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Summer Village 2004 Frequently, presenters must deliver material of a technical nature to an audience unfamiliar with the topic or vocabulary. The material.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Summer Village 2004 Frequently, presenters must deliver material of a technical nature to an audience unfamiliar with the topic or vocabulary. The material."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Summer Village 2004 Frequently, presenters must deliver material of a technical nature to an audience unfamiliar with the topic or vocabulary. The material may be complex or heavy with detail. To present technical material effectively, use the following guidelines from Dale Carnegie Training®. Consider the amount of time available and prepare to organize your material. Narrow your topic. Divide your presentation into clear segments. Follow a logical progression. Maintain your focus throughout. Close the presentation with a summary, repetition of the key steps, or a logical conclusion. Keep your audience in mind at all times. For example, be sure data is clear and information is relevant. Keep the level of detail and vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Use visuals to support key points or steps. Keep alert to the needs of your listeners, and you will have a more receptive audience. 27/11/2018

2 Il Summer Village Un grande spazio all’interno di fiera Milano dedicato ad un nuovo modo di vivere Milano di sera. Un luogo d’incontro in una location suggestiva che mette a disposizione tutti i servizi di entertainment, dall’aperitivo alla cena, dal cabaret alla discoteca, dal pub ai concerti. In your opening, establish the relevancy of the topic to the audience. Give a brief preview of the presentation and establish value for the listeners. Take into account your audience’s interest and expertise in the topic when choosing your vocabulary, examples, and illustrations. Focus on the importance of the topic to your audience, and you will have more attentive listeners. 27/11/2018

3 Previsioni di affluenza e target
Oltre persone dal 10 giugno 2004 al 31 luglio 2004 Classe socio economica: media - medio alta Età di riferimento: anni Provenienza utenza: Milano, provincia, regione. 27/11/2018

4 Comunicato Setteventi ai titolari di pubblico esercizio aderenti Epam-Unione
Ottobre 2003 If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, , or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. 27/11/2018

5 Evento patrocinato: Determine the best close for your audience and your presentation. Close with a summary; offer options; recommend a strategy; suggest a plan; set a goal. Keep your focus throughout your presentation, and you will more likely achieve your purpose. 27/11/2018

6 Concept Summer Village
12 strutture di pubblico esercizio tra ristoranti, bar, birrerie, locali etnici e serali 40 punti merchandising, fitness e artigianato 1 spazio con palco concerti (p.zza Italia) per una capienza di circa persone 1 discoteca con area priveè 5 zone “live music” dislocate lungo il percorso Intero villaggio coreograficamente concepito con strutture hi-tec, giochi di luci, diverse zone di verde e giochi d’acqua 27/11/2018

7 I nostri supporti multimediali
Stampa Radio Cinema Flyer e cartellonistica Fiancate mezzi pubblici Tv locali Internet In your opening, establish the relevancy of the topic to the audience. Give a brief preview of the presentation and establish value for the listeners. Take into account your audience’s interest and expertise in the topic when choosing your vocabulary, examples, and illustrations. Focus on the importance of the topic to your audience, and you will have more attentive listeners. 27/11/2018

8 Summer Village: strutture
Ristorante 27/11/2018

9 Summer Village: strutture
Ristorante 27/11/2018

10 Summer Village: strutture
Ristorante 27/11/2018

11 Summer Village: strutture
Bar - Pub 27/11/2018

12 Summer Village: strutture
Bar - Pub 27/11/2018

13 Summer Village: strutture
Bar - Pub 27/11/2018

14 Summer Village: strutture
Punto merchandising 27/11/2018

15 Nel cuore di Milano Nel cuore di Milano Summer Village 27/11/2018

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