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Transcript della presentazione:


The company BAG S.p.a, the owner of the Nero Giardini label has its headquarters in Monte San Pietrangeli and is run by C.E.O, Enrico… Established in 1975 as a small sized shoe manufacturer, at that time the company was called BATAM. It continued to produce footwear until the end of the 80s without great success. In 1990 the company was totally reorganized with the strategic goal to concentrate all its resources in the development of its brand Nero Giardini. In 1998 Enrico ..bought all the stocks from the partners of BATAM, giving the firm the new name BAG S.r.l.

In a few years the brand registered record growth, becoming the leader in the competitive footwear and accessories sector. This was thanks to a farsighted company policy, based on its “Made in Italy” products. In the decade following 1995, the company grew constantly, reaching in 2005 a turnover of €65 million. In 2008 this grew to a sum an impressive €185 million.


Nel 2005 Elica ha aperto uno show room nella principale via della moda di Osaka. Nel 2010 la Società è entrata nel mercato indiano attraverso una joint venture con l’imprenditore Pralhad Bhutada, tra i più affermati operatori locali. E’ nata così Elica PB India Ltd. che produce e commercializza cappe, piani cottura e forni a marchio proprio e di terzi, destinati al mercato indiano. Nello stesso anno Elica è entrata nel mercato cinese, primo maggior mercato mondiale delle cappe, acquisendo la quota di maggioranza della società cinese Zhejiang Putian Electric Co. Ltd, proprietaria del marchio Puti, con il quale produce e commercializza cappe, piani a gas e sterilizzatori per stoviglie per il mercato locale. Elica Corporation è presente nel più grande mercato mondiale del settore cappe con PUTI, un noto marchio cinese e con il brand Elica, inoltre dispone di una struttura produttiva di qualità e con ampie potenzialità di sviluppo. Lo stabilimento produttivo è situato a Shengzhou, uno dei più affermati distretti industriali cinesi degli elettrodomestici. Nel 2012 Elica ha ceduto a Fuji Industrial Co. Ltd. una quota pari al 3,24% del capitale sociale di Zhejiang Putian Electric Co. Ltd. L’operazione, che dimostra il ruolo strategico della presenza diretta in quest’area, ha consolidato e rafforzato i rapporti di cooperazione con il partner giapponese.

In 2005, Elica opened its showroom in the main fashion street of Osaka In 2005, Elica opened its showroom in the main fashion street of Osaka. In 2010, the company entered the Indian market thanks to a joint venture with entrepreneur Pralhad Bhutada, one of the most established local operators. This resulted in Elica PB India Ltd , a company that produces and markets hoods, hobs and ovens under its own brand, as well as third party brands, for the Indian market. In that same year, Elica entered the first cooker hood market in the world, the Chinese market, thanks to the acquisition of the majority of shares of the Chinese company, Zhejiang Putian Electric Co. Ltd, owner of the Puti brand, under which it produces and markets hoods, gas hobs, and kitchen utensil sterilizers for the domestic market. Elica Corporation is present in the biggest kitchen hood market segment in the world, with both the well-known Chinese PUTI brand and the Elica brand, and can boast very good production facilities , with very high development potential. The production plant is located in Shengzhou, one of the most well established industrial Chinese household appliance districts. In 2012, Elica sold shares equal to 3,24% of the share capital of Zhejiang Putian Electric Co. Ltd. to Fuji Industrial Co. Ltd. The operation, which demonstrates the strategic importance of being directly present in this geographic area, has consolidated and strengthened the corporation’s relationships with this Japanese partner.