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PubblicatoAnunciata Meli Modificato 11 anni fa
AMSTERDAM 9 – 12 december 2004 Health promotion in an Intercultural Hospital: some tools Direzione Distretti EST OVEST Responsabile Progetto Speciale Immigrati Giovanna Dallari
6,3% of the Italian population more than 190 ethnic groups
Bolognas LHU 1/1/2004 Residents 812.330 City 373.539 Foreing residents in Bologna as to 30/09/04 48.000 in the province 24.742 (6,6%) in the city Male 12.164 Female 12.578
Regione Emilia Romagna year 2003 Admissions 871.180 35.609 (4%) from DC
MDC 2003
It is impossible to satisfy the need of each ethnic group. Bolognas LHU has implemented a set of services, focused on individual needs and on the reengineering of health services (more accessible, appropriate and sensitive to all patients and service users).
13. LA POPOLAZIONE TARGET E I PROBLEMI RILEVANTI Le disuguaglianze di salute nella nostra popolazione, indipendentemente dallindicatore di salute e sociale utilizzato, sono consistenti: a qualsiasi livello della scala sociale ci si ponga, il livello inferiore presenta un profilo epidemiologico più Le disuguaglianze di salute nella nostra popolazione, indipendentemente dallindicatore di salute e sociale utilizzato, sono consistenti: a qualsiasi livello della scala sociale ci si ponga, il livello inferiore presenta un profilo epidemiologico più …….. AI. 13 13POPOLAZIONE IMMIGRATA E ALTRE POPOLAZIONI A RISCHIO DI ESCLUSIONE SOCIALE. ACTIONPLAN ACTION PLAN
Actions and Instruments (1) Law, medical literature and experiences at the local, national and international level analysis; involvement of all stakeholders within the community; a comprehensive health program and monitoring process; patients education programs to self health care; intercultural mediators (liaison officers) training courses; analysis of quality perception in different health services.
MISSION Garantire la rilevazione dei bisogni, la pianificazione, la programmazione, il coordinamento, il monitoraggio e la verifica delle attività erogate in favore di Cittadini Stranieri Immigrati, sia a livello ospedaliero sia a livello distrettuale, attraverso la messa in rete dei soggetti aziendali e delle Istituzioni pubbliche, private e di associazionismo volontario che si occupano di quel target di popolazione. PROGETTO SPECIALE IMMIGRATI
Multicultural menu; a web site showing all the information on tools, documents, projects, laws, activities, news, links, etc. related to the immigrants social and health care; informative brochures in different languages; intercultural liaison officers help bridging the cultural and linguistic gap between patient and healthcare professional - eight linguistic areas covered; free telephone line and information centre: –offers counselling and information on health services in eight languages to support foreign citizens and socio – sanitary professional; –a consultative instrument which enables users to contribute effectively to service development. training courses for social and health professionals, including Dietologists and administrative staff Mammographic screening Actions and Instruments (2)
Particular relevance… Progetto Speciale Immigrati Liaison officer and free telephone line Benchmarking Interistitutional and interprofessional network Web site
Progetto Speciale Immigrati MISSION To identify the needs, to plan, to program, to coordinate, to check and to evaluate all the actions proposed and carried out to improve access to health and social services - in the hospital and in the outpatient clinics. The project supports a network involving volunteers associations, public and private sectors.
Liaison officers (intercultural mediators) On 1998 the Liaison officers course, organized by the Local Government (U.E. funds – 350+350 hours) was set up for the first time. Liaison officers created AMISS (Associazione Mediatrici Interculturali Socio Sanitarie), the Socio-Sanitary Liaison Officers Organization.
Objectives To ensure equal access to Health and Social Services in the Province of Bologna. To help in the reengeneering of the hospital structure and activities. To implement communication and educational activities to protect migrants from social and cultural differences. To achieve a better access and a better health situation.
Main subjects Information about sanitary assitance rights. Information about the correct use of services offered by health service and social services offered by local governments. Contribution in the reengineering of the hospital and wards services. Connection with volunteer services. Set up of innovative activities. Teaching in the Multicultural Course for health and social services providers.
Objectives To create a reference point for institutions in charge of access improvement to Health Services. To facilitate best practice diffusion. To create a net between public and private institutions that are related to access opportunities for migrant citizens.
Future plans To enhance all the activities to the entire Azienda Enquiry on the health status of 3.500 workers Different spiritual care Cross-culture communication enhanced by use of translated information cards and pictorial aids, also useful for illiterate people.
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