International networking

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Presentazione sul tema: "International networking"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 International networking
Progetto LIFE NAT/IT/ «ECORICE» Le risaie del vercellese: programma integrato per la riqualificazione ambientale e la gestione sostenibile dell’agroecosistema risicolo E.5 – IRFEN International networking Cambiare l’immagine (tasto dx->cambia immagine) secondo l’argomento del proprio intervento C. Lenti, Foto Archivio P.F.Po vc-al Con il patrocinio di: Giuseppe Bogliani and Francesca Della Rocca MINISTERO DELLE POLITICHE AGRICOLE ALIMENTARI E FORESTALI International WORKSHOP – 26/6/2013 Vercelli MINISTERO DELL’AMBIENTE E DELLA TUTELA DEL TERRITORIO E DEL MARE 1

2 Rice cultivation in Europe


4 Farmland and grassland birds are decreasing more than other species in Europe

5 Are European ricefields
wetland surrogates? = yesterday

6 spring summer


8 Riso amaro Bitter rice

9 Today

10 spring summer



13 Paired sample design Control ricefield Esperimental ricefiled canal

14 Variation of the number of Amphibians (frog tadpoles)
in control and experimental ricefields and in canals

15 Variation of the number of mosquito larvae
in control and experimental ricefields and in canals

16 Results Experimental ricefields hosted more invertebrates and Amphibians than control ricefields. Experimental ricefields with the canal had 44% less mosquito larvae than control ricefields without the canal.

17 Heron colonies in Nortwestern Italy - 2012

18 Night heron Little egret

19 Winter flooding Mitigation of alternate irrigation Management of other elements of paddy fields

20 The structure of the farm of Oschiena (Vercelli) in the XIX Century
(courtesy Mrs. Alice Cerutti) The same area today (Google Earth)

21 In conclusion: Are there common ideas about the recovery/maintenance of the biodiversity value of rice cultivation ? How can we achieve this goal?

22 Focus area of the program:
The Action Programme Proposal for a working plan to define a common program Focus area of the program: Agriculture: agricultural techniques biodiversity-friendly Scientific research: the state of art of knowledge about biodiversity in rice fields Rural Development: the role of biodiversity in Rural Development Governance: Improve the design and management of agricultural policies related to biodiversity

23 Thank you for the attention

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