrilla starts in 1946, general Giap is the commander and Ho Chi Minh the political leader French troops defend Bao Dai's government and resist against the Vietminh's offensives The Communists achieve a decisive victory in Dien Bien Phu (March 1954) In May 1954 it is decided to divide Vietnam in two: North Vietnam is Communist and led by Ho Chi Minh, South Vietnam is Western-oriented and led by Ngô Đình Diệm S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The Middle East after WWII Syria Independent from France in 1946. Governed by the Baath party since 1951 Lebanon Independent from France in 1946. Very deep divisions between the different communities Nasser gains the power with a coup in 1952, a nationalist and secular regime is established. The Suez canal is nationalized in 1956 Egypt Iraq A coup establishes the republic in 1958. Oil is gradually nationalized Iran Mossadeq aims at nationalizing oil, but an US-supported coup removes him from power S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Chruščëv's USSR Stalin dies in March 1953 Nikita Chruščëv becomes leader of the USSR, he keeps his distance from Stalin At the 20th congress of the CPSU (1956) Chruščëv denounces the excesses of Stalinism Some structures of totalitarianism are dismantled: the gulag system is abandoned starting from 1960; the secret police is brought under control; economic reforms are promoted S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The Soviet bloc in the 1950s Chruščëv dissolves the Cominform in 1956 Relations with Yugoslavia are restored in 1955 Relations with China are strengthened, but China asserts its own autonomy from 1958 The Red Army intervenes in Hungary in 1956, in order to block Nagy's reforms (political pluralism, mixed economy, exit from the Warsaw Pact). Opposers are tried and executed S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The US and McCarthyism The Republican senator Joseph McCarthy promotes committees on un-American activities, which should collect evidence about sympathisers of the USSR For the US the 1950s are a period of economic growth and success of consumerism S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The welfare state Welfare policies are introduced In the Western countries Citizens are given social rights The state provides new services and transfers Different models of welfare develop in Europe and the US S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The superpowers' competition The US develop the H bomb in November 1952 The USSR produce intercontinental ballistic missiles in 1957 The Soviets build the first artificial satellite (Sputnik 1) Gagarin is the first human to journey in the outer space US astronauts reach the Moon in July 1969 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Decolonization in North Africa France recognizes the independence of Morocco and Tunisia in 1956 A movement for independence is active in Algeria since 1954 (FLN); Algeria is formally part of France A civil war breaks out between French settlers and Algerian people De Gaulle's comeback to power in June 1958 favours a solution of the war The Évian Accords of 1962 recognize Algeria's independence S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Decolonization in Africa African countries gain independence around 1960, but political, cultural and economic ties with the old powers are preserved (e.g. Union Française, Commonwealth) Neocolonialism The Cold War affects Africa S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Two cases: Kenya and South Africa In the 1950s Britain suppresses the movement for independence in Kenya (Mau Mau). It leaves Kenya in 1963, but Kenyatta creates an authoritarian and corrupt regime The South African Union achieves full independence from Britain in 1961, turning into the South African Republic. The power remains in the hands of the white minority S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

The independence of Congo An uprising leads Belgium to leave Congo in 1959, the country achieves independence in 1960 Lumumba heads the government, he promotes the nationalization of mines Belgian corporations oppose this development and instigate rebellions in the Katanga region Lumumba asks the UN and the USSR for support, but he has a limited success An US-backed coup brings general Mobutu to power in 1960 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

They reject the division of the world in two blocs The Bandung Conference The Bandung Conference of April 1955 lays the ground for political and economic cooperation between the Third World countries They reject the division of the world in two blocs S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

Tensions in India and Pakistan British India splits in two in 1947, India and Pakistan are formed as a result. Mass migrations follow Gandhi is killed by a Hindu extremist in 1948 Eastern Pakistan secedes from Pakistan in 1971 and takes the name of Bangladesh China occupies Tibet, in 1950 India calls for American support in order to counter the growing Chinese presence in the area S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016