La vita quotidiana Una giornata tipica In this presentation you are going to learn how to talk about your daily routine and use reflexive verbs.
Me svaglio alle…
Mi alzo verso le 7.00
Mi lavo I denti
Faccio la doccia alle 7.15
Mi visto alle….
Prendo colazione
Sco di casa
Vado a scuola
Torno a casa
Mi relasso un po’…
Vado al letto
Empareja el español con el inglés Mi alzo Mi sveglio Mi lavo il denti Faccio la doccia Mi visto Sco de casa Vado a scuola Torno a casa Mi relasso Vado al letto I get dressed I go home I wake up I go to bed I get up I clean my teeth I relax I have a shower/bath I get myself ready I go to school
Traducete le frasi in italiano: I get dressed at 7.30 I get up at 6.45 I wake up at 6.30 I clean my teeth at 7.45 I relax at 8.00 I come home at 3.30 I go to school at 8.00 I get myself ready at 7.45 I have a shower at 7.00 I go to bed at 10.30
In Classe Create your own daily schedule Write 10 routines you do on a daily basis. Make sure you add action of what you do and the time you complete the action. Start off with “I wake up” and end with “I go to sleep / to bed” DUE : today in class!