MOLAJONI SPA – SAFE SRL Nell’attuale attenzione mondiale ai problemi ambientali, la necessita’ di un agente estinguente pulito non e’ mai stata cosi’


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Transcript della presentazione:

MOLAJONI SPA – SAFE SRL Nell’attuale attenzione mondiale ai problemi ambientali, la necessita’ di un agente estinguente pulito non e’ mai stata cosi’ grande. More than ever, today’s businesses rely heavily on computers and electronics to store, retrieve and transmit critical information. In our global economy, information and connectivity mean survival. DETTAGLIO DI UNA SALA DELLA LIBRERIA ATATURK DI ISTANBUL, TURCHIA (ATATURK ISTANBUL KITAPLIGI) PROTETTA DA SAFE srl CON SISTEMI FM-200® PER 4.700 KG.

Gli edifici storici sono esposti ad alto rischio di incendio. With all of the power in these facilities, the potential for fires is huge. Flooding a building with water to save it from burning is no longer acceptable. Sensitive electronics and other high-value assets can sustain as much damage from the method of fire protection as they can from the actual fire. UNA SALA DELLA LIBRERIA DI ALEXANDRIA – EGITTO PROTETTA CON SISTEMI AD FM-200®

Molajoni spa – SAFE srl In Italia, molti musei ed edifici storici sono protetti con FM-200® PARTICOLARE DI UNA SALA DEL NUOVO MUSEO DELL’ AQUILA,EX CONVENTO DI S. MARIA DEI RACCOMANDATI, PROTETTO DA SAFE srl CON 3.700 KG. DI FM-200®

Molajoni spa – SAFE srl La scelta di FM-200® ha sempre dato esiti positivi OPERA ESPOSTA ALLA BIBLIOTECA DI MANTOVA, PROTETTA IN ALCUNI AMBIENTI DA SAFE srl CON FM-200®

Alcuni Musei ed edifici storici protetti con FM-200®: 5th Regiment Armory Museum – Baltimore – U.S.A. American Museum of Natural History – New York – U.S.A. Aristoteles Rare Book Collection – Atene – Grecia Ciudad de las Artes – Madrid – Spagna Smithsonian Institute – Washington – U.S.A. National Library and Archives – Cairo – Egitto Museum of Tropical - Queensland – Australia National Museum of Prehistory – Taiwan Royal Thai Family Silk Museum – Bangkok – Tailandia Bahai World Center - Israele

MOLAJONI spa CON SISTEMI AD FM-200® Una rapida ed efficace azione estinguente e’ molto importante. Costly damage can occur if fires are not suppressed quickly. Stopping the fire in the early stages can save millions of dollars in equipment and production losses. A clean fire suppression agent can prevent catastrophic consequences from either fire damage or collateral damage from the extinguishant. STEMMA DEL PALAZZO CELESTINI DI MANFREDONIA (FOGGIA), DOVE ALCUNE SALE STORICHE SONO STATE PROTETTE DA MOLAJONI spa CON SISTEMI AD FM-200®

Sopravvivere ad un incendio Il costo e’: INESTIMABILE The cost of business downtime can be devastating. Looking at specific examples: A leading manufacturer of microprocessor chips estimated the downtime cost for an average clean room to be $40,000 per hour. A large bank in the Southeastern United States estimated the downtime cost for their central electronic data processing center at over $1,000,000 per hour. A major North Slope oil and gas producer estimated the cost of downtime for its operations at $17,000 per second. 9 Milioni Euro/ora Museo, Edificio storico Grande CED 35.000 Euro/ora Clean Room

Sopravvivere ad un incendio La conservazione del bene dipende dal tipo di protezione che andrete a scegliere. The catastrophic damage from a fire can paralyze your business. How quickly you can recover from a fire and resume operations depends on your choice of fire protection. ARCHIVIO STORICO DELLA CITTA’ DI ZAGABRIA,CROAZIA, PROTETTO DA SAFE srl CON SISTEMI FM-200® (4.100 KG. DI ESTINGUENTE)

Previene danni catastrofici. Protegge le persone. FM-200 e’ la giusta scelta FM-200 e’ un’ ottima protezione : Previene danni catastrofici. Protegge le persone. Vi permette di ripristinare rapidamente la “normalita’ “ dopo un incendio. Non lascia residui FM-200 is the right choice to protect your business. -FM-200 prevents catastrophic damage to critical facilities and high-value assets -It protects people -You get back to work quickly TORRE EIFFEL , PARIGI LE SALE TECNICHE SONO PROTETTE CON SISTEMI AD FM-200®

ALCUNE ZONE SONO PROTETTE CON SISTEMI FM-200® FM-200 e’ la giusta scelta Rapido ed efficiente. Sicuro per le persone. Conscio dei problemi ambientali. FM-200 meets the four essential criteria for assessing your long-term fire protection investment: -It is very quick and very effective. -It will not harm personnel. -It is environmentally responsible. -It will be available long-term. T. JEFFERSON BUILDING, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, LIBRARY OF THE CONGRESS, WASHINGTON, U.S.A. ALCUNE ZONE SONO PROTETTE CON SISTEMI FM-200®

