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PubblicatoConcetta Angelica Gentili Modificato 7 anni fa
MONBOX Federico Bitelli bitelli<at>
Dipartimento di Fisica Università Roma Tre e INFN-ROMA3 II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
Outline Introduction to R-GMA How to install a Mon Box
II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November 2
Introduction to R-GMA Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA)
Provides Information (which resources are available on the Grid) and Monitoring Services Developed as part of the EuropeanDataGrid Project (EDG) Now as part of the EGEE project. Uses a relational data model. Data are viewed as tables. Data structure defined by the columns. Each entry is a row (tuple). Queried using Structured Query Language (SQL). II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
R-GMA Components II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
R-GMA Components (Server)
R-GMA Server : the server part of R-GMA infrastructure that is used by the different producers and consumers. It is divided into four components: R-GMA Server The server component of the Information System. There can be one or several servers per grid site. R-GMA Schema Server The server component that is used for the schema in the IS. There is one common global schema server for the grid. R-GMA Registry Server The registry server for the grid. There can be one or several registry servers per grid. R-GMA Browser Browser to browse information of the IS via a web browser. II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
R-GMA Components (Clients)
R-GMA Clients : the client part of R-GMA contains the producer and consumers of information. Generic Client A generic set of APIs for different languages and command line interfaces that are installed on the User Interfaces. R-GMA Servicetool (or Service Publisher) Client to publish the existence and status of (a) service(s). The servicetool is used by each service that wants to publish its existence status to R-GMA. R-GMA Site Publisher Client to publish existence of a site. Each site must have one R-GMA site publisher. II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
R-GMA Components (Clients)
R-GMA GadgetIN (GIN) Client to extract information from MDS and to republish it to R-GMA. It is used by the Computing Element (CE) to publish its information. R-GMA data archiver (flexible archiver) Client to make the data that is coming from the R-GMA site-publisher, servicetool and GIN constantly available. II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
Mon Box The Mon Box metapackage will install on your node a R- GMA-based monitoring system collector server and a GridICE collector. Usually it is possible to configure a Storage Element (SE) as both GridICE and R-GMA collector server. In this case GRIDICE_SERVER_HOST and MON_HOST values in the site-info.def of your nodes have to be set to the hostname of your SE. If you decide to run these services in a dedicated node you can use the Mon Box profile, and set the two variables to the hostname of that node. II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
Mon Box Installation II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November 9
Pre-requisites yum install java-1.5.0-sun-compat tomcat5
Start with a machine with Scientific Linux CERN 4.X installed. Verify that these packages are installed and properly configured: yum install java sun-compat tomcat5 yum install ntp yum install gilda_utils yum install lcg-CA yum install mysql-server II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November 10
Mon Box related variables
$MON_HOST -> the Mon Box you're using $GRIDICE_SERVER_HOST=$MON_HOST $MYSQL_PASSWORD=passwd_root Specific variables are in: /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/services/glite-mon Please copy and edit those files in your <confdir>/services directory (have a look to ”YAIM configuration files”). II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November 11
Installation and configuration
Start the download and installation of all the needed packages using the following command: yum install ig_MON Configure the Mon Box according to the parameters written into the my-site-info.def: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/ig_yaim -c -s My-site-info.def -n ig_MON Remember to open port 8443 on the firewall If u install on a DPM node /opt/glite/yaim/bin/ig_yaim -c –s My-site-info.def ig- SE_dpm_mysql ig_MON if u install on the DPM change the port 8443 because it is used by SRM # vi /opt/glite/yaim/functions/config_rgma_server): II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November 12
II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid
ICTP, Trieste November
Check that all services are running properly:
/etc/init.d/rgma-servicetool status /etc/init.d/rgma-publish-site status /etc/init.d/edg-fmon-server status Try to connect to the R-GMA Browser with a web browser at the following address: II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
Testing 1 # /opt/glite/bin/rgma-server-check
*** Running R-GMA server tests on *** Checking Tomcat is running on the local machine... Successfully connected to Tomcat. Java VM version: 1.5.0_16 (OK) Connecting to Successfully connected to Schema. Using PongServlet (1) on Using certificate /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/hostcert.pem. Using key /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/hostkey.pem. Checking other servlets... Connecting to Checking clock synchronization: OK Connecting to Connecting to Connecting to Connecting to streaming port 8088 on *** R-GMA server test successful *** II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
Mysql db #mysql -p -u root #mysql> show databases; +------------+
| accounting | | mysql | | test | II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
mysql> connect accounting; Current database: accounting
mysql> show tables; | Tables_in_accounting | | BlahdRecords | | EventRecords | | GkRecords | | LcgProcessedFiles | | LcgRecords | | MessageRecords | | RepublishInfo | | SpecRecords | | SpecRecords_ | 9 rows in set (0.00 sec) II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid ICTP, Trieste November
TXT FILE II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid
ICTP, Trieste November
II Corso di formazione INFN per amministratori di siti Grid
ICTP, Trieste November
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