Qualità dei servizi – lapproccio MAIS B. Pernici Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Qualità dei servizi – lapproccio MAIS B. Pernici Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Qualità dei servizi – lapproccio MAIS B. Pernici Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione

2 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 2 - Outline Qualità dei dati e qualità del servizio Qualità del servizio in MAIS Classificazione delle dimensioni Specifica di dimensioni di qualità Lavoro futuro

3 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 3 - QUALITA DEI DATI E DEL SERVIZIO

4 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 4 - Dimensioni di qualita

5 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 5 - Modello basato su Prestazioni dei Prodotti e dei Servizi (PSP/IQ) Conforme alle specifiche Soddisfa o supera le aspettative del consumatore Qualità prodottoInformazione corretta - Accurata - Rappresentazione concisa - Completezza - Rappresentazione consistente Informazione utile - quantità appropriata - Rilevanza - Comprensibilità - Interpretabilità - obiettività Qualità servizioInformazione affidabile - Tempestività - sicurezza Informazione usabile - Credibilità - Accessiiblità - Facilità di manipolazione - Reputazione - Valore-aggiunto

6 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 6 - Quality Driven composition Proposes a global approach to planning to optimally select component services during the execution of a composite service Defines a quality model and a quality-driven service selection L. Zeng, B. Benatallah, M. Dumas, J. Kalagnanam, Q.Z. Sheng, Quality Driven Web Service Composition WWW 2003, Budapest

7 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 7 - Quality Driven composition Given a composite service the execution path and the execution plan are defined Execution paths are sequences of states Execution plans are execution paths in which each activity is performed by a service The problem is to select for each activity the service that not only satisfies local requirements but also the global ones

8 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 8 - Quality model According to the separation between service provider and service requester perspective also the quality definition depends on them The service provider specifies SLS, i.e. the promises The service requester selects the more appropriate quality level The provider and the requester agree on SLA that is a set of selected SLS

9 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 9 - QUALITA IN MAIS

10 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 10 - MAIS - Enhanced service model Besides the classical service model we could consider the context in which the service operates The service context could be defined by (e.g.) The channels The time-zone The location Two models Service provisioning model Service request model Quality of service

11 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 11 - Quality of service Each service provides a particular quality Even a service-based process must provide a quality What is quality for services? Performance issues (what it offers) Economical issues (how much it costs) Resource consuming issues (what it requires) Quality parameters are specific to different domains

12 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 12 - Multi-channel ADAPTIVE information systems t QoS Accepted quality threshold

13 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 13 - Quality parameters Physical resources How many CPUs, how many disks, … Data resources Timeliness, currency, availability, … Channel Bandwidth, latency, jitter, … Provider Pricing policy, payment forms, …

14 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 14 - SLS example 10fps 5fps 320x200 80 95 40 31 1024x768 100 95 30fps 11fps 800x600 90 95

15 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 15 - General Architecture Invokes the chosen service E-Service Composition Platform Chooses the best e-service according to user request All the modules are placed in the platform or in service/user device according to their capability. Each profile is composed by a local and a global part.

16 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 16 - General Architecture determines QoS levels acceptable for the user translates logical constraints in technological ones merges service/user/context constraints Interaction Enabling Platform chooses the best n-ple for service delivering

17 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 17 - General Architecture Receives as input the acceptable QoS levels with their constraints Tries a channel adaptation making first a theoretical adaptation study and then trying to change the real values Reflective Platform Works on a given n-ple First phase Second phase Monitors the channel during service provisioning

18 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 18 - Gestione vincoli su QOS 0.7 responseTime 5 10 localization Italia

19 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 19 - MODELING QoS

20 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 20 - Quality of Service adaptation strategies both the service and provider side depend on the QoS definition channel deeply affects the values of the QoS parameters on the provider side so the user can perceive different values according to the active channel In a service oriented environment we have to consider all the involved actors independently

21 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 21 - Our model Composed by: A system model: objects and actors A set of roles and rules association of quality information to objects relationships among them Quality information expressed by: Quality parameters Quality sets

22 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 22 - Objects and actors Objects: Services Networks Devices Actors: Service providers Network providers Device providers Users

23 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 23 - Objects and actors Servicesnetworks devices Service providers Network providers Device providers Users

24 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 24 - Communities A community exists for each object considered in the model: A community for each type of service (VoD, hotel reservation, …) A community for the network A community for each type of device (PC, PDA, SmartPhone, …) Given an object, the related community writes the specifications which define in an unambiguous way such an object In our work we are interested in the quality specification of the object so the object specification is a set of quality parameters

25 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 25 - Service Community Quality specification: Framerate Colordepth Resolution Functional specification & Service Provider A Service Provider C Service Provider B Service Community E-Video My-movie V@D

26 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 26 - Quality parameter quality of objects set of quality parameters Defined by the community for that object A quality parameter is a pair: Name Admissible_values Examples of quality parameters: Functions best and worst are introduced to obtain the admissible value which correspond namely the best and the worst quality More on going work on function definitions

27 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 27 - Quality set Quality Set: class of quality parameters identified by: a name a list of quality parameters belonging to such a set Containment relationships QS 1 QS 2 holds iff: same list of quality parameters for each pair of quality parameters with the same name QS 1_name.admissible_value QS 2_name.admissible_value