Performances sicure Rimuove talmente rapidamente il calore che l’incendio non puo’ piu’ propagarsi. Fire needs fuel, oxygen & heat. -FM-200 is an efficient heat transfer agent, and inactivates the fire through the process of physical cooling. At design concentration, it creates an atmosphere in which fire cannot burn. -FM-200 does not significantly dilute oxygen levels, so the air in the room remains safely breathable. -By quickly removing heat energy from flaming combustion, FM-200 protects valuable assets from fire as well as the possibility of damage from heat and smoke.

Certificato ed efficiente Listato UL /Approvato FM Concentrazione di spegnimento raggiunta in 10 secondi o in meno di 10 secondi. FM-200 systems meet or exceed the industry standards for fire protection. -The Underwriters Laboratories listing & Factory Mutual approvals provide independent verification of product and system quality and effectiveness. -FM-200 systems use advanced detection equipment to locate fire and alert occupants quickly. -By reaching design concentration quickly, the agent attacks the fire faster, reducing potential losses and hazards.

Versatile ed efficiente Eccezionali prestazioni confermate in differenti tipi di incendio. Idoneo per le classi di incendio A , B e C. In Italia, 8 incendi reali, dove sono installati i nostri impianti ad FM-200. Risultato: 8 spegnimenti effettuati con i nostri impianti ad FM-200! FM-200 has been tested in more fire scenarios by more independent investigators than any other Halon replacement. -Extinguishes fires in tests on a wide variety of fuels. -Explosion inerting capabilities. -Prevents re-ignition. -Class A, B and C fires. -Reference the Great Lakes white paper, “Understanding Current Fire Protection Standards and FM-200 Performance” as the best available reference on the range of fire testing conducted with FM-200.

Limitate necessita’ di spazio: Rapido ed efficiente Limitate necessita’ di spazio: NAF SIII® FM-200 requires fewer cylinders than many fire extinguishants. -Halon systems can often be retrofitted. -Some gaseous agents use high pressure steel cylinders, and large number of expensive cylinders. -Steel cylinders are expensive to make, and their manufacture contributes to global warming. -The large volume of storage cylinders required for inert gas agents make loading and servicing difficult. They also increase the overhead cost of the installation by taking up square feet of storage space that could otherwise be used productively. HFC 125 Gas Inerte

Sicuro per le persone FM-200 e’ completamente sicuro per l’impiego in ambienti presenziati. FM-200 does not dilute a room’s oxygen level. It’s non-toxic, even at levels above the typical design concentration. ANTICA VEDUTA DELLA CITTA’ DI ISTANBUL, TURCHIA, DOVE IL MUSEO FILATELICO E’ STATO PROTETTO DA SAFE srl CON SISTEMI FM-200®

FM-200 e prove sulla tossicita’ FM-200 possiede il piu’ completo database sulla tossicita’: E’ l’agente estinguente piu’ collaudato e verificato di ogni altro al mondo. Milioni di Dollari USA sono stati investiti per prove e verifiche sulla tossicita’, che hanno sempre confermato la sua totale sicurezza. FM-200 is perhaps the most thoroughly tested fire agent ever. Millions of dollars have been invested testing FM-200. Numerous independent testing agencies and approval bodies have confirmed its safety. FM-200 has been the subject of more human clinical and laboratory toxicity studies than any other Halon replacement.

Limiti di impiego NOAEL – La maggiore concentrazione alla quale non si verificano effetti negativi. Gli agenti estinguenti puliti sono sicuri per le persone fino al maggior valore di NOAEL. E’ stato ora introdotto anche il modello PBPK per verificare l’ accumulo nel sangue, qualora si superi il NOAEL Agent concentrations safe for human exposure are defined in terms of NOAEL. -No Observed Adverse Effects Level. -Fire suppression agents are safe for occupied spaces UP TO NOAEL. -Above NOAEL, use in occupied spaces is restricted.

Limiti di impiego LOAEL – La minore concentrazione alla quale si verificano effetti negativi L’uso di agenti estinguenti puliti e’ permesso fino al valore LOAEL : Con ritardatori di intervento scarica. Con pre-allarmi di intervento scarica. Entro i tempi di esposizione previsti dal modello PBPK Safe concentration upper limit is defined by LOAEL. -Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level. -Clean agents may be used up to LOAEL in occupied areas with mandated egress times, adequate delays and alarms. -May be used on Class B fires up to LOAEL (NFPA 2001 Standard).

