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AUGER Settembre 2010 L’Osservatorio completato e inaugurato nel 2008 G.Matthiae.

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Presentazione sul tema: "AUGER Settembre 2010 L’Osservatorio completato e inaugurato nel 2008 G.Matthiae."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 AUGER Settembre 2010 L’Osservatorio completato e inaugurato nel 2008 G.Matthiae

2 “The message from the funding agencies was not what we hoped to hear. They emphasized that their budgets are not increasing, and they see no prospect that we will be in one of the favorable funding scenarios for which PASAG or Astro2010 recommended construction of Auger North. They plan to follow the advice of their advisory committee (PASAG). They do not intend to consider funding construction of Auger North or development work for it, unless new discoveries alter the science priorities in particle astrophysics. Support for Auger South remains strong.” Meeting dei colleghi Americani con rappresentanti di DOE e NSF. 14 Settembre 2010 Confermato al meeting del Finance Board, 20 Settembre DOE e NSF non intendono finanziare Auger Nord.

3 50 km Total area ~ 3000 km 2 1600 Surface detectors (“water tanks”) 1.5 km spacing 24 fluorescence telescopes 6 in each of 4 buildings Completed May 2008 The Auger Observatory

4 Water Tank in the Pampa Solar Panel Electronics enclosure 40 MHz FADC, local triggers, 10 Watts Communication antenna GPS antenna Battery box Plastic tank with 12 tons of water three 9” PMTs

5 The FD telescope (Schmidt optics) Field of view 30x30 degrees Spherical mirror PMT camera Diaphragm UV Filter (300-400 nm) Shutter

6 Enhancements Infill – dense array, ½ standard spacing ( ~ 50 km 2 ) – (INFN) HEAT - Three telescopes with higher elevation angle (30 – 60 degree) - INFN Reduction of minimum explored energy 10 18 → 10 17 eV AMIGA – Combine scintillation counters with tanks in the infill. Water tanks / scintillators – different sensitivity to muons with respect to the soft component → mass composition. R&D on radio detection of showers Now also microwave detection (few GHz) – INFN Auger South – bench mark on development of innovative instrumentation for studying high-energy showers

7 Example of a low energy event measured by the infill E ~ 4 x 10 17 eV Below the energy threshold of the baseline array

8 Infill Spectrum compared to standard baseline Auger Spectrum




12 Correlation extragalactic systems

13 Updated energy spectrum

14 GZK Horizon - GZK sphere maximum distance of the sources for protons arriving at the Earth with energy above a given value. Energy (EeV)

15 Deflection in the galactic magnetic field of extragalactic protons with energy 60 EeV

16 Study of correlations with respect to other catalogs of galaxies. Select galaxies within 200 Mpc (GZK sphere) AGN from Swift – BAT catalog. All sky hard X-ray survey. (267 objects)

17 Events for E > 55 EeV superimposed on the Swift – BAT density map smoothed with angular scale of 5 degrees Distance less than 200 Mpc

18 The arrival direction of each event forms a pair with every object in the catalog. The separation angle is ψ. We calculate the number of pairs N p ( ψ) with separation less than ψ. Relative excess with respect to isotropic expectations of pairs having angular separation less than any given angle ψ : N p ( ψ) / N p ( ψ) iso - 1


20 Correlation

21 A sizeable fraction of events come from the region of Cen A (AGN at ~ 4 Mpc) Within 18 0 from Cen A we have 13 events (20% of the total) while we expect 3.2 for isotropic distribution. Almost no event from Virgo cluster. Cumulative distribution of the 69 events with E> 55 EeV as a function of the angular distance from the direction of Centaurus Perhaps these particles don’t come from Cen A but from Centaurus cluster, same direction but much further away, 40-50 Mpc, strong emitters of HI line. (Ghisellini et al. 2008)

22 Events for E > 55 EeV superimposed on the Swift – BAT density map smoothed with angular scale of 5 degrees Distance less than 200 Mpc. First indication: Identification of extragalactic source of UHECR

23 Pubblicazioni Ultimo anno

24 Richieste per upgrading e tests Aquila : Upgrade Lidar Raman Catania: Monitor luminosità cielo notturno / confronto con i telescopi Lecce: sistema di test dei fototubi+basi del rivelatore di superficie Napoli : R&D elettronica telescopi fluorescenza Roma 2: test osservazione sciami a frequenze di alcuni GHz. Torino FD: upgrade Lidar con nuovo sistema ottico Torino SD: sviluppo di sistema di LED da installare sulle tanks per simulare sciami di alta energia.

