Early Language Learning and Multilingualism: Scottish and European Perspectives BILINGUALISM MATTERS.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Early Language Learning and Multilingualism: Scottish and European Perspectives BILINGUALISM MATTERS."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Early Language Learning and Multilingualism: Scottish and European Perspectives BILINGUALISM MATTERS

2 Languages in Primary Education. The Case of Trentino, Italy Patrizia Cordin (University of Trento) Edinburgh - February 4, 2013

3 Trentino, Italy Part A. Italy Part B. Trentino

4 Foreign Languages Knowledge. 2000 – 2006 ( Istat 2006)

5 Foreign Languages Knowledge. Regional Differences ( Istat 2006)

6 Foreign Language Good Knowledge. Where/How (Istat 2006)

7 Foreign Language Learning. Where / how ( Istat 2006)

8 National Laws for Foreign Languages Education in Primary Schools (6-10 years) art. 2, law 53/2003: FL spoken in EU countries art. 5, law 59/2004: FL for primary school is English: 1 hour a week I year 2 hours a week II year 3 hours a week III year 3 hours a week IV year 3 hours a week V year

9 Trentino

10 Foreign Languages education in Trentino Primary Schools (6-10 years) LP 11/1997; LP 5/2006 2 FL in primary and secondary schools. I FL German: 2 hours a week I year 3 hours a week II year 3 hours a week III year 3 hours a week IV year 3 hours a week V year II FL: 2 hours a week III year 2 hours a week IV year 2 hours a week V year

11 Content and Language Integrated Learning in Primary Schools (2012-13) 147 teachers (included 43 teachers German/English L1)

12 Pre-School FL Teaching Experiences 2011 62 Kindergarten (276 total) 30 with German, 21 with English, 1 with both 3176 children (16000 total) 95 teachers Main projects LESI, PRISMA, ALIS

13 Official minority languages in Trentino

14 Ladin Teaching (3-10 years) Primary school: 1 hour a week ladin At least 2 hours a week ladin as language for teaching other subjects Kindergarten: many projects have been (and are) developed

15 Summary attention on linguistic education sperimentation linguistic training for teachers necessary an evaluation of the effects of the projects

16 Sources IPRASE, 2012, Analisi quantitativa esperienze di insegnamento in modalità CLIL, http://www.vivoscuola.it/clil http://www.vivoscuola.it/clil ISTAT, 2007, La lingua italiana, i dialetti, le lingue straniere (anno 2006), Famiglia e Società, Istituto nazionale di statistica, 20 aprile 2007. Lucietto S., Plurilinguismo e innovazione di sistema, Trento, IPRASE, 2011. Servizio minoranze linguistiche www.minoranzelinguistiche.provincia.tn.it

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