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We have made huge strides in reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Since 1990, there has.

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Presentazione sul tema: "We have made huge strides in reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Since 1990, there has."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 We have made huge strides in reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Since 1990, there has been an over 50 percent decline in preventable child deaths globally. Despite this incredible progress, more than 6 million children still die before their fifth birthday every year. These deaths can be avoided through prevention and treatment, education, immunization campaigns, and sexual and reproductive healthcare. Abbiamo compiuto enormi progressi nel ridurre la mortalità infantile, migliorare la salute materna e combattere l'HIV / AIDS, la malaria e altre malattie. Dal 1990, c'è stato un declino oltre il 50 per cento dei decessi infantili prevenibili a livello globale. Nonostante questo incredibile progresso, oltre 6 milioni di bambini muoiono ancora prima del loro quinto compleanno ogni anno.  Queste morti possono essere evitate attraverso la prevenzione e il trattamento, l'educazione, le campagne di vaccinazione e l'assistenza sanitaria sessuale e riproduttiva.

3 The Sustainable Development Goals:
The Sustainable Development Goals make a bold commitment to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases by The aim is to achieve universal health coverage, and provide access to safe and affordable medicines and vaccines for all. Supporting research and development for vaccines is an essential part of this process as well.

4 What’s the goal here? Qual è l’obiettivo qui?
To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Access to good health and well-being is a human Right. Agenda offers a new chance to ensure that everyone can access the highest standards of health and health care— not just the wealthiest. Garantire una vita sana e promuovere il benessere per tutti a tutte le età. L’accesso alla buona salute e il benessere è un diritto dell’ essere umano. L'agenda offre una nuova possibilità : tutti possono accedere ai più alti standard di salute e assistenza sanitaria- non solo i più ricchi.

5 What progress have we made ?
Quali progressi abbiamo fatto? What progress have we made ? Major progress has been made in several areas. We still have a longer way to go in fact real progress means achieving universal health coverage, making essential medicines and vaccines affordable; ensuring that women have full access to sexual and reproductive health care. I grandi progressi sono stati fatti in diverse aree. Abbiamo ancora una lunga strada da percorrere infatti il vero progresso significa raggiungere una copertura sanitaria universale , produrre medicine essenziali e vaccini a prezzi accessibili; garantendo che le donne abbiano pieno accesso all’ assistenza sessuale.

6 How much will it cost to achieve these targets and what can I do to help?
Quanto costerà raggiungere questi obiettivi e cosa posso fare per aiutare? Ensuring healthy lives for all requires a strong commitment ,but the benefit outweigh the cost. Healthy people are the foundation for healthy economies. You can start by promoting and protecting your own health and the health of those around you, by making well-informed choices, practicing safe sex and vaccinating your children. You can raise awareness in your community about the importance of good health. It’s important take action through schools, clubs, teams and organizations to promote the health for all, especially for the most vulnerable such as womans and children. Garantire una vita sana per tutto richiede un forte impegno,ma i benefici superano il costo. Le persone salutari sono il fondamento per economie sane. Puoi iniziare promuovendo e proteggendo tua stessa salute e la salute di quelli intorno a te, facendo scelte ben informate,praticare sesso sicuro e vaccinare i vostri bambini. Puoi aumentare la consapevolezza nella tua comunità riguardo l’importanza della buona salute. É importante agire attraverso le scuole,club, squadre e organizzazioni per promuovere la salute per tutti, soprattutto per i più vulnerabili come donne e bambini.

By 2030, reduce the overall maternal mortality and put an end to the preventable deaths of infants and children under 5 years of age By 2030, put an end to the epidemic of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and fight hepatitis Strengthening the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol By 2020, halving the number of deaths and injuries worldwide resulting from road accidents By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, information and education Supporting the research and development of vaccines and medicines for transmissible and non- communicable diseases

8 Realized by: Carmela Buonocore and Annalisa Petrucci VE

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