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The 7 th Congress of European family Therapy Association-EFTA, Paris 29,30,31 Ottobre 2010 Kaleidoscopes.Use of art images in systemic couple therapy Conny.

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Presentazione sul tema: "The 7 th Congress of European family Therapy Association-EFTA, Paris 29,30,31 Ottobre 2010 Kaleidoscopes.Use of art images in systemic couple therapy Conny."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The 7 th Congress of European family Therapy Association-EFTA, Paris 29,30,31 Ottobre 2010 Kaleidoscopes.Use of art images in systemic couple therapy Conny Leporatti Psychologist, Psychotherapist Family Therapy Istitute of Florence Co.Me.Te Center of Empoli Director Florence University Teacher

2 You will draw the figures in such a way as to be sufficient to demonstrate that which the figures has in his soul, or else your art will not be praiseworthy. (Leonardo da Vinci, Book of Painting)

3 FROM ART AND PHYSIOGNOMY Physiognomy is an ancient art, and it was with Leonardo that it entered into the modern age. The study of the stirrings of the human soul, expressed in facial characteristics influenced the work of artists over the course of the history of western art, and anticipated and reflected the development of Psychology.

4 FROM ART AND PHYSIOGNOMY In the nineteenth century physiognomy enjoyed immense popularity and was expressed extensively in paintings ( such as those of Gericault and Van Gogh), as well as in scientific theories ( for exemple in the theories of Darwin and the criminology of Lombroso). Following Freud's Interpretation of Dreams of 1900, art and psychology became so united that they built a continous thread woving through all of modern art.

5 FROM ART AND PHSYSIOGNOMY TO PSYCHOLOGY AND THERAPY The intention of the present adress is to catalyse reflection on the use of art images in systematic-relational individual therapy.

6 FROM ART AND PHSYSIOGNOMY TO PSYCHOLOGY AND THERAPY Systemic individual therapy adresses the relational dimension: Family Relations; Relation to the self and to one's internal world, which is conceptualised in Walter Benjamin'sOPTICAL UNCONSCIOUS; In systemic individual therapy we explore with the client these various internal and external systems through reference also to the relational dynamic of the client/therapist system.

7 IMAGES AND THERAPY Verbal communication is usually more controllable than non-verbal communication, and it is often satured with superfluous or distracting elements that can create barriers to a clear undestanding of a client's core problems.

8 RODOLFO DE BERNART For a systemic relational therapist seeing is as important as hearing Rodolfo de Bernart. By comparing what he/she sees in the client with what from him he/she listens to, the therapist can achieve a more complex reading of the communication in therapy.

9 RODOLFO DE BERNART The non-verbal channel has always been very important for the systematic-relational therapist because it is less controlable and less elaborated, making it more beliavable. For almost twenty years we have used different techniques during clinical work with individuals, couples, families, and groups of patients, and in training sessions with our students.

10 Our students in training are taught to recognize the dissonances between what clients say, the external image, and what they exhibit non-verbally, theinternal image. From these observations they can create relational hypotheses which the level of accuracy will become evident as therapy proceeds.

11 KATIA GIACOMETTI A person has their own internal image of a situation, an initial level of representation, that puts distance between the individual and their relational story, a distance that allows unthreatening reciprocal listening, thinking and dialogue. Working with art images permits construction and reconstruction of an experience through actualisation and dramatisation of the internal relation world. Through the art image it is possible to build access to this internal world, a world not easily reachable and often defended and masked by the verbal channel

12 IMAGES AND INDIVIDUAL THERAPY The image is an alternative way of articulating parts of the self and others from a deeper subjective perspective. In my office I make available images in the form of catalogues of 200 pictures dating from the time of Leonardo da Vinci. I ask each patient to choose an image representative of a theme I suggest (sexuality, couple, etc) I ask each patient to read the image of the other I ask each patient to express their reasons for choosing such an image The following sessions are dedicated to deepening the comprehension of themes and images just come to the surface

13 IMAGES IN COUPLE THERAPY - I ask each patient to choose an image representative of a theme I suggest (sexuality, couple, etc.) I ask each patient to read the image of the other -I ask each patient to express their reasons for choosing such an image -The following sessions are dedicated to deepening the comprehension of themes and images just come to the surface

14 THE CASE OF ELENA AND MARCO Elena, 34, and Marco, 39, are both architects and work together in Marcos family firm; they have been married 6 years, and have no children. They come to therapy following the advice of their andrologyst, whom they have been seeing about impotence problem Marco has suffered from for a year and a half. His problem does not disappear notwithstanding their tries at solving it, including the use of medicines. Both show unease, unhappiness and frustration. We work on their history as a couple and on their original families I ask them both to choose an image to represent their couple.

