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La Business Intelligence a supporto della tua Azienda

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2 La Business Intelligence a supporto della tua Azienda
Giacomo Lorusso Italy Sales Director Business Intelligence 6 Novembre 2007

3 “Intelligence”: la capacità di generare informazioni e conoscenza sui processi di business,sulla propria organizzazione, sul mercato e sui clienti partendo dai propri dati”. Business Intelligence Executive Information System Innanzitutto proviamo a dare una definizione di intelligence. Forse avete già sentito parlare di Business Intelligence, Supporto alle Decisioni, Sistemi Decisionali, CRM, ….. Quello che chiameremo “intelligence” e’ questo ma anche di più, “intelligence” è una cultura aziendale, è la voglia di conoscere, non per pura curiosità ma perché più conosciamo più siamo in grado di creare valore in azienda. Supporto alle Decisioni CRM Reporting Strategico Customer Intelligence

4 Business Intelligence
Fornire le giuste informazioni alle differenti persone in azienda, nel momento giusto, affinché queste siano supportate nel prendere le decisioni migliori ed ottenere dunque vantaggi competitivi. Copyright © 2006, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Information Revolution
Telephone: 17.3 Exabytes/year Internet traffic: petabytes/month Total blogs: 35,075,755 New blogs in past 24 hrs: 46,964 Update blogs by going to Last updated June 14, 2006 s: 35,000,000,000/day (400,000 Terabytes/yr)

6 Perché la Business Intelligence è una priorità Ieri: Riorganizzazione Sistemi Gestionali

7 Perché la Business Intelligence è una priorità Crescenti volumi di dati

8 Perché la Business Intelligence è una priorità
 Rigidità dei Sistemi Gestionali / Operazionali  Difficoltà a fornire alle funzioni informazioni di sintesi e coerenti  difficoltà nel cogliere i fenomeni e reagire tempestivamente

9 Acquisire e integrare i dati aziendali per generare in tempi rapidi
informazioni e conoscenza allo scopo di: Comprendere i fenomeni Razionalizzare i costi Individuare opportunità Ridurre i rischi delle decisioni Prevedere Cambiamenti e Simulare Scenari Avere una chiara visione e Misura delle performance aziendali Let’s look at another approach to leveraging the operational infrastructure – the concept of the Enterprise Intelligence Platform. Simply stated, the goal of an intelligence platform is to bridge the gap between what you have – which is a lot of data from a lot of systems – and what you want to achieve – whether it’s compliance or increased profitability or decreased risk, or managing your organization's performance… That gap is bridged by a process, which we’ve divided into four stages…. 9 Copyright © 2005, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Conoscere Misurare Allineare Valutare Stimare Simulare Prevedere Analizzare Organizzare

11 Conoscere,Misurare,Stimare,Prevedere …..
Patrimonio dell’azienda Asset non replicabile dalla concorrenza Asset che mantiene il valore al mutare degli scenari Alla base delle strategie del cambiamento “ Misurare con la BI significa essere in grado di valutare oggettivamente come e quanto si stia cambiando rispetto ai piani previsti inizialmente “

12 Business Intelligence Diversi gradi di Maturità
Improve Performance Enterprise Performance Management Capacità Predittive Modelli delle relazioni tra Strategie e Azioni Algoritmi di Forecasting Avanzati Metodi di Simulazione, What-If Analysis Manage & Control Performance Business Logic, Processi e Regole Formulazione di Strategia, Obiettivi, Azioni Relazioni causa/effetto, non gerarchiche, tra drivers e misure Report Performance Accedere e Consolidare i dati rilevanti Report sullo stato Attuale Mostrare KPI’s Viste Strutturate, Gerarchiche Fase 1 Fase 2 Fase 3

13 Drive the Power of Information
$ROI Optimization What is the best that could happen ? Predictive Modeling Descriptive Modeling& OLAP What will happen ? Ad hoc Reports Standard Reports Use this slide to position the analytical vs. historical/descriptive view of the customer Growing level of use of analytics What? – historical data, i.e., sales of CD’s in geography; reports/OLAP Why? – descriptive modeling I.e., why did someone default on a loan Predictive – what will happen? Buy a product? Close an account? Leave the bank? Optimize – best can happen?….will address more later….. Why did it happen ? Cleaned Data Raw Data What happened ? Data Information Knowledge Intelligence

