European Language Portfolio First things first !!!!! What E.L.P. is not: 1. a document for form filling 2. a means of testing 3. a workbook to be put away.


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Transcript della presentazione:

European Language Portfolio First things first !!!!! What E.L.P. is not: 1. a document for form filling 2. a means of testing 3. a workbook to be put away Attività proposta da Ripamonti Francesca-Docente Inglese-Scuola sec. II grado

What is a European Language Portfolio? The European Language Portfolio is the property of the learner It is a document where the learner can record and reflect on his/her language learning and cultural experiences The European Language Portfolio was developed by the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, from 1998 until It was launched on a pan-European level during the European Year of Languages (2001) as a tool to support the development of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism.

Recommendations to Member States The Council of Europe recommends that the Governments of the Member States, in harmony with their education policies: support the introduction of a European Language Portfolio in the schools create favourable conditions for the wide use of the ELP according to the Principles and Guidelines laid down by the Education Committee;

develop the use by learners of a personal document (Language Portfolio) to record their significant linguistic experiences in an internationally transparent manner facilitate co-operation between education institutions and other agencies, be they public or private, for the harmonious implementation of ELPs; make copies of all validated ELPs readily available in order to help their promotion organize workshops and teacher training for ELP developers, HERE WE ARE!

« The success of the ELP depends crucially on the ministries of education of the member states » The Council of Europe has requested all the European member states to participate in the development of the ELP projects to co-ordinate the validated ELP models at a national level

The Italian Ministry of Education has recently adopted this line: “……possedere nelle lingue straniere studiate competenze ricettive, produttive, di interazione e mediazione in linea con i documenti europei ufficiali (QCER-quadro comune europeo di riferimento- e P.E.L. – portfolio europeo delle lingue)…”

WHY, a Language Portfolio? The ELP has two main aims: a) PEDAGOGIC FUNCTION : to motivate learners by a diversification of their language skills at all levels to improve their ability to communicate in different languages to help learners reflect on their objectives, ways of learning and success in language learning to plan their learning to learn autonomously to encourage learners to enhance their plurilingual and intercultural experience, for example through contacts and visits, reading, use of the media, projects

b) RECORDING FUNCTION: to provide a record of the linguistic and cultural skills/ levels of competence the learners have acquired (to be consulted, for example, when they are moving to a higher learning level or seeking employment at home or abroad). to inform others in a detailed and internationally comparable manner. to have up-to-date self-assessment The Learner can see the progress s/he has made in a transparent manner

THE ELP is based on 5 Skills: Reading Spoken Interaction Speaking Writing Listening These 5 skills are organised into 6 levels (an interpretation of the classic division into basic, intermediate and advanced) to help learners self- assess their level of proficiency.

BASIC DIVISION OF the LANGUAGE PORTFOLIOBASIC DIVISION OF the LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO 1) The Passport section provides an overview of the individual’s proficiency (in terms of skills as set by the CEF) in different languages at a given point in time. It records formal qualifications and describes language competencies and significant language and intercultural learning experiences 2) The Language Biography facilitates the learner’s involvement in planning, reflecting upon and assessing his or her learning process and progress. It encourages the learner to state what he/she can do in each language and to include information on linguistic and cultural experiences gained in and outside formal educational contexts; it is organised to promote plurilingualism 3)The Dossier offers the learner the opportunity to select materials to document and illustrate achievements or experiences recorded in the Language Biography or Passport.

CHI COMPILA E TIENE AGGIORNATO IL PORTFOLIO? TU! Tu sei il protagonista del tuo apprendimento, quindi sarà tuo compito aggiornare le varie parti del Portfolio. Per fare questo sarai aiutato da: il tuo insegnante di lingua, che valuterà quali livelli hai raggiunto nelle varie abilità (parlato, ascolto, lettura, scrittura e interazione orale) la tua famiglia, che ti aiuterà a ricordare le tue esperienze linguistiche e a compierne di nuove. i tuoi compagni, che, interagendo con te, ti aiuteranno a svolgere le attività incluse,

Example of PEL Self-Assessment grid -Level A1- LISTENING. ASCOLTO Riesco a….BENE, DA SOLO ABBASTANZA BENE SE AIUTATONON ANCORA BENE capire quando qualcuno mi parla lentamente e con lunghe pause per permettermi di afferrare il senso del discorso capire quando qualcuno mi chiede informazioni personali (nome, età, indirizzo, nazionalità, salute) capire semplici indicazioni relative a spostamenti,direzioni o edifici capire semplici domande o istruzioni a condizione che siano formulate lentamente capire quando qualcuno parla di materie scolastiche, orari, giorni della settimana, vestiti, membri della famiglia