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Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa

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Presentazione sul tema: "Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa
Lezione 12 Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa

2 Creating Shared Values (Valore Condiviso)

3 In che cosa consiste? Prodotti che risolvono problemi sociali o ambientali Catene del valore dove i problemi sociale e ambientali vengano gestiti

4 Nestlé CSV: Programmi di supporto ai produttori di caffé

5 Nespresso

6 Monclear La regione ha un discreto numero di fabbriche ereditate dal sistema industriale sovietico, peraltro contraddistinte da tecnologie superate e inquinanti.

7 Moncler non ha una politica di Responsabilità Sociale

8 Apple - Foxconn

9 Reazione

10 Primark


12 Primark Bangladesh Factory Collapse 26/04/2013
The company is shocked and deeply saddened by this appalling incident at Savar, near Dhaka, and expresses its condolences to all of those involved. Primark confirms that one of its suppliers occupied the second floor of the eight storey building, which housed several suppliers to the garment industry making clothing for a number of brands. Primark has been engaged for several years with NGOs and other retailers to review the Bangladeshi industry’s approach to factory standards. Primark will push for this review to also include building integrity. Meanwhile Primark’s ethical trade team is at this moment working to collect information, assess which communities the workers come from, and to provide support where possible.

13 Cosa hanno fatto subito dopo
Former employees and their families from the Rana Plaza building disaster queue for food parcels supplied by Primark with the support of a local NGO partner. We are supplying almost 1,000 food parcels a week to families affected by the building collapse. Each package contains enough dry food for a family of four for one week and includes items such as rice, lentils, biscuits, tea, oil, salt and sugar.

14 Shell Oil




18 Monsanto


20 Diffusione del Round Up/Glifosato come pesticida

21 ….che è tossico! It destroys other crops
It causes cancer and birth defects

22 Per concludere Essere socialmente responsabili cosa significa?

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