28 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 28 - Roles for quality management Quality definition performed in two steps: Specification definition phase: the community defines a quality set for the object specification Object implementation phase: the provider operates a restriction on the specification quality parameters Containment relationship between the object specification and implementation quality sets for an object: QS obj QS spec

29 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 29 - Model

30 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 30 - Roles for quality management We are interested in three main quality sets: QoS: quality of service QoN. quality of newtork QoD: quality of device For examples from the community specification we obtain the quality set QoS spec : From the service provider implementation the realized object is defined by the quality set QoS obj

31 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 31 - Quality of Experience Represents the quality perceived by the user Composed by the same quality parameters belonging to the QoS where the values are affected by the QoN, and QoD Quality rules QoS QoNQoD QoE

32 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 32 - Quality rules Quality rules are introduced to explicitly declare how the QoS is affected by the QoN and QoD Given two quality sets QS 1 and QS 2 a quality rule is a function qr(QS 1, QS 2 )= QS 3, where: QS 3 is a quality set QS 3 QS 1 Example of quality rule qr(QoS, QoN)=QoE: framerate * colordepth * resolution = K * bandwidth In this way we can state that:

33 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 33 - Related work Quality of Service is a relevant topic for several researches area. In particular we analyzed: Web Service community Telecommunication community Middleware community In all of these efforts the definition of measurable characteristics of objects is fundamental QoS are usually defined in a way that the are not fully under the control of the user QoE highlights this difference and defines the subset of the QoS which is fully under control of the user

34 La qualità del servizio e linguaggi per la sua rappresentazione C. Cappiello

35 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 35 - Classificazione delle variabili di qualità del servizio QoS Dimensioni di qualità lato fornitore Dimensioni di qualità negoziabili Dimensioni di qualità intrinseche del servizio Dimensioni di qualità relative a risorse per lerogazione del servizio Lato fornitoreLato cliente Caratteristiche device Profilo utente

36 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 36 - negoziazione interattiva o basata sul profilo utente Negoziazione automatica

37 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 37 - Esempi di dimensioni di qualità Esempi di dimensioni di qualità negoziabili lato fornitore sono: Bandwith (Larghezza di banda) Prezzo Velocita' Grado di sicurezza Accuracy Completeness Adattività Response time Provisioning Time Service Availability Timeliness (Dati) Availability (Dati)

38 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 38 - Linguaggio di rappresentazione Il linguaggio più completo per la rappresentazione delle caratteristiche di qualità è WSOL. Esso consente di specificare: Vincoli funzionali (pre-condizioni, post-condizioni, e condizioni future) Vincoli non funzionali (es. Vincoli di QoS) Diritti di accesso

39 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 39 - Linguaggio di rappresentazione Esempio di specifica QoS <wsol:offeringType name=bookflight service=bookflight:bookflightService …. <wsol:QoSconstraints name=MaxResponseTime 50

40 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 40 - Estensioni al linguaggio Estensioni del linguaggio che saranno apportate in MAIS: Definizione dellinsieme delle dimensioni di QoS MAIS Definizione dellinsieme delle specifiche di qualità MAIS Introduzione di parametri importanti in fase di negoziazione (es. priorità sul soddisfacimento dei vincoli di qualità)

41 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 41 - Conclusions and future work This work presents a way to define the quality information in a multichannel information system All the involved actors can separately state the quality information for the controlled object Quality rules are introduced in order to create a relationship among the quality information defined by the different actors Now, analyzing some case studies we aim at finding other real quality rules A prototype which exploit this model is under development More theoretical work on: Function definition Dependency rules (ontology of quality dimensions) (OWL)

42 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 42 - References WSLA provides a framework to define the quality parameters, responsibilities about the monitoring, the agreement between service provider and requester A. Mani and A. Magarajan, Understanding quality of service of your Web services, provides a list of useful parameters in Web Service context L. Zeng et al. Quality driven web services composition. WWW 2003 Real-time CORBA enforce timeliness properties Fault-tolerant CORBA (implemented in IRL) increasing the mean time to failure, to repair and thus between failures of CORBA objects through software replication techniques DaQuinCIS project provides a set of data quality dimensions and infrastructure for their monitoring and improvement Andrea Maurino, Stefano Modafferi, Barbara Pernici, Reflective architectures for adaptive information systems, ICSOC 2003:115-131 C. Marchetti, B. Pernici, P. Plebani,A Quality Model for Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems, WWW04 Conference, Alternate Track on Web Services, maggio 2004

43 (c) B. Pernici, Process Track, Milano, April 2004 - 43 - References Carlo Marchetti, Barbara Pernici, Pierluigi Plebani, A quality model for e-Service based multi-channel adaptive information systems, WISE-WQW workshop, Dic. 2004 C. Cappiello, C. Francalanci, B. Pernici, Data quality assessment from a user perspective, Workshop SIGMOD-IQIS, giugno 2004 Carlo Marchetti, Barbara Pernici, Pierluigi Plebani, A Quality Model for Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems, WWW04 Alternate Track on Web Services, maggio 2004

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