15 Marco chooses: Giorgio de Chirico, Hector and Andromacha,1917 Elena says of Marcos choise: That is us, our work, our love for architecture, our many projects and wanted lives; but in the end were still stuck there.

16 Elena chooses: Giorgio de Chirico, The archeologists, 1966 Marco says of Elenas choise: Her image shows us as she would want us, in a sanctuary alone and separated from the rest of the world; but I have a black hole in my chest, and I cant fill it.

17 From the analysis of the crossed reading there emerges Marcos guilt towards his brother Alessandro: their father has decided to put Marco in charge of the familiy firm and the relationship between the siblings has deteriorated Elena, weeping, complains about the forceful interference of her husbands family in their life Both declare they can understand the situation/emotions of the other, but that they do not know how to snap out of it I ask them again to choose an image that represents how they feel in the couple

18 Marco chooses: Egon Schiele, Self-portrait with cheek resting on the hand, 1910

19 Elena chooses: Marco Savino, Annunciation, 1939

20 Weeping, Elena expresses her unease at her relationship with her father-in-law, whom she perceives as greatly intrusive in her marriage, and whose influence she thinks badly conditions her approach to Marco and their intimancy as a couple. Marco is speechless and declares that although he had guessed as much, he would not believe it. I ask them to choose an image to express what they desire for the other in their relationship as a couple

21 Marco chooses: Gustav Klimt, Danae, 1907-1908

22 Elena chooses: Vincent Van Gogh, The Reaper, 1889

23 Elena rejoices at the idea of semen, which she associates with a long-desired son; Marco remains silent and eventually accepts it. In the meantime their sexual interaction has resumed and they have distanced themselves from Marcos family I ask them to choose an image to represent their couple now

24 Marco chooses: Egon Schiele, Embrace, 1917

25 Elena chooses: Marc Chagall, Over the city, 1914-1918 Elena: Us, free to go, free to do as we please…

26 Marcos impotence has been left behind, the relations within the couple have been re-established and the relationship with the outer world has been redefined, the projects of the couple are now aimed at the same goal (a child): I declare the therapy over.

27 About two years after the ending of the therapy I receive a card from them: it is a reproduction of Egon Schiele,The family, 1918. It is signed Elena, Marco and Thomas.


29 SOMMINISTRAZIONE COMPLETA Si somministrano 10 voci. Modalità: chiedere al paziente di scegliere in 2 minuti un immagine per ogni voce. Durata: due minuti a voce per scegliere un immagine. Totale 290 minuti per dieci voci. Modalità: chiedere per ogni immagine scelta le motivazioni della scelta. Durata: 3 minuti per immagine. Totale 30 minuti. Totale durata somministrazione 50 minuti.


31 Situazioni Situazioni La Coppia :La Coppia Individuo Femminile Individuo Maschile Sesso Cibo La Coppia La Famiglia genitorialeIl Padre La Madre Il Bambino/I Fratelli* I Genitori La Famiglia La Famiglia I Genitori Il Bambino I Fratelli* I Nonni Le Case *se vi è un figlio unico somministrare la voce il bambino, se vi sono fratelli, somministrare la voce fratelli.

32 Patologie Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare (DCA) Il cibo La madre Il padre Il bambino/I fratelli DCA Psicosi e Borderline La malattia IL sesso Il cibo I genitori La morte

33 Patologie Depressione La famiglia La malattia La morte Il cibo Il bambino Attacchi di panico La famiglia La vecchiaia Il cibo Il lavoro Il gioco

34 Patologie Nevrosi La famiglia Il cibo Il sesso La malattia La vecchiaia Comportamento – Compulsivo La casa Il lavoro Il gioco La malattia La morte

35 Patologie Problemi di coppia e problemi sessuali Il sesso La coppia Identità maschile Identità femminile Identità di genere Fobie scolari Il bambino Il gioco La casa I genitori Il cibo

36 Patologie Problemi di comportamento Il bambino Il gioco La famiglia I fratelli I nonni Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività Il bambino Il padre La madre I fratelli

37 Bambino Casa







44 Malattia Morte

45 Nonni Padre

46 Sessualità Vecchiaia

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