Italiano Da quando siamo passati al corso di metallurgia (3^o ) abbiamo cominciato a lavorare utilizzando i maniera didattica tecnologie di tipo hardware.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Italiano Da quando siamo passati al corso di metallurgia (3^o ) abbiamo cominciato a lavorare utilizzando i maniera didattica tecnologie di tipo hardware e software che ci hanno aiutato specialmente nel campo matematico-statistico grazie soprattutto alla possibilità di avere tramite un semplice click una visualizzazione grafica efficiente. Durante ogni lezioni abbiamo utilizzato la LIM col supporti di un pc a cui era collegata, tramite questo pc potevamo utilizzare la potenza dei vari programmi di calcolo matematico; inoltre chiunque voleva poteva portare il proprio notebook e poteva utilizzarlo per svolgere gli esercizi durante le lezioni. In particolare utilizzavamo software come Derive6 o geogebra che sono raggiungibili anche tramite smartphone, ipod e la maggior parte dei dispositivi mobili. English Since we started the course of metallurgy (3 ^ o), we started to work using a type of hardware and software educational technology that have helped us especially in the field of mathematics and statistics thanks to the possibility of having an efficient graphical display through a simple click. During each lessons we used the LIM with the support of a connected PC, so that we could use the power of the various maths programmes. Anyone who wanted could also bring his own laptop and could use it to perform the exercises. In particular, we used software like GeoGebra or Derive that can also be reached on Smartphone, iPod and most mobile devices.

In preparation for the test we have benefited from VoIP programmes, including Skype which is the most used.

Skype Useful to: doing homework together cooperating preparing of mathematics test Activity recovery skills OnLine Instant messaging programme video conferencing Vocal calls/ chat practical mathematics learning

To carry out the various exercises in cooperation with Skype using some mathematical processing software: Used to solve graphic problems Simple and intuitive graphical window Freeware On payment programme It has been used since the first year in this school displays each step resolution. Derive Geogebra

Facebook The usage of social networks, during school activity has an excellent influence because its based on class cooperation and on direct contact. The most commonly used network is Facebook, which allows to keep in touch and to create events aimed at the developement of school contacts and didactic competences. In fact we created a group for our class 5^o on facebook.

Scribblar Scribble is an online blackboard that allows login via a simple display of a drawing / graphics to multiple users, it is very convenient because you can display an exercise, while in voice chat, this allows confident learning. m?r=v8y8d4q&CFID=170676&CFTOKE N=8be3e c78a-8BB859C6- B20D-8140-A5B695C316EDA4EB