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PubblicatoDaniela Bellucci Modificato 10 anni fa
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 Il ruolo di ESFRI per le Infrastrutture di Ricerca Gelsomina Pappalardo ESFRI ENV-SWG Chair Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale (CNR-IMAA )
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 Research Infrastructures are a key component of the European Research Area (ERA): - they bring together a wide variety of stakeholders to search for solutions to the scientific problems being faced by society today, - they offer unique research opportunities to users from different countries and from different disciplines, attract young scientists and help to shape scientific communities, - and they play an increasingly important role in the advancement of knowledge and the development of technology to help Europe compete in an increasingly globalized knowledge economy. Research Infrastructures
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures was set-up in 2002 following a recommendation of the EU Council and has the following scope: to support a coherent and strategy–led approach to policy making on research infrastructures in Europe; to facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to a better use and development of research infrastructures; to ensure the follow-up of implementation of already on-going ESFRI projects after a comprehensive assessment, as well as the prioritisation of the infrastructure projects listed in the ESFRI roadmap.
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 48 new - or major upgrade of - Research Infrastructures of pan-European interest (+ 3 additional projects from the CERN Council strategic roadmap for particle physics*) Distributed research infrastructures Single sited research infrastructures The ESFRI roadmap Social Sc. & Hum. ( 5 ) Life Sciences ( 13 ) Environmental Sciences ( 9 ) Energy ( 7 ) Material and Analytical Facilities ( 6 ) Physics and Astronomy ( 10 ) e-Infra- structures (1) SHAREBBMRIELIXIRICOSEURO-ARGOECCSELEUROFELELITIARA*PRACE European Social Survey ECRIN INFRA FRONTIER LIFEWATCHIAGOSWindscannerEMFLSPIRAL2CTA CESSDAINSTRUCTEATRISEMSOEPOSEU-SOLARIS European XFEL E-ELTSKA CLARIN EU- OPENSCREEN EMBRCSIOSEISCAT_3DJHR ESRF Upgrade KM3NeTFAIR DARIAH Euro BioImaging ERINHA BSL4 Lab COPALIFMIF NEUTRON ESS SLHC-PP* ILC- HIGRADE* ISBEMIRRIHiPER ILL20/20 Upgrade ANAEEMYRRHA
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 First ESFRI roadmap published in 2006 - Update in 2008 - Update in 2010 (only for Energy and H&F) The ESFRI roadmap New ESFRI roadmap expected in 2016 - already implemented ESFRI project will be not listed in the roadmap but presented as ESFRI RIs successfully implemented - not implemented ESFRI projects after 10 years will be removed from the roadmap - new ESFRI projects will be included
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 ESFRI has decided to set up Strategic Working Groups for assistance in the following domains: Energy Environmental Sciences and Climate Change Health and Food Social and Cultural Innovation Physical Sciences and Engineering
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 a) Monitor the scientific developments and emerging research challenges in the domain of its competence, taking innovation into account, and addressing the issue of socio-economic impact; b) Contribute on: - the objectives of the Innovation Union and ESFRI Strategy report; - the dissemination and sharing of best practices; - promoting the use and the development of e-infrastructures; c) Advise ESFRI for developing and overseeing coordinated actions for: - catalysing the development and implementation of the remaining Preparatory Phase projects; - stimulating all the stakeholders, including the prospective funders, to work together on a shared and coherent strategy; - monitoring the specific landscape to which the new / upgraded Research Infrastructures belong; - developing the ties with industry. Role of the SWGs
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 EU Council mandate to ESFRI - Innovation Union flagship initiative's Commitment n. 5: "to complete or launch the construction of 60% of the ESFRI projects by 2015“ - Prioritization of the projects Identification of problems and bottlenecks and ways how to solve them Assessment Expert Group has been set up by the European Commission together with ESFRI (in 2012)
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 The report of the Assessment Expert Group is available since September 2013 ( This Expert Group has evaluated the maturity regarding financial, governance and management aspects of all the not yet implemented projects on the ESFRI roadmap. The assessment has explicitly not dealt with an evaluation of the scientific content of the projects, since all the projects on the roadmap have been evaluated as to their scientific excellence prior to their inclusion in the roadmap. The AEG report gives a lot of information about the status of the different projects and suggestions to promote their way to implementation.
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 AEG Report Category one: research infrastructures which meet the criteria to be ready for implementation by 2015, if the management makes some good efforts to address the AEG recommendations. Category two: research infrastructures which might be able to achieve maturity by 2015, if substantial actions are implemented to address the bottlenecks and weaknesses identified in terms of financial and managerial maturity. Category three: research infrastructures that have minimal chances of achieving maturity by 2015.
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 The Assessment Expert Group has estimated that 19 projects meet the criteria to be ready for implementation by 2015 or might be able to achieve maturity by 2015. Substantial actions need to be implemented to address the bottlenecks and weaknesses identified in terms of financial and managerial maturity If these issues could be addressed and solved soon, we are very close to the goal of having 60 % of the Research Infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap implemented in 2015.
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 The ESFRI Forum has asked the Strategy Working Groups to analyse the report and do a first prioritisation taking into account the input of the coordinators of the ESFRI projects. The coordinators have been asked for information about the current status of the projects since the assessment has been performed using data from December 2012 - January 2013 and many projects have in the meantime made a lot of progress which should be taken into account by the prioritisation.
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 Evaluation Criteria Appropriate level of funding commitment from at least three MS or AC Concrete and credible plans for construction and operation including costs and financing over the whole life cycle of the project Scientific impact and scientific relevance for the respective scientific area Is it a real distributed Research Infrastructure or only a network or a research project? Social and economic impact including innovation potential and possible cooperation with industry European added value Timeliness
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 Prioritization process The evaluation done by the SWGs was based on the AEG report and on additional material which has been asked to the projects in two different steps: Requested information in July 2013 following the agreed criteria Requested specific reply to the comments raised in the AEG report Specific Hearings of the projects (October 2013)
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 The result of this prioritisation will be presented to the EU Council in a report in summer 2014 in accordance with the updated mandate given to ESFRI by the EU Council. The report will also recommend which projects should be removed – at least for the time being – from the roadmap since they have not shown enough progress during the last years and if there is no much hope that they will progress fast in a short period. Prioritization process
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 In addition the Strategy Working Groups have also been asked to do a short term selection of projects which could benefit from a specific support action by the Commission to assist some projects on their way to implementation. The European Commission has announced that they will include in the first call for proposals under Horizon 2020 a specific support action (a “one off” funding) for a small number of ESFRI projects with the aim to help these projects to reach maturity for being implemented in 2015. EC Specific Support Action
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 The SWGs are asked to propose to ESFRI for the December Forum meeting a list of possible projects which could gain most from such a “one off support” action (only for one year in 2015). The SWGs report for this has been sent to the ESFRI Forum to be voted on 6 December. HORIZON2020 call deadline: 14 January 2015
Conferenza Nazionale delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca per le Scienze della Terra Solida, INGV, Roma 22 novembre 2013 TIMELINE - EC specific support action in HORIZON2020 [December 2013] - Prioritization report [ready by spring 2014] - Landscape analysis and preparation for the new ESFRI roadmap [2014] - ESFRI selection of new proposed projects [2015] - Update ESFRI Roadmap [2016]
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