Attività Progettuale “Nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati”


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Transcript della presentazione:

Attività Progettuale “Nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati” Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Giancarlo Salviati, IMEM-CNR Attività Progettuale “Nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati” 26 e 27 Maggio, 2014 Convegno del Dipartimento di Ingegneria, ICT e Tecnologie per l’Energia e i Trasporti Conferenza del Dipartimento DIITET 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Finalità ed obiettivi L’area progettuale sviluppa competenze interdisciplinari di sintesi, caratterizzazione, modellizzazione, sviluppo ed ottimizzazione di (nano)- materiali e nano dispositivi innovativi per impieghi in processi industriali, in energetica, sensoristica ed in campo bio-medico. Le attività della AP sono quindi riconducibili all’azione Leadership in Enabling Industrial Technologies, Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, nell'ambito del pilastro Industrial Leadership di H2020. Le competenze della AP hanno inoltre un deciso impatto sociale ed economico e sono quindi di interesse anche per Sfide per la Società. La multi- e l’interdisciplinarietà, unitamente a competenze fortemente complementari e convergenti, sono le chiavi di lettura della AP. Ne sono testimonianza la qualità ed il numero dei progetti di ricerca, sia Europei che Nazionali, trasversali alla Fisica, Chimica, Matematica, Ingegneria, Biologia e Medicina. D’altro canto non potrebbe essere diversamente nell’era delle ”Converging Sciencies” dove la nozione di “ricerche di base ed applicate” è sostituita da quella di “ricerche finalizzate e comunicative”. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Principali tematiche individuate Tematica B1 Nanomateriali per dispositivi e processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) (Link con AP Sistemi e dispositivi, Health) Tematica B2 Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) (link AP Low Carbon) Tematica B3 Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) (link con AP Health, Biotec) Tematica B4 Modellistica e simulazione numerica (IAC, IEIIT, IM, IMATI, ITC) (link con AP Low carbon) Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B1: Nanomateriali per dispositivi e processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) (Link con AP Sistemi e dispositivi, Health & well being) Tema B1.1 Micro-dispositivi acusto-opto-elettronici e sensori di grandezze chimiche e fisiche Sottotema B.1.1.1: Sensori chimici per rilevazione di gas tossici Sottotema B.1.1.2: Dispositivi passivi interrogabili a distanza Sottotema B.1.1.3: Biosensori di sostanze volatili Sottotema B.1.1.4 Sicurezza dei trasporti (aerei, marini, terrestri, multimodali) Sottotema B.1.1.5 Protezione dei beni culturali Sottotema B.1.1.6 Tecnologie per protezione da eventi naturali catastrofici Sottotema B.1.1.7 Protezione delle infrastrutture critiche Sottotema B.1.1.8 Protezione degli edifici Sottotema B1.1.9: Sensori per gas a base di ossidi semiconduttori nano strutturati Sottotema B1.1.10: Ossidi nano strutturati per sensoristica Sottotema B1.1.11: Sviluppo di materiali nanostrutturati a matrice polimerica per applicazioni biomedicali Tema B1.2 Nanostrutture di semiconduttori III-V realizzate mediante Epitassia da Fasci Molecolari Sottotema B1.2.1: Punti quantici di In(Ga)As in matrice (In,Ga,Al)As Sottotema B1.2.2: Multistrati (In,Al)As/GaAs Sottotema B1.2.3: Nano/micro-tubi InGaAs/GaAs e nano-membrane GaAs Tema B1.3 Nanostrutture e fluidi complessi impieganti nano materiali Sottotema B1.3.1: Sintesi e caratterizzazione di nano materiali del tipo M-MO Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B.2 Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITC) (Link AP Low Carbon) Tema B.2.5 Nanomateriali per l’applicazione in sistemi elettrochimici di conversione dell’energia Sottotema B.2.5.1 Catalizzatori per celle a combustibile e sistemi di elettrolisi Tema B.2.2 Nanostrutture di Grafene Sottotema B.2.2.1 Film ultrasottili "estesi" di MgO su Ag Sottotema B.2.2.2 Layers di grafene drogato su supporto metallico Tema B.2.3 Materiali e tecnologie low carbon e per efficienza energetica Sottotema B.2.3.1 Caratterizzazione e modeling di refrigeranti alternativi a basso effetto serra Sottotema B.2.3.2 Caratterizzazione dei nanofluidi. Sottotema B.2.3.3 Prestazioni dei refrigeranti e dei nanofluidi Sottotema B.2.1.2: Catalizzatori Tema B.2.1 Catalizzatori e materiali avanzati per la chimica e l’energia sostenibile Sottotema B.2.1.1: Materiali avanzati Tema B.2.4 Sintesi e caratterizzazione di perovskiti ibride Sottotema B.2.5.2 Materiali nano strutturati per batterie Sottotema B.2.5.3 Materiali nano strutturati per celle solari Sottotema B.2.5.1 Materiali nano strutturati per batterie Sottotema B.2.5.2 Catalizzatori per celle a combustibile e sistemi di elettrolisi Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) (Link con AP Health, Biotec) Tema B.3.1 Bio Materiali per ingegnerizzazione tissutale Sottotema B3.1.1: Biomateriali osteocondrali Tema B3.2: Nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati una più efficace assistenza sanitaria Sottotema B3.2.1: Terapia e sensing nella nanomedicina del cancro Tema B3.3: Nanostrutture a base di SiC, ZnO ed Fe3O4 per nano medicina Sottotema B.3.3.1 Nanosistemi ibridi multifunzionali a base di Carburo di Silicio per applicazioni biomediche Sottotema B.3.3.2 Nanoparticelle superparamegnetiche di Fe3O4 per trattamenti tumorali e drug delivery Sottotema B.3.3.3 Nanostrutture di ZnO funzionalizzate con NP di Au ed Fe3O4  per diagnostica biomedicale Sottotema B.3.3.4 Nanoplatelets e nanoblets di ZnO per drug loading e delivering Sottotema B.3.3.5 Studio dell’interfaccia organico-inorganica Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B4. Modellistica e simulazione numerica (IAC, IEIIT, IM, IMATI, ITC) (link con AP Low carbon) Tema B4.1 Modellizzazione di architetture per ingegneria tissutale Sottotema B.4.1.1: Modellizzazione e disegno di architetture interne Sottotema B.4.1.2: Trasporto fononico alla nanoscala Tema B.4.2 Fluidodinamica computazionale per materiali avanzati e processi industriali Sottotema B.4.2.1 Modellazione e simulazione di processi dinamici