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If sport is practiced at athlete level, it determines an increasing requirement of energy and water. In fact a 70 kg athlete can burn up to 4800 K cal.

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Presentazione sul tema: "If sport is practiced at athlete level, it determines an increasing requirement of energy and water. In fact a 70 kg athlete can burn up to 4800 K cal."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 If sport is practiced at athlete level, it determines an increasing requirement of energy and water. In fact a 70 kg athlete can burn up to 4800 K cal / day compared to 2000 kcal of the people who conduct a more sedentary life.

3 The sportsmans basal metabolism results slightly increased out for the muscolar mass higher development. and therefore it is necessary to assume a higher quantity of Carbohydrates. Important is the recruitment of: Vitamins (including vitamin E, antioxidants) and Minerals. The sportsmans basal metabolism results slightly increased out for the muscolar mass higher development. and therefore it is necessary to assume a higher quantity of Carbohydrates. Important is the recruitment of: Vitamins (including vitamin E, antioxidants) and Minerals.

4 Are not absolutely necessary or special foods or special supplements, unless special requests are not involved


6 From a quantitative point of view, the feeding is linked to energy consumed, due to : the specific activity (which includes both the game that coaches) work activity age (metabolism changes with age) sex (men and women are anatomically and physiologically different) height weight climate the duration and intensity of the effort varyng from sport of sport. training tournament calendar

7 From the qualitative point of view: - Food must follow the rules of a healthy and balanced alimentation - the intake of protein wont be increased excessively - excess of fats is to be avoided and a correct relation between animal and vegetable fats should be kept.

8 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SPORT 1-People who play resistance sports (marathon, bottom and middle-distance race, skiing, cycling) need a great carbohydrates stock that provides energy during prolonged efforts. (60% carbohydrate, 25% fat, 15% protein)

9 2- For those who practice sport of strength, such as weight lifting, shot put, hammer or disk, it is important to the protein, which promotes the development of muscle mass they should not miss the carbs. The intake of fat should be rather moderate. ( 55% carbohydrate, 25% fat, 20% protein)

10 3-For athletes engaged in speed and step (sprint races, long jump, 100m, swimming short distances) is very important right carbohydrate intake, the only food that provides immediate energy with less waste of oxygen. (60% carbohydrate, 20% fat, 20% protein)

11 There are three distinct periods in the life of the athlete: training, competition, recovery. For these three phases are expected as many types of food ration Nutrition during training, Nutrition in the days before the race Nutrition on race day: pre-race ration, ration intra-race, post-race ration Nutrition on the day after the race or recovery

12 Altrettanto importanti sono i pasti post-allenamento e/o post/gara; devono infatti permettere il corretto recupero sia in termini di proteine che di glicogeno muscolare durante lattività fisica Il fattore tempo dellalimentazione è fondamentale. Un pasto leggero (riso con verdure, pesce, minestra o brodo, pasta con sugo di pomodoro leggero) viene digerito in 2-3 ore pasti normali (carni, verdura, pasta al ragù) necessitano di 3-4 ore; alimenti ricchi di grassi e piatti ricchi di fibra (legumi o carni grasse) vengono digeriti in più di 4 ore bisogna quindi programmare gli allenamenti non troppo vicini ai pasti (evitando di fare sport nelle due o tre e distribuire lapporto calorico totale su tutto larco della giornata facendo spuntini semplici e facilmente digeribili(un frutto, uno yogurt) prima dellallenamento Altrettanto importanti sono i pasti post-allenamento e/o post/gara; devono infatti permettere il corretto recupero sia in termini di proteine che di glicogeno muscolare durante lattività fisica The time factor is crucial supply. A light meal ( rice with vegetables, fish, soup, pasta with light tomato sauce) is digested in 2-3 hours normal meals ( meat, vegetables, pasta with meat sauce ) need 3-4 hours; foods high in fat and fiber-rich food ( vegetables or meat fat ) are digested more than 4 hours MUST training program not too close to mealtime distribute the total caloric intake over the course of the day, doing simple, easily digestible snacks (fruit, yogurt) before training

13 Equally important are the post- workout meal and / or post / race: they have to allow the proper recovery in terms of protein and muscle glycogen during exercise

14 In recent years, scientific knowledge, dietary and sports has great progress. We thought to compare the diet of an athlete of the past with the present. The choice fell on one of the most popular sports in our area: the rowing practice, along with the canoe on the lake of Sabaudia.


16 Here are some suggestions about the oarsmen's diet in the 19 th century... : From the meals it must be excluded everything which is fat, as well as what produces or adds fat to the body. The feeding must be restricted to strong meat which produces musles, this means to mutton and beef. Of course this meat has to be lean and the best way to eat it is roasted and rare. Every kind of pasta – as well as fresh bread – is a sort of poison. Soup is not recommended since it fills up the stomach without any feeding. Beer is extremely harmful, first because it is fat and secondly because it makes the body feel weak and it makes the blood thick. Milk must be drunk in very tiny quantity because even though very nutritive, it contains too much fat. Wine can be drunk but in very small doses since it changes and stirs the blood.


18 Lalimentazione del canottiere professionista oggi dieta bilanciata e regolare dieta variabile da persona a persona in base ai fabbisogni energetici del singolo individuo. Infatti i canottieri si dividono in due classi: i pesi leggeri che devono tenere il loro peso corporeo attorno ai 70 Kg e i senior che non hanno limiti di peso. Un peso leggero si allena due volte al giorno e brucia così 4000-5000 calorie al giorno. Gli integratori possono essere daiuto una o due volte lanno, ma solo se prescritti dal nutrizionista e dopo aver eseguito specifiche analisi del sangue

19 secondo i due atleti L uigi Scala e Gennaro Gallo, medaglie doro ai campionati del mondo di canottaggio per lotto pesi leggeri maschile, la dieta deve apportare un 40% di carboidrati,un 30% di grassi e un 30% di proteine senza eccedere in nessuno di essi. La prima colazione è importante e deve essere abbondante, ricca di cibi leggeri e facilmente digeribili come biscotti secchi, miele, marmellata, fette biscottate, e tè, tonico con proprietà antiossidanti. Da evitare alimenti grassi, quali il burro e cappuccino.

20 Menù del canottiere COLAZIONE Caffè,the o orzo non zuccherati Due fette di pane da toast 50 gr di prosciutto crudo sgrassato 70 gr di mozzarella 1 mela o 1 pera 6 olive o 6 nocciole o 6 mandorle PRANZO Pasta integrale con sugo di pomodoro e ricotta Petto di pollo o bresaola Crostata di marmellata CENA Minestrone di verdura con legumi o cereali o pasta Trancio di salmone ai ferri Gelato alla frutta senza panna montata

21 La classe 1° A Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico G. Marconi di L.atina Aquino Simone Ardigò Giorgio Ciccone Luca Ciccone Marco Ciotti David Coccoluto Alessio DAmato Dario DellAversana Valentina Domizio Salvatore Hetea Daniel Lorello Alessandro Mariani Sara Martino Arianna Pagliazzi Dario Paoloni Mattia Sacchetti Jessica Vecchio Gabriele L La prof.ssa di Scienze: Angela di Paola

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