Programmare il modulo (LESSON PLANNING) By A. DAL MASO & B CHIODI.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Programmare il modulo (LESSON PLANNING) By A. DAL MASO & B CHIODI

Quanto materiale è possibile reperire riguardo all’argomento? Scelta dell’ argomento da trattare Quanto materiale è possibile reperire riguardo all’argomento? Ricerche: Websites, articoli, giornali, immagini etc.

ADATTARE I MATERIALI Pensare agli ostacoli, sia nella lingua che nei contenuti, che gli studenti potrebbero incontrare lavorando sui materiali Fissare gli obiettivi didattici: competenze ed abilità linguistiche, disciplinari e cognitive Utilizzare supporti grafici, mappe concettuali, ripartizione in paragrafi e creazione di glossari a sostegno della comprensione in L2 Prediligere esercizi di completamento, a scelta multipla, Vero-Falso, cruciverba, individuazione di parole chiave e riordino di paragrafi

STRATEGIE DIDATTICHE Lavoro di gruppo e/o a coppie per stimolare la motivazione all’apprendimento, l’autonomia e la responsabilità degli alunni Utilizzo di supporti multimediali per lo sviluppo delle capacità di apprendimento Possibilità di stimolare attività di ricerca ed approfondimento all’interno del percorso educativo Proposta di attività didattiche differenziate secondo le conoscenze e capacità dell’alunno Esercizi di completamento Crosswords Flashcards Role-playing Puzzle


Previus ability The League's Aims The League of Nations was set up because President Wilson wanted this more than anything else. He wanted the League to be a kind of ‘world parliament’, where nations would sort out their arguments. He hoped this would stop wars. But Wilson wanted to do more than just stop war; he wanted to make the world a better place. He wanted the League to do things to improve people’s lives and jobs. He wanted to improve public health, and to end slavery. Wilson also hoped that the League would persuade the nations to agree to disarmament – to put down their weapons. That would make war impossible. Finally, Wilson thought that the League of Nations could enforce the Treaty of Versailles, and persuade countries to keep the promises they had made.

The League of Nations was set up because President …………………wanted this more than anything else. He wanted the League to be a kind of ‘world parliament’, where nations would sort out their arguments. He hoped this would stop…….. But Wilson wanted to do more than just stop war; he wanted to make the world a better place. He wanted the League to do things to improve people’s lives and jobs. He wanted to improve public health, and to end slavery. Wilson also hoped that the League would persuade the nations to agree to……………………– to put down their …………………... That would make war impossible. Finally, Wilson thought that the League of Nations could enforce the Treaty of …………………., and persuade countries to keep the promises they had made. Per ciascuno degli spazi vuoti è data una serie di risposte alternative , scegliere la parola appropriata Nations Versailles Wilson disarmament wars weapons parliament arguments health Treaty

Causes of WWII content cultural cognition communication The Great Depression led many countries to adopt aggressive foreign policies Saper riconoscere le cause che determinano conflitti After Hitler came to power in 1933, his plans to averturn the TV led to increased tensions in Europe content cultural Essere consapevoli dell’importanza di conoscere i fatti storici affinchè non si ripetano The failure of the League of Nation led Hitler to take bold actions after 1935 Causes of WWII Hitler was opposed to Communism Language of learning Hitler was encourage by the League’s failure unemployment understanding cognition autocracy learning communication League of nation became ineffective Hitler e il Nazismo Il mondo diviso Key vocabulary Great Depression capitalismo Language through learning nationalism Cause della II G.M. Language for learning Assessing Self-assestment Pitched battles New expression New vocabulary Pair work

AUDIO SCRIPT This is a listening activity based on this educational video provided with subtitles from you tube CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 2 The late 1920s brought prosperity and high hopes for the future to many people in the industrialized nations of Europe and America But as the Great Depression spread across the world in the 1930s, poverty and unemployment caused millions of people to lose faith in capitalism and democracy The economic and political system that prevailed in the highly industrialized countries Germany, just to recover from the burden of war reparations, was especially hard hit by the depression. As unemployment skyrocketed from two million in 1930 to more than six million in 1932 Germans turned against the leaders of the Weimar Republic, characterized here as inept and corrupt More and more people looked to the political parties that promised radical change. In the 1930 elections, this political shift was dramatic. The social Democrats, depicting the Nazi movement as an autocratic menace, fought hard to retain their position as the nation’s largest party. But they lost ground to the Communists, who wanted immediately to do away with the capitalist system of privately owned land and industry. And the Nazis, campaigning on a fiery nationalist platform that emphasized the superiority of the German people Made the most spectacular gains of all, Hitler’s rise to power had began. In the wake of the 1930 election in Germany, violence became a part of daily life. Pitched battles raged between the Nazis and the Social Democrats and Communists, as Nazi storm troopers broke up opposition political meetings. Enormous crows rallied around Hitler, small businessmen shopkeepers, many of them respectable, upright citizens who wanted law and order. Who deeply resented the Treaty of Versailles, and who longed for a return to Germany’s days of strength and glory.

KEY FACTS AND WORDS The Weimer Republic is the name given by historians to the parliamentary republic established in 1919 in Germany to replace the imperial form of government Depression A period during which business activity dramatically declines, unemployment is high, and the value of stocks traded on the stock market declines severely. The worst depression of the 1900s, called the Great Depression, began with the stock market crash in the U.S. in October 1929, and continued through most of the 1930s Versailles A city in France near Paris that was the site of the palace of the French kings; the peace treaty ending World War I was negotiated and signed in Versailles Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms Russian Revolution The uprising in Russia in March 1917 in which the czarist government collapsed and a provisional government was established. On November 7, 1917, the Communists overthrew the provisional government and established the Soviet government. Aggression Using force to attack the rights of another nation, particularly its territorial rights; an unprovoked attack or invasion Autocracy is a form of government in which one person possesses unlimited power. The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. pitched battle A fiercely waged battle or struggle between opposing forces.

CRISS CROSS CAUSES WW II Created by Puzzlemaker at

Across 3. form of government in which one person possesses unlimited power 4. political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms 5. period during which business activity dramatically declines, unemployment is high, and the value of stocks traded on the stock market declines severely Down 1. battle fiercely waged battle or struggle between opposing forces. 2. the peace treaty ending World War I 3. Using force to attack the rights of another nation 6 of 6 words were placed into the puzzle.

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