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Philips Growing with engaged people Sergio Tonfi – Corporate Communication Manager 25 settembre 2007.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Philips Growing with engaged people Sergio Tonfi – Corporate Communication Manager 25 settembre 2007."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Engagement @ Philips Growing with engaged people Sergio Tonfi – Corporate Communication Manager 25 settembre 2007

2 2 Royal Philips Electronics Una delle principali aziende di elettronica al mondo ( la prima in Europa ) con un fatturato di – 27 miliardi nel 2006 Con più di 125,000 dipendenti Attiva nelle aree healthcare, lighting e consumer lifestyle products Presente in oltre 60 paesi R&D expenditures : 6.2 % Headquarter : Amsterdam In Italia è presente dal 1918 ed è oggi dislocata a Monza ( headquarter ), Saronno e Alpignano

3 3 Continuiamo a lanciare innovazioni tecnologiche Medical SystemsLighting Consumer Electronics DAP Portable defibrillator Open MRI Neonatal monitors CT Scanner ALU Juicer Wardrobe care Williams F1 shaver Wake up light VOIP phone Portable Media Devices Ambilight Experience DVD-R HD Category Candle light Edore Living Colours LED light Cosmopolis

4 4 La nostra management agenda & brand promise

5 5 In cosa crediamo ( valori ) Delight customers Deliver on commitments Depend on each other Develop our people

6 6 La sostenibilità nel nostro DNA Esplorare le opportunità offerte dallapproccio sostenibile rendendolo parte integrante del nostro modello di business e di tutta la strategia aziendale : –Responsabilità sociale –Responsabilità ambientale –Responsabilità economica –Iniziative sostenibili

7 7 Cosè lengagement per Philips Engagement in Philips significa creare un ambiente di lavoro coinvolgente ed altamente motivante, dove ognuno è partecipe e dedicato al raggiungimento dei nostri obiettivi aziendali. Per noi, essere engaged costituisce un vantaggio competitivo e facciamo di tutto perchè le persone siano altamente motivate per dare il loro meglio in quello che fanno, ogni giorno.

8 8 I pilastri dellengagement Philips.. Essere ambasciatori di Philips e della sua immagine, credere in quello che Philips fa e farà in futuro …mostrare e condividere entusiasmo per quel che si fa …essere orgogliosi di lavorare in Philips …avere uno spirito positivo ed una predisposizione ottimistica …dare più del dovuto con passione per andare sempre più in là Essere appassionati e fieri …prendere un vero commitment aziendale e usare il proprio talento per contribuire al raggiungimento degli obiettivi comuni (Skill & Will) …costruire sui valori e gli obiettivi di ciascuno per aiutarli a contribuire al meglio …riconoscere lunicità di ciascuno e saper cogliere gli elementi di forza mettendoli al servizio dellorganizzazione Tirare fuori il meglio di sè e degli altri …essere autentici e consistenti tra ciò che diciamo e facciamo …comunicare in modo trasparente e misurare le performance nel tempo di ciò che ci proponiamo di fare …guadagnare credibilità e fiducia attraverso il nostro modo di fare le cose …credere negli altri e concedere lempowerment per meglio contribuire al raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali Credere e essere creduti Faccio il mio lavoro con passione Sono fiero di lavorare in Philips Do il mio meglio ogni giorno Il mio capo motiva me e il team So come dare il mio contributo Il mio capo mi fa crescere Sono convinto che raggiungeremo I nostri obiettivi Ho fiducia nei leader di Philips Credo nei valori aziendali

9 9 Engagement in action Me Me & My Manager Me & My organization Me & Philips I enjoy going to work in the morning I do my job with passion I touch lives everyday I belong to this group of people I feel connected to my co- workers around the world I believe we will achieve our goals I care for my colleagues, my colleagues care for me I am clear about our direction and how to contribute I am proud to work for Philips I trust our leadership I am inspired by the vision of Philips I matter, I can make a difference in this company I believe in our Philips values I am an ambassador for Philips and its products My boss engages our team and is a leader My boss brings the best out of me My boss helps me to develop and grow I believe Philips has an outstanding future

10 10 Le domande del nostro Engagement survey I rarely think about looking for a new job with another company I would gladly refer a good friend or family member to Philips for employment Overall, I am extremely satisfied with Philips as a place to work I trust my manager My job makes good use of my talents and abilities My manager has facilitated my growth and development My manager provides me with coaching that is helpful in improving my performance In my organization there is open and honest two-way communication My manager clearly communicates what is expected of me I feel that I am part of a team My ideas and suggestions count My manager really cares about my well being My manager provides me with timely and helpful feedback I think my performance is evaluated fairly I regularly receive appropriate recognition when I do a good job My organization has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued I receive the information and communication I need to do my job effectively I am encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things All employees in Philips are treated as individuals regardless of age, race, gender, physical capabilities etc My organization provides equal opportunities to all employees I believe Philips has an outstanding future I trust the leadership of Philips My manager is an active role model for the company's values The leadership of Philips has communicated a vision of the future that motivates me I have a clear picture of the direction in which Philips is headed The management style in this organization brings out the best in employees My management has acted on issues identified in the previous employee engagement survey I feel adequately informed by my management on our business goals There is good cooperation between my department and other departments I feel proud to work for Philips I have the training I need to do my job effectively My manager is usually receptive to suggestions for change from employees I am involved in decisions that affect my work I am given sufficient authority and freedom by the organization to do my job well The compensation plans of Philips reward outstanding job performance In my current job, I am satisfied with my pay and benefits My manager acts as a role model for sense and simplicity I know how to apply sense and simplicity to my work In my working environment, sense and simplicity is a driver in what we do EEI PLI ILI Other Items

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13 13 EES 2007 - Item 8 TARGET ITEM PMSLIGHTINGDAP PCS CEC.O.OVERALL Reality 2006 37%47%72%78%56%49%45% Target 2007 40% 50%75%80%60%55%50% TOT. EMPLOYEES 3278430265996782

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17 17 Benefit e recognition

18 18 Engagement & CSR : i nostri progetti locali

19 19 Engagement & CSR : gli effetti sulla reputation An improvement for our brand equity Philips is a better company to work in ( Great PlaceTo Work ) People engaged produce better results Set a leading role for the company in the society

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