ISI – Improve Sense of Initiative Grundtvig Programme


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Transcript della presentazione:

ISI – Improve Sense of Initiative Grundtvig Programme PARIS, June 13 and 14, 2013 Final Seminar “Which results to be transferrable Which feasibility” June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

7) Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; The 8 key competences 1) Communication in the mother tongue; 2) Communication in foreign languages; . 3) Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; 4) Digital competence; 5) Learning to learn; 6) Social and civic competences; 7) Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; 8) Cultural awareness and expression. June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

RESULTS TO BE PRODUCED 2 - Vocational training paths/ GUIDELINES for teachers coming from education and vocational guidance system about 7KC issues; 1 - New teaching methods about the 7KC 3 - Evaluation and certification methods and criteria about the 7KC. June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

October 2011 Start of Project December 2011 Kick off Meeting in PARIS: “Spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship: past experiences and innovative teaching methods” Agree about activities and project workplan, communication routes and roles, analyzing past experiences and looking for innovative teaching methods June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

March 2012 Second seminar in FLORENCE: Cedit: “Case Study method” Ierf: “Testimonies learning method” Provincia di Massa Carrara: “Role playing learning method” Tesk: “Team Working learning method” used in the project “Supporting woman entrepreneurship through training centres and relays” June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

July 2012 Third seminar in BORDEAUX: Validation of the first toolkit, Analysis and discussion about the teachers training toolkit: starting from what already exists, looking for the new possibilities June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

11-12 October 2012 Fourth Seminar in ANKARA: Debate about the delay in the delivering of the projects products and review of the project timeline – Presentation of the PPBL methodology: debate about the possibility to include It in the first toolkit June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011 7

7-8 March 2013 Fifth Seminar in CARRARA (IT): Reports from all the Partners about the results of the experimentation phase about the first TK presentation of the 7KC evaluation and certification issues by the Counsellor PhD Basilia Almansa Massa Carrara Province: presentation the public calls for proposals which include modules about 7KC June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

13-14 June 2013: Final Seminar in PARIS Tesk (Turchia) presents the result of the test phase Ierf presents the evaluation methodology in France Release and dissemination of the toolkits. Presentation of the ISI Website Preparing for the final report and ending administrative stuff June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011

entro il 30 settembre 2013 il Beneficiario dovra : ISI Final Report entro il 30 settembre 2013 il Beneficiario dovra : a) documentare l’esperienza svolta e i materiali prodotti, utilizzando il sistema EST (European Shared Treasure), disponibile sul sito dell’AN all’indirizzo / b) compilare on line e inviare in formato cartaceo il Rapporto Finale sull’esperienza realizzata. La compilazione del Rapporto Finale dovra essere fatta all’indirizzo / utilizzando Login e Password gia comunicati con la lettera di autorizzazione. Dopo la compilazione on line si dovra inoltre provvedere a stampare il Rapporto e ad inviarlo in formato cartaceo, debitamente datato e firmato in originale dal Rappresentante legale all’indirizzo indicato all’art. 15. Il Rapporto Finale rappresenta la richiesta del Beneficiario del pagamento del saldo finale spettante.

Thank you very much for your attention CEDIT Partner Coordinator Via S. Caterina d’Alessandria, 12 50129 FIRENZE Italy June 13-14, 2013 ISI Project Paris Final SeminarPARIS December 6-7 2011