Atacama Large Millimeter Array

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Presentazione sul tema: "Atacama Large Millimeter Array"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Atacama Large Millimeter Array
64x12m Antennas Frequency range GHz (0.3-10mm) 14km max baseline (<10mas) ALMA Compact Array (short spacing and total power) Detecting CO and [C II] in a Milky Way galaxy at z=3 in less than 24 hours of observation To map dust emission and gas kinematics in protoplanetary disks The ability to provide high-quality and high resolution imaging in the millimeter and submillimeter bands to match that of HST and ground-based AO-equipped telescopes

2 Alma sensitivity Observing thermal sources, there is no point having angular resolution without sensitivity to low brightness temperature Alma allows 30 K rms with 30 mas res. at 1mm

3 Red shifted CII and OI lines
CO at z=6.4 is already seen With ALMA one will see the fine structure lines of CII(157 micron) and O I(63 micron) (for z> 2 (CII) and z>5(OI)), so one can measure the cooling directly.

4 ALMA Site

5 Trasparenza Atmosferica

6 ALMA Receivers ★ Japanese contribution all telescopes plus ACA
★ EC funded 8 receivers ALMA-Herschel sinergy

7 ALMA Receivers Band 3 (“3mm”) Band 7 (“850μm”) Band 6 (“1mm”)

8 Milky Way galaxy at high redshift

9 ALMA Compact Array ACA è il contributo più rilevante portato dal Giappone, assieme alle bande 4, 8 e 10.



12 Comparing CO and optical image
Antennae Galaxy (HST and OVRO)



15 Project schedule towards ES
Will be revised soon Early Science

16 Science Operations Plan



19 ALMA SW: Expectation for Early Science
Observation Preparation All modes offered to the users will be supported from the Novice to the Expert levels. At the very beginning of Early Science, the Novice mode behaviour will be mostly based on expectation from simulation and initial testing rather than on a solid experience with ALMA Science Pipeline Not available to the users for Early Science (it will be in the heuristics “learnig phase”) Offline Data Reduction Package (AIPS++) All modes offered will have been fully tested and supported No Graphical User Interface will be available for Early science A solid well tested User Interface and scripting language based on Python will be available

20 Ruolo degli ARC – Core Functions

21 Ruolo degli ARC – Science Support Functions

22 Struttura degli ARC

23 Euro ARC

24 Risposte alla Call di ESO per ARC Nodes
Germania (UniBonn, MPIfR, UniKoeln, UniBochum) IRAM (Francia, Germania-MPG, Spagna) Italia (INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia) Paesi Bassi (Leiden, + probabilmente Belgio) NORDIC-Onsala (Svezia, Danimarca, Finlandia, +…) UK (Jodrell, Edinburgh, Cambridge, +…) (Portogallo & Svizzera) Ogni nodo fornisce servizi di base e servizi specializzati (per tutta la comunità Europea)

25 Where is italian mm astronomy
Disadvantaged rel. to IRAM countries but with interest in certain areas Quite a few “theoretical groups” (esp. Cosmology) Stellar (circumstellar) groups absent

26 Per saperne di più Gianni Tofani Leonardo Testi:
European ALMA Board Leonardo Testi: European Science Advisory Committee Bilateral ALMA Science Advisory Committee LT, Gianfranco De Zotti, Karl-Heinz Mack, Antonella Natta, Mauro Pucillo: Gruppo di lavoro INAF-ALMA Subscribe to the ESO-ALMA Newsletter

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