25 Catania UV- scope Strumento per misurare la luminosità del cielo notturno Confronto con i telescopi di fluorescenza Possibilità di studiare calibrazione con stelle


27 Confronto UV-scope vs FD

28 SDECO: Malargue PMT test facility Test 16 PMTs –Single PE –Dark current –After pulses –Linearity –Saturation AUGER PMTs maintenance Since February 2010 the SDECO maintenance and upgrade is under Lecce group responsability Lecce

29 2010 February site visit In two weeks the station has been turned in full operation. 50 PMTs have been tested Future upgrade have been defined

30 Fluorescence telescope Radio telescope Possibilita’ di realizzare un telescopio simile a quello a fluorescenza che rivela lo sviluppo longitudinale degli sciami con un duty cycle del 100% e senza attenuazione atmosferica microonde (GHz) isotropa e non polarizzata Stima della soglia di rivelazione 10 18 -10 19 eV Roma

31 NEW DETECTORS Microwave frequency (few GHz) Gorham et al., PR D 78 (2008) 032007 already taking data AMBER MIDAS KASCADE-Grande Hawaii Chicago new projects EASIER FDWAVE INFN AMY (Frascati test beam) INFN

32 Use LL6 to detect microwave radiation equipping the empty pixels with microwave radio receivers Pixels without photomultipliers (removed to be installed in HEAT (*) ) FDWAVE (*) dopo che i tedeschi avevano fatto l’ordine per HEAT 3 la Photonis ha interrotto la produzione --> usati i pmt che hanno davanti poche tanks 3 x 14 = 42 pixel equipaggiati con antenne per <GHz

33 ANTENNA 42pixels x 800 Euro = 34 kEuro Conical Horn in the frequency range [9-11] GHz support (can be removed) connector for output signal (can be put in another position) waveguide  24.5 mm (<b) circular aperture  42 mm (<a) camera holes b=40 mm maximum aperture a=45.6 mm Contacts with SATIMO experts to lower the frequency (0.7 0 -0.8 0 )

34 Le richieste alla Commissione II sono per rivelatori su telescopio di fluorescenza dell’Osservatorio. Sviluppo nuova tecnica presso l’Osservatorio. In parallelo, richiesta alla Commissione V per misure su fascio di test a LNF, strumentazione generale di laboratorio a frequenze di alcuni GHZ (AMY – Roma II, L’Aquila, Lecce) (Spectrum analyzer e signal generator) Non disponibile in Sezione/Dipartimento.

35 Torino SD Sviluppo sistema di LED per simulazione sciami


37 Acquisto e caratterizzazione fototubi Hamamatsu per SD. Photonis ha arrestato la produzione. Necessita’ prevedere sostituzioni a lungo termine.

38 La rotazione della zona contenente lo specchio piano permette di puntare a qualsiasi angolo zenitale Ottica e laser solidali in ambiente coibentato Specchio con diametro 100 cm Lidar Upgrade: nuove idee R.Mussa, L.Simonetti, A.Tonachini Torino FD

39 Il movimento dello specchietto dalla posizione A a B permette di cambiare la parallasse tra Fascio laser e specchio ricevente Lidar Upgrade: nuove idee R.Mussa, L.Simonetti, A.Tonachini

40 Lidar Upgrade: progetto R.Mussa, L.Simonetti, A.Tonachini

41 Lidar Upgrade: progetto R.Mussa, L.Simonetti, A.Tonachini

42 Laser 40kE (USA)‏ Specchio Parabolico 10 kE (Rep.Ceca)‏ DAQ + PC 30 kE (Slovenia)‏ Richieste Torino 2011: Costruzione Apparati Specchio Piano 5kE Struttura Meccanica 20 kE Filtri UV, 1PMT Hamamatsu R7400U 4 kEInventariabile Elettronica di Controllo Movimenti 8 kEConsumi Accessori Banco Ottico 5 kE Lidar Upgrade: costi


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