P. Rossi JLAB12 Collaboration Meeting Roma, 9 Giugno 2011 JLAB12-LNF: outline PROCESSI FISICI IN STUDIO (analisi, pubblicazioni, proposals) - TMDs: dati eg1-dvcs (target polarizzata long.) - Produzione semi-inclusiva - Nuove proposte di misura (talk Sergio) HARDWARE: RICH detector - Ma-PMT test a Frascati (talk Marco) - test beam CERN MILESTONES 2012 P. Rossi JLAB12 Collaboration Meeting Roma, 9 Giugno 2011
2011 2012 JLAB12- Gruppo LNF Ricercatori/Tecnologi: 10.5 FTE M. Aghasyan (Ass. Ric.) S. Anefalos Pereira (Art. 23) E. De Sanctis (Dir.) D. Hasch (I Ric.) L. Hovsepyan (Assoc.) V. Lucherini (Dir.) M. Mirazita (Ric.) J. de Oliveira Echeimberg (Assoc.) S. Pisano (Assoc.) E. Polli (I Tecn.) P. Rossi (Resp) Tecnici: 0.4-0.6 FTE A. Orlandi, A. Viticchie’ 2011 Ricercatori/Tecnologi: 10.5 FTE M. Aghasyan (Ass. Ric.) S. Anefalos Pereira (Art. 23) E. De Sanctis (Dir.) D. Hasch (I Ric.) L. Hovsepyan (Assoc.) V. Lucherini (Dir.) M. Mirazita (Ric.) J. de Oliveira Echeimberg (Assoc.) S. Pisano (Assoc.) E. Polli (I Tecn.) P. Rossi (Resp) Tecnici: 0.8-1.0 FTE A. Orlandi, A. Viticchie’ 2012
Milestones 2011 ✔ ✔ Milestones Termine review e sottomissione articolo “Beam Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive 0 production” Conclusione analisi e sottomissione nota analisi (M. Mirazita) “Semi-inclusive polarization at CLAS” Continuazione Analisi (S. Pereira) “Measurement of the spin azimuthal asymmetry of the r0 and r+ in polarized electron Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering experiments” Continuazione Analisi (M. Aghasyan) “Measurement of the spin azimuthal asymmetry of the 0/+/- in polarized electron Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering experiments” Sviluppo Generatore Monte Carlo per TMDs (D. Hasch) Test run HDice target con elettroni (Aprile 2011) Tests prototipo RICH (aerogel + photodetectors) (V. Lucherini, M. Mirazita, P. Rossi) CND completamento tests e definizione elettronica ✔ 80% ✔
..in aggiunta alle milestones programmate 2 nuove proposte di misura verranno sottomesse al PAC di Agosto: Studies of Dihadron Electroproduction in DIS with Unpolarized and Longitudinally Polarized Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets (S. Pereira co-spokesperson, S. Pisano) Studies of pion and kaon Electroproduction in semi-inclusive DIS with Transversely Polarized Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets (M. Aghasyan co-spokesperson)
Experiment E05-113: eg1-dvcs Polarized target (NH3/ND3) Inner Calorimeter (424 PbWO4 crystals) to detect high energy photons at forward lab angles. IC 13o 50o Data taking february-september 2009 (114 days of running) Beam Polarization 80% <NH3 Polarization> 77% <ND3 Polarization> 28%
0/+/- 0/+/- 0/+ 0/+/- SIDIS Cross Section Long. Pol. Target dh dq(y)FF 0/+/- 0/+/- Long. Pol. Target eg1-dvcs 2009 data (6 GeV) 0/+ 0/+/- FUL Bacchetta et al., JHEP 0702:093,2007
Experiment E05-113: p target and beam spin asymmetries Mher Aghasyan’s work Only in case of strict cuts and selecting good run list with old cook
Experiment E05-113: Semi-inclusive + and 0 asymmetries Found kinematical cuts to select r0 and r+ channels Monte Carlo results reproduce reasonable well the data Sergio Pereira’s work + exp. data - total fit - background - r+ (770) + exp. data - total fit - background - r0 (770) - f0 (980) Next steps: - run the Monte Carlo with the polarized target and the full geometry in order to: calculate the acceptance; r identification cuts. - extraction of the r+ and r0 asymmetries
CLAS12 PID RICH RICH RICH RICH RICH p/K p/p K/p e/p GeV/c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 p/K p/p K/p e/p TOF HTCC EC/PCAL RICH LTCC RICH LTCC RICH HTCC RICH LTCC RICH LTCC This is the PID currently we have in Hall B with the baseline equipment. LTCC has not sufficient rejection power for pions to allow a good detection for kaons full pion / kaon / proton separation over whole accessible momentum range of 2 – 8 GeV for SIDIS exp. SIDIS kinematics p/K separation of 4-5 s @ 8 GeV/c for a rejection factor ~1000
RICH for CLAS12 Aerogel mandatory to separate hadrons in the 2-8 GeV/c momentum range collection of visible Cherenkov light use of PMTs Challenging project, crucial to minimize: Detector area (high cost due to large surface and expensive photo-detectors) RICH Option under investigation: proximity focusing RICH + mirrors Monte Carlo simulation with GEANT4 in progress (talk by Luciano) - Tests MA-PMTs in progress (talk by Marco) - Test beam at CERN on July 11-22 in preparation - CDR to be presented 1st week of August to Jlab management in preparation INSTITUTIONS ARGONNE NL INFN Bari, Ferrara, Genova, Frascati, Roma/ISS GLASGOW U. JLAB U. CONN UTFSM (Chile) RADIATOR
Test at CERN Goals of the test: Study of the single photon response of H8500 and R8900 in the experimental conditions Validations of MC simulations and reconstruction program RICH - Negative hadrons with p~3.5 GeV/c (possibly up to 5 GeV/c) - Beam intensity ~ 3x105 hadrons/s - N(p) / N(K) ~ 60 - Hadron pulse rate RADIATOR 400ms 40s
Test at CERN d= 40 cm p=3.5 GeV/c RC (p) = 12.7 ± 0.5 cm RC (K) = 11.3 ± 0.5 cm RICH RC (p)-RC (K) ~2.5 cm within 1 H8500 Work in progress to: Build the mechanical supports for aerogel and PMTs Implement the electronics (provided by the Roma group) in the test box Build the trigger for the acquisition RADIATOR Acquisition program provided by the Roma group
Milestones 2012 Milestones Sottomissione articolo “Semi-inclusive polarization at CLAS” Continuazione Analisi (dati eg1-dvcs) “Measurement of the spin azimuthal asymmetry of the r0 and r+ in polarized electron Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering experiments” “Measurement of the spin azimuthal asymmetries of the 0/+/- in polarized electron Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering experiments” Continuazione studio produzione 2-adroni per CLAS12 (analisi dei dati a 6 GeV per pubblicazione?) Continuazione sviluppo Generatore Monte Carlo per TMDs Preparazione proposal da sottomettere al PAC del 2012 “Semi-inclusive polarization with CLAS12” Test run HDice target con elettroni (Dicembre 2011/Aprile 2012 ?) Test prototipo RICH al CERN (aerogel + photon detectors + mirrors)