e flussi complessi. Sottotema B.4.2.2 Modellazione e simulazione di dispositivi micro e nanofluidici, microreattori, film sottili, processi manufatturieri Tema B.4.3 Materiali e tecnologie low carbon e per efficienza energetica Sottotema B.4.3.1 Caratterizzazione e modeling di refrigeranti alternativi a basso effetto serra Tema B.4.4 Nanostrutture di carbonio Sottotema B.4.4.1: Studio rigoroso del fenomeno di cristallizzazione in nanostrutture Sottotema B..4.4.2: Trasporto elettronico in dispositivi basati su nanotubi Tema B.4.5 Leghe a memoria di forma Sottotema B.4.5.1 Modelli innovativi e robusti per le caratterizzazioni termo-magneto-meccaniche di materiali multifunzionali Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti FP7 (11) Progetto Coordinatore Europeo Coordinatore CNR-DIITET Informazioni schematiche E3CAR Nanoelectronics for an Energy Efficient Electrical Car Dr. Reiner John Infineon Technology Dr. F. Albertini, CNR-IMEM Realizzazione di nuove tecnologie micro-nanoelettroniche per i veicoli elettrici ad alta efficienza energetica. STAGE-STE Scientific and Technological Alliance for Guaranteeing the European Excellence in Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy CIEMAT (ES) Dr. S. di Stasio CNR-IM Studio dei materiali nanostrutturati per implementare lo storage termico in impianti Concentrated Solar Power. SOFCOM SOFC CCHP with Poly-fuel: Operation and Maintenance Prof. Ing. M. Santarelli PoliTo Dr. V. Chiodo CNR-ITAE Sviluppo di materiali nanostrutturati e processi per Solid Oxide Fuel Cells NANOWIRING ITN People Marie Curie Prof. A. Rizzi Univ. Gottinghen Dr. A. Catellani Network multidisciplinare tra accademia, enti di ricerca ed industrie sull’impiego di nanofili a semiconduttore DURAMET Improved Durability and Cost-Effective Components for New Generation Solid Polymer Electrolyte Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Dr. A. S. Arico' Sviluppo di materiali innovativi per fuel cells a metanolo diretto per applicazioni in generazione portatile di energia che in sistemi APU Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti FP7 (11) Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET Informazioni schematiche ELECTROHYPEM Enhanced performance and cost-effective materials for long-term operation of PEM water electrolysers coupled to renewable power sources Dr. A. S. Arico' CNR-ITAE Sviluppo di catalizzatori nano-strutturati (2-10 nm) ad alta area superficiale, per produzione di H2 su larga scala NECOBAUT New Concept of Metal-Air Battery for Automotive Application based on Advanced Nanomaterials Dr. A. Garcia Tecnalia Dr. V. Baglio Sviluppo di materiali nano strutturati per batterie ferro-aria per applicazione a veicoli elettrici. e-LIFT Laser printing of organic/inorganic material for the fabrication of electronic devices P. Delaporte CNRS Dr. E. Verona CNR-IDASC Fabbricazione di array di sensori chimici e di biosensori basati sulla propagazione di onde acustiche superficiali o di volume SYNAPSE SYnthesis and functionality of chalcogenide NAnostructures for PhaSE change memories Dr. M. Longo CNR-IMM Dr. L. Lazzarini CNR-IMEM Produzione di NWs di calcogenuri per dispositivi innovativi con memoria a cambiamento di fase Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti FP7 (11) Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET Informazioni schematiche LUS BUBBLE Light and ultrasound activated microbubbles for cancer treatment - ERANET+ BiophotonicsPlus Dr. F. Ratto CNR-IFAC Generazione di una piattaforma per imaging e trattamenti di tumori mediante microbubbles triggerate da eccitazione acustica ed ottica di particelle plasmoniche inviate alle cellule maligne. NANOJETS ERC Starting Grant Dr. D. Pisignano CNR-NANO-NNL G. Pontrelli, S. Succi CNR-IAC Produzione di nanofibre per manifattura tessile, piattaforme biologiche e materiali compositi SEMEOTICONS CNR-IFC CNR-ISTI Sviluppo di un dispositivo per l’analisi di sostanze volatili dell’esalato per l’home health care Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti con finanziamento ministeriale (MIUR, MiSE) – 9 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) PON PRISMA Dr. C. Rafanelli CNR-IDASC 26.500.000 1.700.000 PON DIONISO Prof. A. Teramo Univ. Messina 15.200.000 900.000 Progetto Bandiera NANOMAX Prof. F. S. Pavone UNIFI CNR-IEIIT CNR-IMEM 10.000.000 169.138 Progetto MiSE - Materiali e tecnologie abilitanti per la ricerca di sistema elettrico Dr. M. Fabrizio CNR-IENI Dr. L. Fedele CNR-ITC 3.486.000 74.000 Industria 2015 – PIACE - Piattaforma Intelligente, Integrata e Adattativa di Microcogeneration ad elevata efficienza per usi residenziali G. Toniato GFE Dr. S. Bobbo 9.000.000 120.000 Progetto FIRB ItalNanoNet Rete Nazionale di Ricerca sulle Nanoscienze - Dr. R. Psaro CNR-ISMN Dr. S. Pelli CNR-IFAC 130.000 Progetto FIRB MOSQ Optomechanical tailoring of squeezed light CNR-INO Dr. A. Borrielli 560.000 260.000 Progetto PRIN Innovative chemical methodologies for smart biomaterials Prof. F. Nicotra Università Milano Bicocca 1.194.000 161.015 Progetto PRIN DESCARTES Development of Energy-targeted Self-assembled supramolecular systems UniPd 1.000.000 20.000 TOT@CNR 3.534.153 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti con finanziamento regionale – 8 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) Progetto Fondazione Cariparma BioNiMed Dr. G. Salviati CNR-IMEM 750.000 350.000 Provincia Autonoma di Trento MaDEleNA 2.360.000 433.000 Progetto Regione Toscana SINERGY Sviluppo industriale multidisciplinare di materiali innovativi nanostrutturati multifunzionali Colorobbia Italia SpA Dr. R. Pini CNR-IFAC 4.056.057 220.000 Progetto Regione Toscana IPERNANO Sviluppo di un carrier nano-magneto-ottico targettato per la cura dei tumori 2.600.111 262.537 Progetto Regionale Nano Treat Valutazione dell'impiego di nano particelle d'oro funzionalizzate per diagnostica e terapia dei tumori EcoBioServices & Researches s.r.l. 559.800 124.872 Progetto Regionale Nanochrom New nano-chromophores for minimally invasive photothermal therapies 374.500 Progetto Regionale Nanocell Nanosensori ottici all’interno delle cellule Dr. F. Baldini 435.000 225.000 Bando Aerospazio Lazio – CADMO Control Autoconfigurable Data network for Mobiles INTERCONSULTING Dr. S. Iarossi CNR-IDASC 2.576.832 73.000 TOT@CNR 2.062.909 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Altre tipologie di progetti – 2 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) SEED project finanziato da IIT – NIPS Nanoparticle impact on pulmonary surfactant interfacial properties Dr. F. Ravera CNR-IENI Dr. M. Alfè CNR-IRC 340.000 117.000 Progetto FILAS Archeosekur AEROSEKUR Dr. S. Iarossi CNR-IDASC 365.133 90.000 TOT@CNR 207.000 Totale progetti FP7 3.279.359 Totale progetti nazionali 6.597.269 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Call Horizon 2020 rilevanti per la AP Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Nanotechnologies, advanced materials and production Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

