1 15 Novembre 2014.


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Transcript della presentazione:

1 15 Novembre 2014

Distretto 2060 Rotary Club Sponsor: Rotary Treviso Terraglio Rotary Club Ricevente: Rotary Club Storrington (Sussex, Gran Bretagna) Master in Gender and Development presso l'Università del Sussex


La Borsa di studio degli Ambasciatori : 4 T he 2010-11 class of Ambassadorial Scholars received US$9.6 million through individual grants of $25,000. Since 1947, a total of $532 million has been awarded to 41,000 men and women.  Perhaps the most important objective of the program defined by the Trustees is the promotion of international goodwill and understanding. Essentially, therefore, scholars are expected to serve as a link, or bridge, between the sponsor district/country and the host district/country. The links scholars establish can serve as the foundation for a relationship to not only further good will and understanding but also to serve as conduit for potential collaborations on future projects and exchanges between both sides. Another program objective is to promote Rotary’s ideal of Service Above Self. Scholars were selected because of their outstanding qualifications and potential as an ambassador of goodwill. You are expected to serve as a representative of Rotary while maintaining high standards of academic achievement – so make sure to give them equal importance. Through the Ambassadorial Scholarships Program, Rotary hopes to develop humanitarian leaders. Many of our scholars find opportunities working for prestigious International Organizations such as the UN, the World Health Organization and even Rotary International. La Borsa di studio degli Ambasciatori : Borsa di studio annuale Abbinamento ad un club (e ad una famiglia) 10-15 presentazioni ai club del Distretto ricevente


Investire nelle persone, investire nel futuro 6 Return on Investment Investire nelle persone, investire nel futuro Rete di simpatizzanti, sostenitori e soci, in vari ambiti e paesi

Socia fondatrice Rotary eClub 2060 Partecipazione a Rotary Conventions 7 Socia fondatrice Rotary eClub 2060 Partecipazione a Rotary Conventions

Grazie per l’attenzione! 8 Domande? Grazie per l’attenzione!