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MARUEEB Erasmus+ CBHE project 561890-2015E-JP
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Project work Comparative analysis of heat loss of different materials cover constructions by Levchenko, Artem V., Ph.D. Student Scientific supervisor: Polikutin, Aleksei E., Ph.D of technical sciences Saint-Petersburg, 19nd September 2017 Questo modello può essere utilizzato come file iniziale per la presentazione di materiale didattico per la formazione in gruppo. Sezioni Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse su una diapositiva per aggiungere sezioni. Le sezioni possono essere utili per organizzare le diapositive o agevolare la collaborazione tra più autori. Note Utilizzare la sezione Note per indicazioni sull'esecuzione della presentazione oppure per fornire informazioni aggiuntive per il pubblico. Mostrare queste note nella visualizzazione Presentazione durante la presentazione. Valutare con attenzione le dimensioni dei caratteri, importanti per l'accessibilità, la visibilità, la registrazione video e la produzione online. Colori coordinati Prestare particolare attenzione ai grafici, ai diagrammi e alle caselle di testo. Tenere presente che i partecipanti eseguiranno la stampa in bianco e nero o in gradazioni di grigio. Eseguire una stampa di prova per assicurarsi che i colori risultino comunque efficaci e chiari in una stampa in solo bianco e nero e in gradazioni di grigio. Grafica, tabelle e grafici Scegliere la semplicità: se possibile utilizzare stili e colori coerenti, che non rappresentino elementi di distrazione. Assegnare un'etichetta a tutti i grafici e a tutte le tabelle.
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
The task The purpose of this work is to compare the variants of roof structures of public buildings and to identify the most optimal variant of the structure of the cover from the economic point of view and energy efficiency. The object of our research is the store located in the western district of Voronezh city. For the comparative analysis need to do next calculation: Calculation of the plate thickness; Thermal calculation of the cover construction; Heat losses calculation of the cover construction; Economic calculation variants of cover. UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
3D model of store, design in Revit UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course slide # 3
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Collect loads per 1 m2 on different variant of the cover Scheme of cover construction of store UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Design diagram reinforced concrete flooring
Calculation of the plate thickness Design diagram reinforced concrete flooring Calculate the bending moment in the outermost span - M1, because it has the greatest value: For the concrete variant of the cover M/W≤Rbt W = M / Rbt W=bh2/ 3,5 To calculate the thickness of the concrete cover construction, we take a strip of width b = 1m The thickness of the concrete cover construction will be h= Analogical calculation for other variant of roof construction( steel and wood) UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Table. Climatologically characteristics of the Voronezh city. UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course slide # 6
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Thermal calculation of the cover construction Cement-sand screed γ =1200 kg/m λ= 0,76 Wt/(m•°С) Heat-insulating panels made of polyvinylchloride γ =125 kg/m3 λ= 0,052 Wt/(m•°С)) Vapor barrier 1 layer γ =930 kg/m λ=0,17 Wt/(m•°С) Concrete plate γ =2500 kg/m λ= 1,69 Wt/(m•°С) Bonding plaster γ =900 kg/m λ= 0.21 Wt/(m•°С) Thermal protection of the building, check on claims (a) and (b): a) The resistance to heat transfer area of the covering must be not less than the required value Rотр; b) The temperature on the internal surface should not be less the minimum acceptable value (sanitary and hygienic requirements) UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Heat losses calculation of the cover construction Calculate the main heat losses through the enclosing structures by the formula: There A –area of enclosing structures (ceiling); A=axb =12,004 24=288,09m2 a==12,004m, b=24m. k – coefficient of heat that is equal to for walls and ceiling is determined by the formula: for this variant of cover we know the result of the calculation in paragraph 2 this work tв-tн– the temperature difference between internal and external air; n– coefficient taken depending on the enclosing structure: for external walls, coverings, windows and doors – n=1 Analogical calculation for other variant of roof construction( steel and wood) UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course slide # 8
Economic calculation variants of cover
– Covering – cement-sand screed, heat-insulating panels made of polyvinylchloride, vapor barrier 1 layer, concrete plate (B25), bonding plaster; – Covering – cement-sand screed, heat-insulating panels made of polyvinylchloride, vapor barrier 1 layer, Steel (С235), bonding plaster; – Covering – cement-sand screed, heat-insulating panels made of polyvinylchloride, vapor barrier 1 layer, timber (pine), bonding plaster. Price concrete (Pc) with a strength of 25MPa with compression in the foreign market 193$/m3, on territory of Russia 3500 rub/m3 Price steel (Ps) in the foreign market 3081 $/m3, on territory of Russia rub/m3 Price pine (Pp) in the foreign market 250 $/m3, on territory of Russia 8500 rub/m3 The cost of concrete cover construction Crf= Pc·h=3500·0,1 = 350 rub/m2 Cf= Pc·h=193·0,1 = 19,3 $/m2 The cost of steel cover construction Crf= Ps·h=241800·0,02 = 4836 rub/m2 Cf= Ps·h=3081·0,02 = 61,62 $/m2 The cost of timber cover construction Crf= Pp·h=8500·0,25 = 2125 rub/m2 Cf= Pp·h=250·0,25 = 62,5 $/m2 There Crf Cost of the cover construction on the territory of Russia; Cf Cost of the cover construction abroad. UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course slide # 9
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Comparative analysis The results of strength calculation thermal calculation , calculation of heat losses, and economic calculation of the cost of variants of covering on the Russian market and abroad according to the cost of materials per m3 add in table Concrete Steel Pine Tinkles h, mm 100 20 250 Weight, t/m3 2,5 7,8 0,54 Weight, t/m2 0,25 0,156 0,135 Ro, (m2 оС)/Wt. 3,37 3,528 4,985 ,Wt 3932,39 3756,28 2658,4 Price, $/м3 193 3081 Price, $/м2 19,3 61,62 62,5 Price, rub/м3 3500 241800 8500 Price, rub/м2 350 4836 2125 UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course slide # 10
UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course
Conclusion In conclusion, can be said that : Concrete variant is the cheapest variant of covering, but have not very good thermal properties and high weight; Wooden variant have very good thermal properties and lowest weight, but not good cost; Steel variant have bad thermal properties and more expensive variant of cover, but this variant have better strength properties and small weight. UNIGE – MARUEEB intensive course slide # 11
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