NMP-2015-two-stage Sub call Novel materials by design for substituting critical materials Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2 2015-09-08 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €152,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tematica B1: Nanomateriali e dispositivi per processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) Specific challenge: …. Research is needed in particular to improve our fundamental understanding of the development of new material solutions with a reduced or completely eliminated critical content, while maintaining or enhancing the performance of the materials, components and products. Examples may be the critical raw materials (see COM(2011) 25 and related documents) or those materials which may be hazardous or pose a risk to human health and/or the environment. … Scope: … investigate the development of such materials by rational design, with focus on the combination of theory with large-scale computational screening.  Validation by experimental methods should be included. …international cooperation according to the current rules of participation is encouraged, in particular with Japan and the United States of America Expected impact: ·                Reduced use or substitution of critical materials for well-defined technologies; ·                Improved performance of industrial products in the longer term; ·                Safer and/or more sustainable materials, components and products; Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 3 – 4 The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Materials innovations for optimisation of cooling in power plants NMP-15-2015: Materials innovations for optimisation of cooling in power plants Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2 2015-09-08 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €152,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tema B1.3 Nanostrutture e fluidi complessi impieganti nano materiali Specific challenge: Currently, power generation requires enormous amounts of cooling water … The lack of adequate cooling water may even lead to power plant shutdowns. Scope: Proposals should develop robust materials solutions for optimising cooling in thermal power plants by ·   Allowing their functioning at higher temperatures, thus increasing their efficiency and reducing the amount of water withdrawn or consumed; ·   Allowing the use of alternative cooling fluids (including air-based or hybrid coolants); ·   Increasing the available effective water supply, either by permitting to upgrade the quality of the water (e.g. using membranes) or by improving the robustness of the cooling equipment. Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 6. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 6 and 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules NMP-PILOTS-2015 Sub call Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €66,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) Specific challenge: Encapsulation technologies have been widely used for a long time in the pharmaceutical industry for drug delivery applications. The emergence of nanotechnology and the availability of novel tools have paved the way for a new type of nanomatrices and nanocapsules, which can be used for targeted delivery and can carry payloads for localised action in many application fields. Scope: …safe, controlled and reliable novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules containing active ingredients (e.g. drugs in nanomedicine, vitamins or anti-oxidants for cosmetic and personal care products, or cleaning and antimicrobial agents for housecleaning products), as well as their manufacturing processes. Different types of nanomatrices and nanocapsules are required, depending on the nature of the material (hydrophobic or hydrophilic) to be incorporated. Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 4-5. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

(including Materials for Energy) NMP-ERA-NET-2015 Sub call ERA-NET on Materials (including Materials for Energy) Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €10,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Tematica B1: Nanomateriali e dispositivi per processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) Specific challenge: Maintaining Europe’s position in research related to materials science and engineering requires concentrated action on common European research priorities in view of implementing joint initiatives. … A strategic and industrial relevant approach to implement this roadmap needs to cover the entire research and innovation chain by pooling national research and innovation capacities, thereby mobilising European infrastructure networks as well as promoting education and training in materials research and innovation. Scope: The proposed ERA-NET aims at coordinating the research efforts of the participating Member States, Associated States and Regions in the field of materials, continuing the activities started by M-ERA.NET, for materials research and innovation, especially enabling low carbon energy technologies, and to implement a joint transnational call for proposals (resulting in grants to third parties) with EU co-funding to fund multinational innovative research initiatives in this domain. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriatel Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials for low-carbon energy technologies and Energy Efficiency Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

