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Presentazione sul tema: "TRAINING for EMPLOYEES"— Transcript della presentazione:

Module 1: SELF-MANAGEMENT Questo modello può essere utilizzato come file iniziale per la presentazione di materiale didattico per la formazione in gruppo. Sezioni Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse su una diapositiva per aggiungere sezioni. Le sezioni possono essere utili per organizzare le diapositive o agevolare la collaborazione tra più autori. Note Utilizzare la sezione Note per indicazioni sull'esecuzione della presentazione oppure per fornire informazioni aggiuntive per il pubblico. Mostrare queste note nella visualizzazione Presentazione durante la presentazione. Valutare con attenzione le dimensioni dei caratteri, importanti per l'accessibilità, la visibilità, la registrazione video e la produzione online. Colori coordinati Prestare particolare attenzione ai grafici, ai diagrammi e alle caselle di testo. Tenere presente che i partecipanti eseguiranno la stampa in bianco e nero o in gradazioni di grigio. Eseguire una stampa di prova per assicurarsi che i colori risultino comunque efficaci e chiari in una stampa in solo bianco e nero e in gradazioni di grigio. Grafica, tabelle e grafici Scegliere la semplicità: se possibile utilizzare stili e colori coerenti, che non rappresentino elementi di distrazione. Assegnare un'etichetta a tutti i grafici e a tutte le tabelle. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Project n° IT01-KA The Digital Workplace: skills for a changing work environment

2 WELCOME! focus of the module self-management as starting point to improve our professional development in every working environment AND in digital/remote/smart working

3 Objectives of the module
0. INTRODUCTION: definition of self-management SELF-KNOWLEDGE: starting point for development SELF-EFFICACY & PROACTIVITY: being responsible OBJECTIVES: setting objectives is an art TIME MANAGEMENT: being aware of time PRODUCTIVITY: tools and methods for productivity LIFELONG LEARNING: the attitude to learn


5 Who is “well self-managed”?
Someone who: is able to orientate his/her own motivation & enthusiasm towards the continous improvement of his/her work is able to manage time productively shows a continous attitude towards learning. intrinsic

6 It’s a matter of responsability
Self-management implies responsability Our life is condicioned by several factors… … but is not determined! Self-knowledge Self-confidence A sort of… faith

7 6 keys to self-management
Self-knowledge Self-efficacy & Proactivity Objectives Time management Productivity Lifelong learning


9 Self-knowledge is… The starting point for every personal improvement (including learning) Means becoming aware of: who we are our strenght points

Intra (first) & inter-personal = personal characteristics, values, beliefs, emotions… Is needed to manage our capacity Is a form of wisdom

11 HOW TO:

12 HOW TO: Self-assessment: Locus of control Self-efficacy level
Emotional intelligence


14 Self-efficacy Is the belief about possible success & the capacity to achieve success Is influenced by self-confidence , by our personal story and, above all, by our personal interpretation of our story “if I believe that I can and I feel that I can, my effort will be stronger and the possibilities to achieve the objectives will be higher”

15 Proactivity The attitude to take control of our life, to take initiative and decisions about its development and direction It empowers us On the contrary, REACTIVITY is the attitude to take no control of our life, to believe to have no possibility to impact on it

16 HOW TO DEVELOP THEM Do a list of your successes with details of constraints Surroud yourself with people who empower you Analyse your emotions Consider failure as a learning opportunity Celebrate each success When in a problem solving situation, analyse each factor and everything you can do


18 Why setting objectives
It is closely linked to self-management and success orientation Helps keeping focused on outcomes Keeps performance and quality high Implies the desire to overcome current standards

19 How setting objectives
S pecific Details exactly what it has to be done M easurable Must be measured (in numbers) A mbitious Get out of your comfort-zone! R ealistic Possible to attain (important to motivate) T ime-bounded Time period for achieving clearly stated

20 HOW TO If there is long-term objective, break-down it into micro-objectives Write it/them down; express and discute them Share it/them with peers and chiefs


22 PLANNING & ORGANIZING Planning = identify what we have to do, the decisions to make and the actions to perform (= what) Organizing = identify the means and tools we need, allocate them and establish their function (= how) REMEMBER time cannot be created, destroyed or even managed!!! WE ONLY CAN MANAGE WHAT WE DO WITH IT

23 What about procrastination?
(you should be working) Keeps us far from our target Demotivates us Produces negative feelings

24 HOW TO The T in SMART Identity with attention the means you need
Be realistic Minimize distractions Set deadlines (even hours) Start! Rewards yourself

25 Ideas & Tips if working from home
Keep everuthing you need in one room only Respect breaks and relax time & do workout Set daily targets Concentrate and organize activities out of home in one day only (value your time) Keep your equipment updated Learn to say no!


27 Relevance vs. Urgency Something is RELEVANT if contributes to the achievement of goals Something is URGENT when requires immediate attention – it can be irrelevant The scheme developed by Eisenhower during the II WW is a very useful and effective tool to distinguish and prioritize

28 4 possibilities Max Relevance We live like firemen! Min Urgency
Activities to achieve results Essential & Unavoidable Wasting time “self-deception” activities We live like firemen! Min Urgency Max Urgency Min Relevance

29 HOW TO Use tools: Calendar & agenda (better if shared); Timetable, GANNT and others; Apps (Trello, Asana etc.); Retroplanning What about MULTITASKING? Know your biorithm and follow it Do workout and keep in shape Schedule time for thinking, planning & organizing tools


31 Life & Work are not what they used to be
Life & Work before Life & Work today

32 It’s a VUCA world

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