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PubblicatoFilberto Gagliardi Modificato 11 anni fa
ESU DI VENEZIA Dr. Cristiano Chiusso mail:
Regional Body Supporting the Right to Higher Education
L’ESU DI VENEZIA Regional Body Supporting the Right to Higher Education supports, in collaboration with the Venetian Universities, services and activities in order to help the Higher Education outcome and to promote the Right to Study DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO: Italian Constitution art. 3: all citizen have equal social dignity – to remove the economical and social obstacles that prevent the person’s developing and his/her partecipation to the community art. 34: the school is open to everyone – the most capable and praiseworthy, even if with no means, have the right to reach the highest Study degrees. The Italian Republic supports this Right through grants, family allowances and other measures which have to be assigned by public competitions
as a Right to equal Opportunities of Higher Education Outcome
The Right to Study as a Right to equal Opportunities of Higher Education Outcome Regional Law 8/98 institution of ESU DI VENEZIA
Public Relation Office – Student Information Point Campo San Toma’
URP Public Relation Office – Student Information Point Campo San Toma’ Monday and Thursday: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday:
Benefits for the Students
ACCOMODATION: for non Residents and Veneto Commuters on line application from July up to August 2009 with ISEE (financial situation certificate); allocation from September 15th criteria: income plus merit CANTEES: In Venice Rio Novo, Badoer, Railway Station; in Mestre: bank canteen; in Treviso: Railway Station; in Portogruaro: Sala Pilastri Acess with Univerisity badge/ Esu badge / National Health Service badge / Price: 4 euro full, 3 euro reduced
Benefits for the Students
CERCO CASA: intermediation private owners – students who didn’t win the public competition/who couldn’t partecipate/who prefer private apartments EXTRAORDINARY GRANTS: economical help for particolar cases, i.e. students who didn’t have the conditions for the public competition who, during the academical year, suffered income loss or family grief FOR ALTER ABLED STUDENTS: properly furnished rooms, teaching facilitating devices, other facilities RESIDENCES SUMMER OPENING
Counselling and Guidance Centre (C. U. OR. I
Counselling and Guidance Centre (C.U.OR.I.) Palazzo dei Pompieri, Dorsoduro 3861 Venezia from Monday to Friday Monday and Thursday
Counselling and Guidance Centre
UNIVERSITY BEGINNING: study organization, group and individual examination preparation STUDY SUPPORT: to enforce learning abilities, concentration, organization PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING: to cope with relation difficulties and critical moments STUDY GUIDANCE AFTER SECONDARY SCHOOL: classroom meeting, questionnaires, individual guidance
Counselling and Guidance Centre
ORIENTAMENTO AL LAVORO: consulenze personalizzate, strumenti per la ricerca attiva del lavoro e workshop (curriculum, colloquio di selezione, contratti) FORMAZIONE ALLE COMPETENZE TRASVERSALI: parlare in pubblico, gestione del tempo, lavorare in gruppo, leadership, pensiero creativo, empowerment INFO-POINT: su formazione Fondo Sociale Europeo, studio e lavoro in Italia e all’estero, ricerca di borse di studio – rassegna opportunità di lavoro in VETRINA DEL LAVORO + SALE STUDIO, INTERNET POINT Palazzo dei vigili del fuoco, calle larga Foscari, 1° piano , ore , lunedì e giovedì anche
Servizi Culturali EVENTI CULTURALI E RICREATIVI: promuove e gestisce iniziative culturali e spettacoli, riduzioni per gli studenti; spazi per mostre, concerti, feste…CARTA GIOVANI ASSOCIAZIONISMO STUDENTESCO: spazi e servizi per associazioni che promuovano iniziative per tutti gli iscritti: corsi di lingue, informatica, danza, recitazione, viaggi di studio VIVA CITTA’: progetto di cittadinanza attiva – mar e mer URP Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico – campo San Toma’ lunedì e giovedì martedì, mercoledì, venerdì
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