Compositi per ATLAS Overview del processo per la costruzione supporti per ATLAS Tempistica
Supporti per una end-cap per ITk 2 set di 3 mezzi cilindri concentrici Ogni mezzo cilindro con una decina di half-ring Sugli half-ring si montano i moduli a pixel Gli half ring sono sandwich di fibra di carbonio e carbon-foam con in mezzo circuiti elettrici e un tubo di raffreddamento (Ti). Tre tipi di half rings a seconda dello strato. 54 half rings nel rivelatore. Half ring
J.Pater - Endcap Rings Status Current Design: As simulated for ITk Layout task force. Active inner Radii per layer: 275mm 212.5mm 150mm The rings themselves can’t be made smaller. In fact they have to become slightly larger for 384-row chip. 9mm at outer rims of rings: Ring mounting tabs Type-I cables Cooling pipes (manifolds and cables not shown on drawing) 9mm at inner rim of rings: bus tape connections to modules & EoS cards. >≈7mm radial space needed ≈2mm clearance NB these tabs are actuallly wider than shown – occupy ~ entire space in phi 29/06/2017 - ITk week @ CERN J.Pater - Endcap Rings Status
Half Rings : Overview Gli half ring sono sandwich di fibra di carbonio e carbon-foam con in mezzo circuiti elettrici e un tubo di raffreddamento (Ti). Tre tipi di half rings a seconda dello strato. 54 half rings nel rivelatore.
Half Rings : Overview
Half Rings Construction Steps: Overview NUMBERS in ONE end cqp Endcap z [cm] R_min [cm] R_max [cm] Number of modules per ring Modules per HR plate [? tbc] Number of disks in z Modules per layer D2 300 15.20 19.20 32 8 10 320 D3 21.15 25.15 44 11 352 D4 27.10 31.10 52 13 9 468 Total HR 54 1140 ~1.75 m2 x EC
Half Rings Construction Steps: Overview Cut of Carbon Foam blocks in 3mm height trapezoidal slices Lay-up of 3 prepreg Layers and rough (large) cut Lay-up of prepreg lay-up and carbon foam slices Co-curing of the lay-up Machining of the half sandwich Gluing of tapes on each half sandwich Gluing of peek supports, Ti pipe and half sandwiches together
Half Rings Construction Steps: C slices Carbon Foam (Allcomp k9, density 220 kg/m3) is delivered in blocks ~ 30x30x2.5 cm3 first step is to produce 3 mm thin slices of trapezoidal shape with at least one side with planarity < 20-25 um. In one end cap ~650 slices
Half Rings Construction Steps: Compositi 108 half sandwiches in one endcap. In the composite lab, three prepreg layers are overlaid 0/90/0 and cut. Each layer is FIBER K13C2U and RESYN EX1515. Total THICKNESS 0.150 mm. the shape is significantly larger than the final half ring at this first stage. Pantograph
Half Rings Construction Steps: Compositi The prepreg skin (1) is overlaid with the carbon foam trapezoidal slices (2) and put in a vacuum bag (3). 1 2 3
Half Rings Construction Steps: Compositi The vacuum bag is then placed in the autoclave for ~ 3hours co-curing
Half Rings Construction Steps: Machining Dopo la cottura il composito viene rifinito a forma di corona circolare e la parte interna di foam e’ lavorata per ottenere spazi per tubo, supporti in peek e bus. Fresatura per rifinire i contorni (qui non fatta) e per alloggi tape, supporti, pipe.
Timeline HR R&D and preproduction HR production and QA
High Luminosity LHC 2012 (data): 2010 (data): 2027 (simulazione): ~15 cm 2012 (data): 25 vertici per evento 2010 (data): 2 vertici per evento 2027 (simulazione): 200 vertici per evento 15
Layout del nuovo tracciatore - ITk STRIP Strip General ITk Pixel Attuale HL_LHC Superficie Pixel [m2] 1.9 ~14