(including Materials for Energy) NMP 14 – 2015 ERA-NET on Materials (including Materials for Energy) Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Specific challenge: Maintaining Europe’s position in research related to materials science and engineering... A strategic and industrial relevant approach to implement the roadmap needs to cover the entire research and innovation chain by pooling national research and innovation capacities, thereby mobilising European infrastructure networks as well as promoting education and training in materials research and innovation. Scope: The proposed ERA-NET aims at coordinating the research efforts of the participating Member States, Associated States and Regions in the field of materials, continuing the activities started by M-ERA.NET, for materials research and innovation, especially enabling low carbon energy technologies, and to implement a joint transnational call for proposals (resulting in grants to third parties) with EU co-funding to fund multinational innovative research initiatives in this domain. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. At least 50% of this amount should be used for implementing the Materials Roadmap Enabling Low Carbon Energy Technologies. Expected impact:  Synergies and coherence in key fields of industrial materials research at national and regional level;  Implementation of relevant parts of the Materials Roadmap Enabling Low Carbon Energy Technologies (SEC(2011)1609), and relevant objectives of the SET-Plan (COM (2009)519). Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

(capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission of energy) NMP 16 – 2015 Extended in-service life of advanced functional materials in energy technologies (capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission of energy) Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2 2015-09-08 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €152,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Specific challenge: Functional materials are enabling the large scale market penetration of secure, sustainable and affordable energy based on low-carbon, decentralised power generation. The benefits … more efficient energy generation, storage or transmission, under controlled conditions. Scope: Proposals should investigate the long-term in-service degradation of functional materials that have already demonstrated enhanced performance in terms of energy capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission, and the capability of a production at a scale that could warrant an industrial uptake. Proposals must include relevant modelling and testing under realistic conditions at pilot level. … Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 6. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 6 and 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Materials for severe operating conditions, NMP 19 – 2015 Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2 2015-09-08 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €152,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tematica B4. Modellistica e simulazione numerica (IAC, IEIIT, IM, IMATI, ITC) Tematica B1: Nanomateriali e dispositivi per processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) Specific challenge: … develop materials which can perform well in severe operating environments … in all areas such as manufacturing, energy, transport and communications, deep-sea technologies etc. … This … requires a fundamental understanding of how the processing, microstructure, nanostructure and properties of such material interact in order to enhance their response under more severe conditions. … develop new products or components … for operation in e.g. high radiation environments, highly corrosive environments, low temperature environments, deep sea or space environments, or other extreme climate conditions. Scope: Projects should develop bulk materials that can function within an aggressive environment without property degradation, …Projects should include appropriate numerical tools (e.g. density functional theory, molecular dynamics) to capture the multi-scale evolution of damage; and predictive modelling tools for materials operating in extreme environments. … Proof of concept in terms of product and/or process must be delivered within the project … The environmental sustainability … should also be assessed … Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 5. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 6 and 8 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Nanomaterials for fuel cells and electrolysis Call Horizon 20-20 FCH 2 JU ( la call deve uscire a breve; budget totale 1,33 B€ per tutte le call FCH JU2) To accelerate market entry of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) goes ahead with 1,33 B€. On the 6th May 2014,  the Council of the EU formally agreed to continue the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative under the EU's new funding programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020. Implemented by the FCH 2 JU, this second phase will continue to contribute to the objectives of the Joint Technology Initiative through the development of a strong, sustainable and global competitive Fuel Cells and Hydrogen sector in the Union with a ring-fenced budget of 665 M€, complemented by, at least, an equivalent level of investment by the Industrial and Research partners. The FCH 2 JU proposal is a part of the Innovation Investment Package worth a total of 22 billion euros, proposed by the European Commission to support research and innovation in key areas of the economy, boost economic growth and the creation of jobs and help face the most important societal challenges.   Nanomateriali per Batterie Call Horizon 2020 Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Energy efficiency-PPP EeB and SPIRE topics Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

