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The educational system in Italy 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania – Esteem.

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Presentazione sul tema: "The educational system in Italy 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania – Esteem."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The educational system in Italy 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania – Esteem

2 In Italy, the educational system of education and training is organized on the basis of the principles of subsidiarity and the autonomy of school institutions. The State has exclusive legislative competence with regard of the 'general rules on education' and the determination of the essential levels of benefits that must be guaranteed throughout the national territory. 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –

3 The Regions have the concurrent legislative power in education, and exclusive in the field of vocational education and training. The Schools have didactic, organizational and research autonomy, experimentation and development. 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –

4 The school is currently organized as follows: Pre-primary school for children aged 3 to 6; First cycle of education, lasting 8 years, articulated in: Primary school (lasting 5 years) for children aged 6 up to 11; lower secondary school (3 years duration) for pupils aged 11 up to 14; Second cycle of education, consisting of two different pathways: State upper secondary school education, lasting 5 years, for pupils aged from14 to 19. It is offered by licei, technical Institutes and Vocational Institutes; three-year and four-year vocational education and training courses (IFPs) of regional competence, addressed to young people who completed the first cycle of education. 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania – Pre-primary and Primary Middle school and Secondary

5 Compulsory education lasts 10 years, from 6 to 16 years of age, and includes eight years of the first cycle and the first two years of the second cycle (DM 139/2007). After completing the first cycle of education, the last two years of compulsory education (from 14 to 16 years of age) may be taken up to secondary level secondary school (high school, technical institutes and professional institutes) or in vocational education and training courses of regional competence (Law 133/2008). 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –

6 In addition, all young people must comply with the right / duty of education and training for at least 12 years or, in any case, until a three-year professional qualification is completed within the age of 18 (Law 53/2003). 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –

7 Finally, 15 year old pupils can complete the last year of compulsory education even through the apprenticeship contract, provided the necessary agreement between the Regions, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and Social Partners (Law 183/2010). 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –

8 After passing the final state exam of upper secondary education, access to tertiary education (University and Afam) is achieved. Specific admission conditions fall within the competence of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and / or the individual institutions of the university sector and Afam sector. 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –

9 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania – In summary:

10 Credits: Esteem 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania – The educational system in Italy By Teachers Mrs. M. Tiziana Baratta Mrs. Alessandra Costanzo Mr. Lorenzo Bordonaro

11 Esteem 1st Transnational Project Meeting - 21st to 25th of November, 2017 Mirsa, Sibiu, Romania –


13 Early childhood education and care has two different stages based on child age groups. Provision for children aged 0-3 years, offered by nursery schools, is not part of the education system and, thus, is outside of the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). Municipalities directly manage the service under the general criteria established at regional level. NURSERY SCHOOL

14 Provision for children over 3 years of age is called scuola dell’infanzia. It is part of the education system and falls under the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education, although institutions providing pre-primary education are also run at local level, not only by the State, but by the municipalities and the private sector. KINDERGARDEN This level of education is not compulsory and lasts up to three years (from 3 to 6 years of age).

15 Pre-primary education ‘contributes to the affective, psychomotor, cognitive, moral, religious and social development of children and promotes their potential to establish relationships, for autonomy, creativity, learning and to secure equal educational opportunities: in accordance with parent responsibility for education, it contributes to the full education of children. KINDERGARDEN

16 Through its autonomy and didactical and pedagogical unity, it implements the educational project and educational continuity, together with all childhood services and the primary school’.

17 PRIMARY SCHOOL Primary school is compulsory, lasts for a total of five years and is attended by pupils aged between 6 and 11. Although they are two completely different levels of education, each with its own specificities, primary school and lower secondary school make up the first cycle of education, which lasts a total of eight years.

18 PRIMARY SCHOOL The aim of this level in the education system is to provide pupils with basic learning and the basic tools of active citizenship. It helps pupils to understand the meaning of their own experiences. School time: since 30 to 50 weekly hours The school year starts on September 1st and ends on June 30th. Back


20 First-level secondary school (Scuola secondaria di primo grado) It is offered by State and publicly subsidised lower secondary schools, which are present nationwide. There are not different types of lower secondary schools. The lower secondary school level has a total duration of three years and is attended by pupils aged from 11 to 14 years.

21 A s at primary level, the lower secondary curriculum is defined through National Guidelines for the Curriculum (Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo) that the Ministry of Education sent to all schools before the start of the school year 2012/2013. First level secondary school (Scuola secondaria di primo grado)

22 The lesson hours is divided into five or six days a week. It can vary according to the direction which has been chosen (30 or 36/40 hours by week). According to the new guidelines, the purpose of lower secondary education is to enable pupils to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop basic cultural competence. At this level, this is achieved by using school subjects and disciplines as a means to know, interpret and represent reality and the world.

23 On completion of the compulsory first school cycle, students take a state examination to be admitted to the upper secondary education level.

24 UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL The higher secondary education level is competence of state and offers general education, technical and vocational education. The total duration is 5 years (14 to 19 years of age) in all paths.

25 High schools are designed to prepare students for university studies and the labor market through the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and knowledge, and providing students with cultural and methodological tools to develop a critical attitude and planning.

26 Technical institutes have the overall goal of providing students with a solid cultural base in science and technology, for the purpose of developing technical professions. Vocational schools have the overall goal of providing students with a solid general background in technical and professional services sectors, industry and crafts, with a view to rapid entry into the labor market. Back

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