L’European Finance Association Annual Meeting a Lugano Conferenza stampa di presentazione Lunedì 5 maggio 2014.

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Presentazione sul tema: "L’European Finance Association Annual Meeting a Lugano Conferenza stampa di presentazione Lunedì 5 maggio 2014."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 L’European Finance Association Annual Meeting a Lugano Conferenza stampa di presentazione Lunedì 5 maggio 2014

2 L’Annual Meeting dell’European Finance Association  European Finance Association (EFA), fondata a Cambridge nel 1974  Riunisce il meglio della comunità accademica nell’ambito della finanza a livello mondiale, quest'anno sono previsti 650 partecipanti  Sono stati candidati 1,793 paper (un record) e solo 240 di questi saranno selezionati per essere presentati

3 Il programma completo

4 SFI Industry Forum (August 29, 2014)/1 Four short “power speeches” on Challenges in Asset Management The Rise of a New World Order Dr. Burkhard Varnholt, Head Investment Solutions Group (ISG) & Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Julius Baer, CH Do Investment Consultants Add Value? Prof. Tim Jenkinson, Said Business School, Oxford University, UK Hit Rates and Win-Loss Ratios of Long-only Active Managers Prof. Narayan Naik, London Business School, UK Blurring the Lines: The Convergence of Private and Public Equity Dr. Frank Hatheway, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, NASDAQ OMX Group

5 SFI Industry Forum (August 29, 2014)/2 Panel Discussion “The risk-adjusted price of delegation in asset management” Trillions of dollars of assets are managed through complex delegation arrangements. Does the delegation of asset management offer value to investors? Does the value match the price? If not, what do mismatches between price and value of delegation portend for the future of asset management?  Dr. Andreas Schlatter, Head of Global Asset Management Switzerland, UBS, CH Dr. Andreas Schlatter  Anne Richards, Chief Investment Officer, Aberdeen Asset Management, UK Anne Richards  Name tba, Pioneer Investments

6 Keynote Speaker: Robert J. Shiller, 2013 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economic Sciences

7 L’Istituto di Finanza dell’USI  L´Istituto di Finanza coordina le attività di ricerca della Facoltà discipline finanziarie:  Asset pricing  Corporate finance  Metodi quantitativi  Formazione:  3 Master in Finance, Banking and Finance e Financial Communication  Dottorato  Vi lavorano 60 ricercatori attivi ed è membro dello Swiss Finance Institute

8 Lo Swiss Finance Institute  Ponte tra la ricerca accademica e la pratica in finanza  3 centri:  Léman (Unige, Unil, EPFL)  Lugano (USI)  Zurich (UZH, ETH)

9 Global Partner Event Partners Supplying Partners

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