Sicurezza per le persone FM-200 e’ totalmente sicuro per le persone. Infatti e’ stato designato come propellente sostitutivo dei CFC negli inalatori medicali. L’ impiego principale e’ negli inalatori per asmatici Perhaps the strongest evidence in support of the human safety of FM-200 is the fact that it is also being used as a propellant in asthma inhalers (Metered Dose Inhalers). Extensive human exposure data was required to support this pharmaceutical application. The safety of this product lies in the fact that when it is inhaled, it does not get metabolized by the body, nor does it bioaccumulate.

Impatto ambientale FM-200 e’ una buona risposta alla richiesta di un valido agente estinguente. Tiene conto dei problemi di impatto ambientale. FM-200 is the environmentally responsible choice for clean agent fire suppression. There are many different measures to define what may be environmentally responsible. Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) is one, low Global Warming Potential is another, and there are many others.

Totale rispetto dell’ambiente FM-200 risponde a tutte le necessita’ ambientali: Valore ZERO distruzione ozono (ODP) Limitata vita nell’atmosfera (ALT) Limitato effetto serra (GWP) FM-200 remains a responsible choice by any measure. -Ozone Depletion Potential -- FM-200 has zero ODP. -Atmospheric Lifetime -- FM-200 is 36.5 years, lower than Halon and all other HFCs. -FM-200’s relatively compact storage requirements minimizes the indirect contribution from manufacturing steel storage cylinders. -The global fire protection industry has undertaken voluntary initiatives to eliminate unnecessary emissions. -discharge testing has been eliminated in lieu of door fan testing -discharges for sales demonstrations have been eliminated -detection and control technology has advanced to minimize the potential for false discharges

La prospettiva ambientale Tutte le attivita’umane hanno un impatto ambientale. Un incendio incontrollato ha un impatto ambientale decisamente superiore a quello di una scarica di soppressione incendio con FM-200. Ever since Halon was found to contribute to ozone depletion, environmental responsibility has been a key factor for fire suppression systems. It is crucial, however, that we not lose the appropriate environmental perspective. -Everything, from testing to manufacturing to system to discharge, affects the environment -- and therefore environmental profile. -While fire suppression systems have some environmental impact, it is important to remember that the toxic by-products a fire gives off have a much greater impact on the environment. -The relative impact of an FM-200 suppression system operating over a 15 year lifetime is roughly equivalent to the environmental impact of operating a 100W lightbulb over the same period of time, or driving an automobile 1,500 miles per year for 15 years. -Fire suppressions systems rarely discharge, and only do so to STOP a harmful fire; otherwise, they are non-emissive.

Il futuro ed il presente dell’FM-200 FM-200 e’: il piu’ accettato, il piu’ richiesto, il piu’ specificato, il piu’ conosciuto agente estinguente a livello mondiale. FM-200 has long since replaced Halon 1301 as the most widely accepted and specified fire suppression agent, and will be available long-term.

Disponibilita’ a lungo termine FM-200 e’ stato scelto da piu’ di 10 anni come estinguente primario da parte delle aziende leader dell’ impiantistica antincendio. Non esistono controlli , limiti internazionali di produzione o di applicazione dell’agente estinguente FM-200. FM-200 e’ prodotto solo dalla societa’ Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, azienda impegnata a migliorare, a livello mondiale, la protezione incendi. FM-200 has been chosen by the leading fire suppression systems manufacturers, and tens of thousands of systems are already in use in over 70 countries. FM-200 is not subject to any international production bans or restrictions. Great Lakes Chemical Corporation has been committed to fire suppression, and is committing to the future with continuing technological developments, product enhancements and engineering improvements.

Soc.Chemetron Fire Systems. FM-200 rispetta le necessita’ di una protezione antincendio totale, sicura e nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Oltre 3.000 bombole e piu’ di 250.000 kg di FM-200 installati da Molajoni spa – Safe in piu’ di 20 paesi, utilizzando solo componenti e calcoli idraulici UL/FM della Soc.Chemetron Fire Systems. We think you’ll agree that FM-200 is the one clean agent that offers total fire protection.

Stabilite i Vostri criteri di scelta basandovi su fatti concreti. Molajoni spa – Safe srl utilizzano solo componenti specialistici e software di calcolo idraulico (metrico), approvato UL/FM, negli impianti ad FM-200. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about the fire system that’s right for your installation. Expert data is readily available so you can make an informed buying decision. We can help you get this information.

Se avete preso l’importante decisione di scegliere FM-200 Molajoni spa – Safe srl Vi assistono per identificare la soluzione piu’ idonea. Chiamateci al 06.2887901 – 22879041 – FAX 06.2280420 – 06.2286026 e-mail: Web: Fire suppression systems can save lives and protect critical assets. But there are so many choices -- water, CO2, chemicals, permanent gases. And along with all those choices come a myriad of facts, a lot of propaganda, sometimes even misinformation. When it comes time to choose something as critical as a fire suppression system, there’s no room for suggestion and innuendo. You need just the facts. We have all the hard, straightforward information you need to make your choice.