EeB-06-2015 Integrated solutions of thermal energy storage for building applications Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date2014-12-09 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Total Call Budget €64,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Tematica B1: Nanomateriali e dispositivi per processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Scope: …advanced solutions required to reduce thermal losses, reduce pressure drops, and improve heat exchange in and between storage material and heat carrier. Having in mind a system approach, innovations are required at different levels. High energy density storage materials are needed in terms of long term multi-cyclic stability at tuneable temperature levels… Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Levels 4-6. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 6 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately Expected impact: · Provide advanced thermal energy storage solutions. · Demonstrate solutions that have a stable long term performance in multi-cyclic seasonal use of at least 20 years. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings EE-2015-1-PPP Sub call Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings Heating and cooling novel technologies Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2014-12-09 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €17,000,000 Main Pillar Societal Challenges Specific Challenge: By the end of 2020 (2018 for buildings occupied and owned by public authorities), all new buildings should comply with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive obligations and thus meet 'nearly zero-energy' performance levels using innovative, cost-optimal technologies with integration of renewable energy sources on site or nearby. … Scope: Projects should focus on development and demonstration of solutions which significantly reduce the cost of new buildings with at least 'nearly zero-energy' performance levels, whilst accelerating significantly the speed with which these buildings and their systems are taken up by the market. Focus should lie on solutions for appropriate indoor air quality and comfort, design adapted to local climate and site, passive solutions (reducing the need for technical building systems which consume energy) or active solutions (covering a high share of the energy demand with renewable energies), building energy management systems (where appropriate), highly efficient HVAC (e.g. low temperature systems, solar cooling), electric and/or thermal energy storage of renewable energy onsite and nearby. … Such differences should be documented and minimized. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Call for Energy-Efficient buildings EB-2015 Call for Energy-Efficient buildings EeB-05-2015: Innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date2014-12-09 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Total Call Budget €64,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Scope: Research activities should be focused on design at buildings and district level, taking into account the adjacent systems such as district heating/cooling and decentralised thermal energy generation and other interactions with the neighbourhood, giving priority to local renewable resources. Projects should promote and set up an integrated approach in support of innovation, by providing actors with holistic methods and tools. Energy efficiency technologies should become elements of design databases that allow stakeholder to select the most suitable approach for performance improving, taking full advantage of geo-clustered data sets. Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 5-7. A significant participation of SMEs with R&D capacities is encouraged. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 4 and 7 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Call for Energy-Efficient buildings EB-2015 Call for Energy-Efficient buildings Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Budget 64 M€ Pillar Industrial Leadership EeB-05-2015: Innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level Publication date2013-12-11Deadline Date2014-12-09 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Total Call Budget€64,000,000Main PillarIndustrial Leadership EeB-06-2015: Integrated solutions of thermal energy storage for building applications EeB-08-2015: Integrated approach to retrofitting of residential buildings EeB-07-2015: New tools and methodologies to reduce the gap between predicted and actual energy performances at the level of buildings and blocks of buildings Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Call for Energy-Efficient buildings EB-2015 Call for Energy-Efficient buildings Tematica B2: Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITAE, ITC) Budget 64 M€ Pillar Industrial Leadership EeB-08-2015: Integrated approach to retrofitting of residential buildings EeB-07-2015: New tools and methodologies to reduce the gap between predicted and actual energy performances at the level of buildings and blocks of buildings Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Personalizing health and Care H2020-PHC-2015-two-stage Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tools and technologies for advanced therapies PHC16 – 2015 Tools and technologies for advanced therapies Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) Stage 1 Dead line 14 Ottobre 2014 Focus Area 4 Innovative treatments and technologies “To develop specific components tools and techniques (cell isolation, scaffold development, delivery of the therapy to the the patient) for gene/cell therapies, tissue engineering or regenerative medicine. Specific attention to miniaturization, scaffolding, delivery”. EU contribution: 4-6 million each Type of action: Research and Innovation action Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Nanotechnology and materials for effective healthcare Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Networking of SMEs in the nano-biomedical sector NMP 9 – 2014 Networking of SMEs in the nano-biomedical sector Publication date2013-12-11 Deadline Date2014-05-06 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget €12,500,000 Main PillarIndustrial Leadership Scope: …The Coordination and Support Action shall network SMEs, aiming to improve their knowledge of translation in a sustainable way; to build bridges with academia and hospitals; and to link them with large companies and investors. It shall provide education and training in translation and entrepreneurship to academia and SMEs and help the showcasing of preclinical or early clinical proofs of concepts to large companies and investors. It will assist nanomedicine research projects in better anticipating the requirements of the translation process, in order to improve the probability of the developments to reach the market. It will also seek synergies with other relevant SME support networks. