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TRAVEL OF THE MYTH PYRAMUS ET THISBE Ovidius, Metarmophoseon libri, IV.

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Presentazione sul tema: "TRAVEL OF THE MYTH PYRAMUS ET THISBE Ovidius, Metarmophoseon libri, IV."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 TRAVEL OF THE MYTH PYRAMUS ET THISBE Ovidius, Metarmophoseon libri, IV

2 Mythos et Ovidius The word mythos means "story ", and usually tells the origin of the world, the exploits of the immortal gods and demi-gods or heroes, sons of god and a mortal. Ovidius (Publius Ovidius Naso; Sulmona, BC 20 March 43 – Tomi, AD 18) is one of the most important writers of the Roman age. In the books Metamorphoseon are a lot of myths. La parola “mito” significa “racconto”. Il mito narra l’origine del mondo, le gesta degli dei, gli amori segreti tra dei e uomini mortali. Ovidio è uno degli autori più importanti dell’età romana. Grazie alle sue opere possiamo leggere oggi numerosi miti del passato.

3 PHYRAMUS ET THISBE Pyramus and Thisbe are madly in love and live in houses next to each other. Their parents forbid their love and build a wall between the houses. The lovers find a chink in the wall through which they speak and kiss one another. One night they decide to run away together. Thisbe arrives first, and she sees a terrifying tiger. She runs away in fear, dropping her cloak. The tiger tears up the cloak and bloodies it. When Phyramus arrives, he sees the cloak, assumes his lover has died, and kills himself in sorrow. Pyramus returns, sees Thisbe's body, and kills herself with the same knife. Piramo e Tisbe abitano vicini, e si innamorano. I loro genitori sono contrari alla loro unione e i due giovani, per potersi amare, tentano di scappare. Tisbe esce e raggiunge il bosco per incontrare Piramo, ma viene attaccata da un leone. Piramo, credendola morta, pone fine alla sua vita con un coltello. La giovane trova Piramo agonizzante e si suicida.

4 THEMES Their parents forbid their love Fate, destiny

Romeo and Juliet fall in love, but their families hates each other. Both lovers dead for their love. Romeo e Giulietta si amano follemente, ma le loro famiglie si odiano. I giovani muoiono. LOVE AFFAIR FAITH BOCCACCIO Lisabetta da Messina, Decameron Lisabeth, a young rich girl, falls in love with her servant Lorenzo. Brothers contrast their love. Both lovers dead for their passion. Lisabetta, una giovane ragazza di nobile famiglia, si innamora del suo servitore Lorenzo. I fratelli non approvano il loro amore. Entrambi gli amanti muoiono per amore. LOVE AFFAIR FAITH

6 The Renaissance Torquato Tasso Aminta
Aminta falls in love with Silvia, a nymph, but she doesn’t love him. When Silvia believes that Aminta is dead, she relises that she loves him. They get married. L’opera richiama la storia di Piramo e Tisbe. Non è una tragedia: è una storia a lieto fine. Dirk Potter He retold the story but he changed it a bit for the new public. Potter riscrisse l’opera di Ovidio modernizzandola.

7 The Modern Age VAN DER HEIJDEN Het leven uit 1 dag
The books is about your life in 1 day, but when you go to hell you can do anything as many times as you want. But they realise that things aren’t so good as they look. I libri ci raccontano la vita in un giorno. attraverso questa metafora lo scrittore spiega la vera natura delle cose: ogni cosa non è come ci appare.

8 Pyramus et Thysbe in history of art
Pyramus and Thysbe, I century A.D.. Pompei Pyramus and Thysbe, first print of English

9 Romeo & Juliet - Dire Straits - 1980
Juliet the dice loaded from the start And I bet and you exploded in my heart And I forget the movie song When you wanna realise it was just that the time was wrong juliet?  Come up on differents streets they both were streets of shame Both dirty both mean yes and the dream was just the same And I dreamed your dream for you and your dream is real How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals? Where you can fall for chains of silver you can fall for chains of gold You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold

10 Taylor Swift – Love Story
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles And my daddy said stay away from Juliet And I was crying on the staircase, begging you please don’t go And I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess It’s a love story, baby just say yes So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew So close your eyes, let’s leave this town for a little while Oh, oh

11 Conclusion Nowadays people don’t read the ancient stories, but the story is told in different ways, for example songs, modern stories, movies and other art. The similarities in the stories are the themes, like hope, fate, love, love affairs and destiny. Oggi non abbiamo più una grande conoscenza dei miti antichi, ma ci sembra di conoscerli già perché il loro significato è parte integrante della nostra cultura. Ciò che pensiamo dell’amore., i momenti romantici che immaginiamo e la sua bellezza sono gli stessi di un tempo.

12 Andrea Ton Rob Winkeler Anna Solin Sonja Peereboom Pierpaolo Tiveron Skyler Venema Eleonora Veronesi

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