1 SAR Data for Antarctica Observation Workshop FRINGE 2003, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Rome) 1-5 December, 2003 Paolo Berardino, Michele Manunta, Massimo Marrazzo, Maurizio Migliaccio, Massimo Tranfaglia, Riccardo Lanari. CNR-IREA, Via Diocleziano 328, Napoli, Italy. Università di Cagliari, DIEE, Piazza dArmi Cagliari, Italy. Università di Napoli Parthenope, Istituto Onde elettromagnetiche, Via Acton Napoli, Italy.
2 SAR Images and their application to a ratio filter Fig.1: Magnitude SAR image of 13 February, 1996 (ERS-1, orbit #23960). Fig.2: Ratio image relevant to Fig.1. Fig.3: Inset of Fig.1.Fig.4: Ratio image relevant to Fig.3.
3 IFSAR Products Fig.5: Coherence map (a) and fringes (b) obtained by processing the tandem acquisition of April ab