1 M&O cat A - consuntivo provvisorio modifica del preventivo 2004 M&O cat B ancora non sono previsti. (saranno presentati al RRB di Aprile) Profili di spese CORE e CF per gli anni 2003 e 2004 Nuova situazione costi-funding (T.N. spieghera` la situazione corrente post riottimizzazione di LHCb e proporra` una possibile soluzione) LHCB G. Martellotti CSN1 13-Ottobre-2003 RRB del 22 Ottobre
Detector related costs Secretariat On-Call communications On-line Computing Test Beams Laboratory Operations General Services Total Power M&O-A vecchie previsioni di spesa
3 Item listSpending to Sept 2003 Budget CHF Detector related costs05,000 Secretariat70,929120,000 Communications07,000 On-line computing00 Test beams, calibration facilities40,765120,000 Laboratory operations25,36555,000 General services4,553143,000 Total141,612450,000 Power ( 2004) 120,000 Current Spending of the Category A Budget for 2003 The total spending for the year will amount to < ~ 300 kCHF (we expect little charge for cooling, ventilation and maintenance of the gas systems. We will probably not spend all the amount foreseen for survey) Avremo un credito che si aggiungera` al credito di 44 kCHF del 2002
4 M&O-A revised Costs in 2004 Detector related costs0 Secretariat95 Communications9 On-line computing90 Test beams, calibration facilities40 Laboratory operations45 General services230 kCHF Total509 Power120 Reduced the amounts foreseen for the test beam gas sytems and gas consumption, the charges for cooling and ventilation, for the economat and printing, and for on-line computing system support (from 1 FTE to 0.5 FTE). Italia (18.37%) 93,49 kCHF Era 802
CALO (PM) 1546, ,298 DAH 60, ,000 MAGNET ,000 INFRASTRUCTURE 300, ,000 MUON 100,000 TOTAL 3906, ,298 Expected Common Fund Spending (kCHF)
6 I profili di spese CORE inviati al RRB non tengono ancora conto delle decisioni INFN nella CSN1 di Settembre (ci sono variazioni rilevanti). Le tavole saranno aggiornate nella presentazione del resource coordinator A.Smith il 22 Ottobre Planned CORE spending 2003 Le cifre aggiornate saranno : Muon kCHF RICH --
7 Planned CORE spending 2004 Le cifre aggiornate saranno : Muon 850 kCHF RICH 330 kCHF Totale1180
8 Cost of the experiment VELO4.82 IT2.47 TT3.40 OT6.23 RICH9.57 Calo15.06 Muon detect.6.93 Muon Fe4.00 L0 Trig2.26 DAQ&CPU farm5.71 ECS&TFC1.58 Computing infra.0.71 Experiment infra.4.00 Magnet6.00 0.72 Total cost = MCHF( 2.31 MCHF from the MoU cost) cf. MoU 0.28 3.86 1.87 0.30 0.52 0.06 MoU included VETO Now all Si TT *) 10 3 stations *) New RICH1 *) &MaPMT analogue cost With VETO *) due to reoptimization Increase of RICH1 mechanics from TDR = 492kCHF: B field shielding box, Be mirror, superstructure, etc. T. Nakada
9 Revised Funding situation Funding agencyMoURevisedComments Brazil1.70 MoU not signed China MoU by Tsinghua Uni. IN2P3 (FR) extra engineering effort by Annecy BMBF (DE) MoU to be signed MPG (DE) INFN (IT) extra cont. to Muon FOM(NL) Poland MoU to be signed Romania Russia32.5 move to LHC, CERN partially compensates Spain22 Switzerland UK Ukraine CERN inclu. muon Fe, Russian compensation T. Nakada
10 Funding balance and strategy Current funding prospect MCHF Current detector cost MCHF Balance MCHF 1 MCHF missing for 73 MCHF experiment i.e. 1.4% missing fund, practically funded However, we need to move funding between the different subsystems from what was agreed in MoU in order to balance. T. Nakada
11 Cost-funding Matrix (proposta dal CB di LHCb il 19 Settembre e mostrata in CSN1 il 24 Settembre)
12 Profilo CORE INFN (kCHF) aggiornato assumendo le decisioni della CSN1 di Sett. E la Cost-Matrix precedente : Anni< Totale Common Fund Rivelatore Mu RICH Trigger Calo 430 DAH/L1&HLT 550 TOTALE Rivelatore Mu Totale preventivato 5450 5770 Trigger Calo 430 DAH/L1&HLT 550 Cambiamenti per INFN :
13 Alternativa da noi proposta : (+ 320 kCHF per il MU vengono da Cern e CF e non da INFN) INFN : Rivelatore Mu - Totale 5450 Trigger Calo 430 DAH/L1&HLT 870 Il profilo globale INFN non cambia sostanzialmente Anni< Totale Common Fund Rivelatore Mu RICH Trigger Calo 430 DAH/L1&HLT 870 TOTALE
14 Agency (subsystem)MoUNewComments CERN (ST)0.00 0.61 CERN (OT)3.40 0.00 CERN (RICH)1.00 2.07 CERN (Muon)0.20 0.52( for Fe) CERN (Online)0.73 0.55 IT (Muon)4.85 5.45(0.6 extra) IT (Trigger)0.80 0.43 IT (Online)0.50 0.87 UK (RICH)5.70 6.30 UK (Online)0.60 0.00 CF (OT)0.90 0.63 CF (Muon)0.00 0.40Due to no Brazilian funding CF (Online)3.50 2.69 For a possible scheme, major changes are (MCHF) T. Nakada
15 Nuova cost-funding Matrix T. Nakada
16 Missing fund >100 kCHF are RICH200 kCHF Online602 kCHF Online cost is mainly the CPU’s (~2000), will be bought as late as possible 1)Keep trying to get funding from Brazil 2)Start with a smaller number of processors (25% less) T. Nakada