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Torta friulana alla ricotta
Friulian cake with ricotta cheese :3
Ingredienti per la pasta frolla: Ingredients for the dough:
-300 g farina g of flour uova eggs g zucchero g of sugar g burro g of butter Ingredienti per il ripieno: Ingredients for the filling: -250 g ricotta g of ricotta cheese uova eggs g zucchero g of sugar g zucchero a velo vanigliato 60 g of vanilla icing sugar g uvetta g of raisins g pinoli g of pine nuts g frutta candita mista g of mixed candied fruit g nocciole sgusciate e pelate 30 g of hazelnut shelled and peeled -2 cucchiai liquore profumato spoonfuls of flavoured liqueur
Preparazione della pasta frolla
1)Lavorare il burro con lo zucchero 2)Aggiungere le uova e poi la farina 3)Impastare il tutto 4)Lasciare riposare in frigo almeno 30 min 5)Stenderla con il mattarello e mettere la tortiera 6)Fare cuocere in forno minuti a 180° 1)Cream the butter with the sugar 2)Add the eggs and then the flour 3)Mix everything 4)Put in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes 5)Roll out with a rolling pin and put in the cake pan 6)Bake in the oven for minutes at 180°
Preparazione del ripieno
1)Fare ammorbidire l’uvetta nel liquore )Tritare le nocciole )Tagliare i canditi in piccoli pezzi )Montare a crema le uova e lo zucchero )Unire la ricotta alla crema )Unire l’uvetta, i canditi, i pinoli, le nocciole e lo zucchero vanigliato )Mescolare e trasferire il composto nella pasta frolla 8)Cuocere in forno 20 minuti a 170° 1)Soak the raisins in the liquor )Chop the nuts )Cut the candied fruit into small pieces )Whip eggs and sugar until creamy )Add the ricotta cream )Add the raisins, candied fruit, pine nuts, hazelnuts and vanilla sugar )Mix and put the mixture into the pastry )Bake for 20 minutes at 170 °
E N J O Y Y O U R C A K E ! ! : D
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