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OPEN DAY SCIENZE quinta edizione 30 novembre 2018 a.s. 2018/2019

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Presentazione sul tema: "OPEN DAY SCIENZE quinta edizione 30 novembre 2018 a.s. 2018/2019"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 OPEN DAY SCIENZE quinta edizione 30 novembre 2018 a.s. 2018/2019
ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO TRENTO 5 Scuola secondaria di primo grado “G. Bresadola” OPEN DAY SCIENZE quinta edizione a.s. 2018/2019 30 novembre 2018


3 Can a plant survive if it is watered with an alternative liquid?
QUESTION Can a plant survive if it is watered with an alternative liquid?

4 AIM We want to know with which alternative liquid the plant grows better (coffee, vinegar, milk).

5 HYPOTHESIS We think the plant with coffee will grow the best, the one with milk will have mold, the one with water will grow well, and the one with vinegar will wilt. We are trying to make the first plants, the ones we kept, revive, by watering them with water. We think it will partially work.

6 -- ? ? Azalea (A) VARIABLES Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v)
Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A)  --  ? Cyclamen (C)

7 PROCEDURE We bought 3 plants, we took one each and we started watering them with an alternative liquid, we did this for about 2 weeks, and then we started doing the second part of the experiment. This second part consists in buying 4 more plants, and watering them with the same alternative liquids. We decided to do it like this: we keep the plants 5 days each and we exchange every so often. In the meantime, we started watering the old plants with water to make them revive.

Seven plants, four liquids, four bowls to contain the liquids for the plants, a chart which is also a calendar

9 DATA ANALYSIS We will analyze our data with a chart, a calendar, a powerpoint, and a poster.

10 OBSERVATIONS We observed our old plants and we realized that the plant watered with coffee became even better than when we bought it, the one with milk formed a lake of mold on the soil of the plant, and the plant watered with vinegar wilted, the leaves and flowers became of a reddish color, the new ones seem to make the same impression as the first ones.



13 OUR CHART Acqua Caffè Latte Aceto Osservazioni Gio 01-nov Ven 02-nov
Acqua Caffè Latte Aceto Osservazioni Gio 01-nov Ven 02-nov Sab 03-nov Acquisto Ciclamini Dom 04-nov 50ml Foto e inizio esperimento 11:45 Lun 05-nov acqua alle 06:30 Mar 06-nov Mer 07-nov foto e documentazione alle 6:35 08-nov la pianta dell'aceto precipita quasi del tutto ed inizia ad assumere un colore più rossastro il nutrimento a tutte le piantee alle 7:05 09-nov la pianta del latte inizia ad calare (molto lentamente) ed inizia ad assumere un odore sgradevole ,abbiamo notato che la pianta è più binca di quella del caffé il nutrimento dato alle 7:05 10-nov nutrimento non dato perché la pianta del latte e dell'aceto non riuscivano a contenerlo ha mangiare troppo e perché il latte é diventato una sostanza gelatinosa 11-nov Foto e nutrimento alle 9:08 e abbiamo notato che la pianta del caffè riesce a finire il liquido molto prima delle altre 12-nov Nutrimento dato alle 7:05 13-nov nutrimento dato alle 7:05 e foto 14-nov 15-nov nutrimento non dato perché la pianta del latte e dell'aceto non riuscivano ad assorbire il liquido 16-nov 50 ml Nutrimento dato alle 7:05 e foto ravvicinata ai fiori di ogni specie 17-nov 18-nov Nutrimento non dato perchè la pianta del latte e dell'aceto non riuscivano ad assorbire il liquido 19-nov 20-nov

14 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A)  ? Cyclamen (C) COFFEE Variable 1: We bought the plant for the coffee on the 17th of October, it was an Azalea like the others. Immediately we realized that it was growing better than the others and the buds started even to open. Now we’ re watering it with water and it’s starting to get shoal. We gave it 70ml of coffee and now we are giving it 50ml of water.

15 COFFEE VARIABLE 1 ✓ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v)
Azalea (A)  ✓ Cyclamen (C) COFFEE VARIABLE 1

16 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ? COFFEE Variable 2: We always gave the plant 50ml of coffee, this way it developed it self growing up. We observed that if you touch the leaves they are harder that the others. We discovered that the coffee plant is the quickest to absorbe the liquid.

17 COFFEE VARIABLE 2 ✓ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v)
Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ✓ COFFEE VARIABLE 2

18 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A)  ? Cyclamen (C) MILK Variable 1: The plant with milk just after a week from the purchase started to mold. The flowers and the twigs started to sag and the petals became more opaque and convulted. Our opinion is that the plant could survive but all the flowers would fall.

19 MILK VARIABLE 1 ✗ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A)
 ✗ Cyclamen (C) MILK VARIABLE 1

20 Variable 2 : We always gave the plant 50ml milk.
Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ? MILK Variable 2 : We always gave the plant 50ml milk. At the start the plant was growing, but after about a week it had a decay. The flowers became glossy white and the leaves became dumpish. The plant doesn’t absorbe the liquid very fast so the milk that remained became creamy.

21 MILK VARIABLE 2 ✗ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A)
Cyclamen (C) MILK VARIABLE 2

22 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ? VINEGAR Variable 1: The alive leaves have an odor that reminds vinegar. Their odor is brownish that tends to gray. The plant is flexible, but if you rub it it will crumble. The dead leave’s colour is green-red.

23 VINEGAR VARIABLE 1 ✗ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v)
Azalea (A)   ✗ Cyclamen (C) VINEGAR VARIABLE 1

24 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ? VINEGAR Variable 2: We gave the plant 50ml of vinegar. After 5 days one flower withered, and the day after all the flowers had the same decay. The flower became white-reddish. The leaves became very very dumpish, for the plant it was harder to absorbe the vinegar.

25 VINEGAR VARIABLE 2 ✗ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v)
Azalea (A)   ✗ Cyclamen (C) VINEGAR VARIABLE 2

26 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A)  ? Cyclamen (C) WATER Variable 1: We watered the Azaleas with the alternative liquids, we saw it wasn’t going well, so we decided to try to rivitalyze them.

27 Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v) Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ? WATER Variable 2: We always gave the plant 50ml. The plant obviously stays well but we realized that the one with coffee is more vital. The plant is flexible and the twigs branchout in all directions.

28 WATER VARIABLE 2 ✓ Water (w) Coffee (c) Milk (m) Vinegar (v)
Azalea (A) Cyclamen (C)  ✓ WATER VARIABLE 2


30 CONCLUSIONS Plants and liquids Conclusions Azalea-Coffee
The Azalea with coffee grew very well and now that we are giving it water is starting to dry up. Azalea-Vinegar The Azalea with vinegar didn’t grow well and it’s drying up. We are trying to revitalize it with water, but it’s not working. Azalea-Milk For a few days the Azalea watered with milk grew well, but then it started to mold and started not to absorbe the milk. The milk became creamy. Cyclamen-Coffee The Cyclamen watered with coffee grew very very well, even better than the one with water. Cyclamen-Vinegar The Cyclamen with vinegar dried up and the flowers and twigs started to impressively bend downward. Cyclamen-Milk The Cyclamen with milk, like the one with vinegar started to bend the twigs and flowers downwards, but on the contrary of the one with vinegar it didn’t dry up. Cyclamen-Water The Cyclamen with water grew as a normal plant, but the one with coffee grew even better.

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