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 1 and 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Expected impact:  Reinforce support to European SMEs and academia as drivers of innovations in nanomedicine, by assisting them in the development of their bottom-up ideas, going from pre-clinical proof of concept to late clinical trials.  Improve the innovation capacity of the European nano-bio-medical sector – especially at the level of SMEs .  Improve the knowledge in the research community of the translation, regulatory and business aspects …  Improve the capacities of SME networks regarding technologies and facilities that are required to facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge to market or to facilitate clinical studies. Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Nanomedicine therapy for cancer NMP 11 – 2015 Nanomedicine therapy for cancer Publication date2013-12-11 Deadline Date2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 22015-09-08 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €152,000,000 Main PillarIndustrial Leadership Scope: The aim is to translate promising novel nano-technology enabled therapies for cancer with pre-clinical proof-of-concept, from a pre-clinical lab stage up to Phase I clinical testing. The project shall start from an established pre-clinical proof-of-concept, with relevant efficacy and toxicity data. The project shall be focused on the translation process, so that ultimately new effective therapies can be introduced to the European healthcare market. An important aspect is the development of a pilot line for scaling-up the production of the nanomedicines and the quality control, taking into account GMP and medical regulatory requirements. Projects may include the later stages of pre-clinical testing and Phase 1 clinical testing, but the latter is not a requirement. … Applicants must describe, according to industrial criteria, how the various barriers for advancing their new therapy to clinical application will be overcome, including technical, IPR, competitive, commercial and regulatory criteria, with efficacy and toxicity. …. The research is to be implemented from TRL 4/5 and target TRL 6/7. Implemented as cross-KET activities. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 6 and 9 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Excellent Science FET-OPEN - NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES - RESEARCH PROJECTS Total Call Budget 154 M€ Main Pillar Excellent Science ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANT Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks Tematica B1, B2, B3, B4 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Cross link con call di interesse per altre AP ICT 2014 (status: closed) INTEGRATING AND OPENING RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES OF EUROPEAN INTEREST Total Call Budget €658,500,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership ICT 2014 Smart System Integration Specific Challenge: The aims are to develop the next generations of smart systems technologies and solutions, based on systemic miniaturisation and integration, of heterogeneous technologies, functions and materials, and to establish European competitive ecosystems for the design, R&D, prototyping and testing, manufacturing and industrialisation of smaller, smarter (predictive, reactive and cognitive) and energy autonomous Smart Systems.This specific challenge contributes to the strategy of micro and nano electronics KET in the area of More than Moore and complements the activities of topic ICT25 Scope: The focus is on: Research and development of application specific smart systems. Work will be driven by users-requirements and will target concrete solutions. It will exploit the convergence of key enabling technologies, focusing on the synergies between micro-nanoelectronics and biotechnologies. a.      Research & Innovation  Actions … Secured and reinforced European leadership in the microsystem sector,  expanding its share in smart systems for medical, telecom, consumer, safety and security, energy and transport applications, Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Cross link con call di interesse per altre AP FCT-2014  FIGHT AGAINST CRIME AND TERRORISM Develop novel monitoring systems and miniaturised sensors that improve Law Enforcement Agencies' evidence- gathering abilities Total Call Budget €56,770,000 Main Pillar Societal Challenges The task is to develop a new type of sensors and equipments, monitoring station and their associated communication channel Law Enforcement Agencies … these electronic devices have to work can range from days to months or in real time. Access to the device could be limited or impossible. Secure remote operation over radio channel (or other type of communication channel, including GSM networks)  should be possible H2020-LEIT-Space-Competitiveness of the European Space Sector-2015 Publication date2013-12-11 Deadline Date2014-11-27 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget €36,500,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014


Spared Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B1: Nanomateriali per dispositivi e processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) (Link con AP Sistemi e dispositivi, Health & well being) Tema B1.1 Micro-dispositivi acusto-opto-elettronici e sensori di grandezze chimiche e fisiche Tema B1.2 Nanostrutture di semiconduttori III-V realizzate mediante Epitassia da Fasci Molecolari Tema B1.3 Nanostrutture e fluidi complessi impieganti nano materiali Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B.2 Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITC) (Link AP Low Carbon) Tema B.2.5 Nanomateriali per l’applicazione in sistemi elettrochimici di conversione dell’energia Tema B.2.2 Nanostrutture di Grafene Tema B.2.3 Materiali e tecnologie low carbon e per efficienza energetica Tema B.2.1 Catalizzatori e materiali avanzati per la chimica e l’energia sostenibile Tema B.2.4 Sintesi e caratterizzazione di perovskiti ibride Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) (Link con AP Health, Biotec) Tema B.3.1 Bio Materiali per ingegnerizzazione tissutale Tema B3.2: nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati una più efficace assistenza sanitaria Tema B3.3: Nanostrutture a base di SiC, ZnO ed Fe3O4 per nano medicina Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B4. Modellistica e simulazione numerica (IAC, IEIIT, IM, IMATI, ITC) (link con AP Low carbon) Tema B4.1 Modellizzazione di architetture per ingegneria tissutale Tema B.4.2 Fluidodinamica computazionale per materiali avanzati e processi industriali Tema B.4.3 Materiali e tecnologie low carbon e per efficienza energetica Tema B.4.4 Nanostrutture di carbonio Tema B.4.5 Leghe a memoria di forma Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