14 Risultati della Business Intelligence
Cosa succedera’ ? Qual’ e’ la migliore stima ? Innovation Optimization Business Value Quante volte? Quanti? Cosa è successo? Forecasting / Data Mining / Modeling La maggior parte dei progetti che osserverete a SAS i-days traggono i maggiori benefici dall’integrazione, che riduce il Time to Intelligence Reporting / OLAP Best-of-Breed Data Management Data Access/Quality Utilizzo di Intelligence

15 Enterprise Performance Management System Integrates Transaction, Intelligence, Financial Systems
Financial Performance Management Modeling Planning & Budgeting Financial Management Financial & Statutory Reporting Metrics & Scorecards Financial Performance Management Enterprise Performance Management System Transactional Systems Operational BI Systems Operational Business Intelligence Sales & CRM Financials Supply Chain HR Procurement Data Warehouse Data Integration Query & Analysis OLAP Dashboards Enterprise/ Operational Reporting Alerts & Workflow 15

16 Leadership indiscussa di mercato

17 Insight Performance Action
Il segreto di una soluzione EPM di successo Completezza ed integrazione Insight Performance Action Set Goals Plan Monitor Analyze Report Align Oracle is focused on creating an enterprise performance management system. I’d like to begin today by sharing with you our vision for enterprise performance management. This slides presents the advantages and benefits that a well run management cycle brings to an organization. I think you’ll agree that the best way to run a business is to set goals, to put plans in place to achieve those goals, to monitor the execution of the plans, to analyze the results, report back to the stakeholders and then align the business with what we have learned. In reality however, most organizations are even challenged to do parts of this management cycle, let alone make it an effective, efficient process within the business.

18 La soluzione proposta da Oracle Hyperion
Web Office Desktop Mobile Embedded Financial Performance Management Applications Operational BI Applications Business Intelligence Foundation Essbase This is a high level view of the Oracle enterprise performance management system technology stack. Starting from the bottom are the plethora of data sources that need to be spanned in order to bring together the wealth of information that an organization has. This is accomplished through the Fusion middleware layer, which provides a consistent infrastructure to manage identities, data access and data flow. This feeds into the business intelligence foundation, which provides a common enterprise information model. This makes it much simpler for various roles within the organization to access a consistent set of information, both in terms of data definition, as well as in calculations. The next layer includes the market leading financial performance management applications and the operational business intelligence applications that service the various needs across all of the functions of the business. And finally the ability to drive these systems and the information they contain, through all of the delivery mechanisms that organizations expect today. From the web, to tight integration with Microsoft Office, to desktop tools and mobile computing. Equally important is the ability to embed this intelligence back in to the transactional systems. Fusion Middleware OLTP & ODS Systems Data Warehouse Data Mart Multidimensional SAP, Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, Custom Excel XML Business Process

19 Business Intelligence Foundation
Speaker notes: Oracle and Hyperion both had a broad set of BI reporting and analysis tools, so one of the first things we’ve done is to create one bundle of products to make the selection process easier for new customers. 19

20 Business Intelligence Applications
Speaker notes: Oracle and Hyperion both had a broad set of BI reporting and analysis tools, so one of the first things we’ve done is to create one bundle of products to make the selection process easier for new customers. 20

21 Financial Performance Management Applications
Common Workspace, Reporting & Analysis Tools Performance Scorecard Strategic Planning Planning & Budgeting Financial Close

22 Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition Plus
Interactive Dashboards Ad-hoc Analysis Proactive Detection and Alerts Microsoft Office Reporting & Publishing BI Publisher Financial Reporting Interactive Reporting SQR Production Reporting Web Analysis Common Enterprise Information Model Oracle BI Server Intelligent Caching Services Optimized Data Access Services Intelligent Request Generation Insight Performance Action Set Goals Plan Monitor Analyze Report Align Hyperion Essbase OLTP & ODS Systems Data Warehouse Data Mart SAP, Oracle PeopleSoft, Siebel, Custom Apps Files Excel XML Business Process Financial Performance Management Applications

23 From 360o Myopia 360o Finance View 360o Customer-Centric View
Marketing Sales Accounting Manufacturing HR 360o Finance View 360o Customer-Centric View 360o Supply-Chain View 360o Product-Centric View

24 360o View of the Business From 360o Myopia, To 360o Focus Compliance
Marketing Sales Accounting Manufacturing HR 360o View of the Business Compliance Productivity Profitability Transparency Opportunities Risk Efficiency Challenges

25 Un’unica interfaccia web per tutte le modalità della Business Intelligence
Dashboards ▪ Ad Hoc Query ▪ Production Reporting ▪ Financial Reporting ▪ Scorecards ▪ Advanced Analytics ▪ Data Mining ▪ Visualization ▪ Metrics Management


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