NMP-15-2015 two stage Sub call: Extended in-service service of advanced functional materials in energy technologies (capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission of energy) Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2 2015-09-08 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €152,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Specific challenge: … The benefits of using advanced functional materials can often be demonstrated in terms of, e.g., more efficient energy generation, storage or transmission, under controlled conditions. … Scope: Proposals should investigate the long-term in-service degradation of functional materials that have already demonstrated enhanced performance in terms of energy capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission, and the capability of a production at a scale that could warrant an industrial uptake. Proposals must include relevant modelling and testing under realistic conditions at pilot level. … Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 6. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 6 and 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials NMP-PILOTS-2015Sub call Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2015-03-26 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Total Call Budget €66,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Status Open Scope: Proposals should address the development and demonstration in relevant industrial environments of reliable processes control and manufacturing routes, to obtain nanoporous materials with controlled porosity distribution or gradient aiming at improved mechanical properties, reliable permeation rate, different electrical properties, anti-fouling or other bio-, photo- or thermo-chemical/physical properties. Proposals should demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed approaches and technologies, through a pilot line aimed at the production of semi-finished products. The implementation of this proposal is intended to start at TRL 4-5, target TRL 6. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 5 and 8 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Integration of novel nano materials into existing production lines NMP-PILOTS-2015 Integration of novel nano materials into existing production lines Total Call Budget € 66,000,000 Main Pillar Industrial Leadership Specific challenge: Nanomaterials are intended to improve the performance of existing production technologies, and to give new functionalities to products, such as lightweight solutions for transportation and construction, enhanced properties for packaging materials and processes, decreased wear and friction of yarns, enhanced electrical performance and reliability and high-performance thermal insulation and UV shielding fibrous materials. Scope: Development and demonstration in operational environments; the integration of technologies and processing for using novel nanomaterials in production; to improve the control and monitoring of the conditions required for the use of nanomaterials in industrial processes; to increase the level of robustness and repeatability of such industrial processes; to optimize and evaluate the increased performances of the production lines in terms of productivity and cost-effectiveness; to assess the functionality and performance of the produced component/product. The implementation of this proposal is intended to start at TRL 5-6, target TRL 7 The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 5 and 8 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Call for competitive low carbon energy LCE-2014-2015 Call for competitive low carbon energy Publication date 2013-12-11 Deadline Date 2014-04-01 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2 2014-09-23 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget €113,000,000 Main Pillar Societal Challenges Status Closed Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B1: Nanomateriali per dispositivi e processi industriali (IAC, IDASC, IM, IMAMOTER, IMATI, IMEM, IRC, ITC) (Link con AP Sistemi e dispositivi, Health & well being) Tema B1.1 Micro-dispositivi acusto-opto-elettronici e sensori di grandezze chimiche e fisiche Sottotema B.1.1.1: Sensori chimici per rilevazione di gas tossici Sottotema B.1.1.2: Dispositivi passivi interrogabili a distanza Sottotema B.1.1.3: Biosensori di sostanze volatili Sottotema B.1.1.4 Sicurezza dei trasporti (aerei, marini, terrestri, multimodali) Sottotema B.1.1.5 Protezione dei beni culturali Sottotema B.1.1.6 Tecnologie per protezione da eventi naturali catastrofici Sottotema B.1.1.7 Protezione delle infrastrutture critiche Sottotema B.1.1.8 Protezione degli edifici Sottotema B1.1.9: Sensori per gas a base di ossidi semiconduttori nano strutturati Sottotema B1.1.10: Ossidi nano strutturati per sensoristica Sottotema B1.1.11: Sviluppo di materiali nanostrutturati a matrice polimerica per applicazioni biomedicali Tema B1.2 Nanostrutture di semiconduttori III-V realizzate mediante Epitassia da Fasci Molecolari Sottotema B1.2.1: Punti quantici di In(Ga)As in matrice (In,Ga,Al)As Sottotema B1.2.2: Multistrati (In,Al)As/GaAs Sottotema B1.2.3: Nano/micro-tubi InGaAs/GaAs e nano-membrane GaAs Tema B1.3 Nanostrutture e fluidi complessi impieganti nano materiali Sottotema B1.3.1: Sintesi e caratterizzazione di nano materiali del tipo M-MO Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B.2 Nanomateriali per energetica (IRC, IMATI, IMEM, ITC) (Link AP Low Carbon) Tema B.2.5 Nanomateriali per l’applicazione in sistemi elettrochimici di conversione dell’energia Sottotema B.2.5.1 Catalizzatori per celle a combustibile e sistemi di elettrolisi Tema B.2.2 Nanostrutture di Grafene Sottotema B.2.2.1 Film ultrasottili "estesi" di MgO su Ag Sottotema B.2.2.2 Layers di grafene drogato su supporto metallico Tema B.2.3 Materiali e tecnologie low carbon e per efficienza energetica Sottotema B.2.3.1 Caratterizzazione e modeling di refrigeranti alternativi a basso effetto serra Sottotema B.2.3.2 Caratterizzazione dei nanofluidi. Sottotema B.2.3.3 Prestazioni dei refrigeranti e dei nanofluidi Sottotema B.2.1.2: Catalizzatori Tema B.2.1 Catalizzatori e materiali avanzati per la chimica e l’energia sostenibile Sottotema B.2.1.1: Materiali avanzati Tema B.2.4 Sintesi e caratterizzazione di perovskiti ibride Sottotema B.2.5.2 Materiali nano strutturati per batterie Sottotema B.2.5.3 Materiali nano strutturati per celle solari Sottotema B.2.5.1 Materiali nano strutturati per batterie Sottotema B.2.5.2 Catalizzatori per celle a combustibile e sistemi di elettrolisi Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B3. Nanomateriali per impiego bio-medico (IEIIT, IFAC, IMEM) (Link con AP Health, Biotec) Tema B.3.1 Bio Materiali per ingegnerizzazione tissutale Sottotema B3.1.1: Biomateriali osteocondrali Tema B3.2: Nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati una più efficace assistenza sanitaria Sottotema B3.2.1: Terapia e sensing nella nanomedicina del cancro Tema B3.3: Nanostrutture a base di SiC, ZnO ed Fe3O4 per nano medicina Sottotema B.3.3.1 Nanosistemi ibridi multifunzionali a base di Carburo di Silicio per applicazioni biomediche Sottotema B.3.3.2 Nanoparticelle superparamegnetiche di Fe3O4 per trattamenti tumorali e drug delivery Sottotema B.3.3.3 Nanostrutture di ZnO funzionalizzate con NP di Au ed Fe3O4  per diagnostica biomedicale Sottotema B.3.3.4 Nanoplatelets e nanoblets di ZnO per drug loading e delivering Sottotema B.3.3.5 Studio dell’interfaccia organico-inorganica Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Tematica B4. Modellistica e simulazione numerica (IAC, IEIIT, IM, IMATI, ITC) (link con AP Low carbon) Tema B4.1 Modellizzazione di architetture per ingegneria tissutale Sottotema B.4.1.1: Modellizzazione e disegno di architetture interne Sottotema B.4.1.2: Trasporto fononico alla nanoscala Tema B.4.2 Fluidodinamica computazionale per materiali avanzati e processi industriali Sottotema B.4.2.1 Modellazione e simulazione di processi dinamici e flussi complessi. Sottotema B.4.2.2 Modellazione e simulazione di dispositivi micro e nanofluidici, microreattori, film sottili, processi manufatturieri Tema B.4.3 Materiali e tecnologie low carbon e per efficienza energetica Sottotema B.4.3.1 Caratterizzazione e modeling di refrigeranti alternativi a basso effetto serra Tema B.4.4 Nanostrutture di carbonio Sottotema B.4.4.1: Studio rigoroso del fenomeno di cristallizzazione in nanostrutture Sottotema B..4.4.2: Trasporto elettronico in dispositivi basati su nanotubi Tema B.4.5 Leghe a memoria di forma Sottotema B.4.5.1 Modelli innovativi e robusti per le caratterizzazioni termo-magneto-meccaniche di materiali multifunzionali Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Altri progetti internazionali – 1 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) NATO Science for Peace Project Polymers Based Piezoelectric Sensor Array for Chemical Warfare Agents Detection Dr. E. Verona CNR-IDASC Dr. M. Dinescu (National Institute for Lasers, Romania) 295.000 50.000 TOT@CNR Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti con finanziamento ministeriale (MIUR, MiSE) – 9 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) PON PRISMA Dr. C. Rafanelli CNR-IDASC 26.500.000 1.700.000 PON DIONISO Prof. A. Teramo Univ. Messina 15.200.000 900.000 Progetto Bandiera NANOMAX Prof. F. S. Pavone UNIFI CNR-IEIIT CNR-IMEM 10.000.000 169.138 Progetto MiSE - Materiali e tecnologie abilitanti per la ricerca di sistema elettrico Dr. M. Fabrizio CNR-IENI Dr. L. Fedele CNR-ITC 3.486.000 74.000 Industria 2015 – PIACE - Piattaforma Intelligente, Integrata e Adattativa di Microcogeneration ad elevata efficienza per usi residenziali G. Toniato GFE Dr. S. Bobbo 9.000.000 120.000 Progetto FIRB ItalNanoNet Rete Nazionale di Ricerca sulle Nanoscienze - Dr. R. Psaro CNR-ISMN Dr. S. Pelli CNR-IFAC 130.000 Progetto FIRB MOSQ Optomechanical tailoring of squeezed light CNR-INO Dr. A. Borrielli 560.000 260.000 Progetto PRIN Innovative chemical methodologies for smart biomaterials Prof. F. Nicotra Università Milano Bicocca 1.194.000 161.015 Progetto PRIN DESCARTES Development of Energy-targeted Self-assembled supramolecular systems UniPd 1.000.000 20.000 TOT@CNR 3.534.153 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Progetti con finanziamento regionale – 8 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) Progetto Fondazione Cariparma BioNiMed Dr. G. Salviati CNR-IMEM 750.000 350.000 Provincia Autonoma di Trento MaDEleNA 2.360.000 433.000 Progetto Regione Toscana SINERGY Sviluppo industriale multidisciplinare di materiali innovativi nanostrutturati multifunzionali Colorobbia Italia SpA Dr. R. Pini CNR-IFAC 4.056.057 220.000 Progetto Regione Toscana IPERNANO Sviluppo di un carrier nano-magneto-ottico targettato per la cura dei tumori 2.600.111 262.537 Progetto Regionale Nano Treat Valutazione dell'impiego di nano particelle d'oro funzionalizzate per diagnostica e terapia dei tumori EcoBioServices & Researches s.r.l. 559.800 124.872 Progetto Regionale Nanochrom New nano-chromophores for minimally invasive photothermal therapies 374.500 Progetto Regionale Nanocell Nanosensori ottici all’interno delle cellule Dr. F. Baldini 435.000 225.000 Bando Aerospazio Lazio – CADMO Control Autoconfigurable Data network for Mobiles INTERCONSULTING Dr. S. Iarossi CNR-IDASC 2.576.832 73.000 TOT@CNR 2.062.909 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014

Altre tipologie di progetti – 2 Progetto coordinatore coordinatore CNR-DIITET budget (€) budget CNR (€) SEED project finanziato da IIT – NIPS Nanoparticle impact on pulmonary surfactant interfacial properties Dr. F. Ravera CNR-IENI Dr. M. Alfè CNR-IRC 340.000 117.000 Progetto FILAS Archeosekur AEROSEKUR Dr. S. Iarossi CNR-IDASC 365.133 90.000 TOT@CNR 207.000 Totale progetti FP7 3.279.359 Totale progetti nazionali 6.597.269 Conferenza del Dipartimento Roma, 26 e 27 maggio 2014