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Andrea Caccia PIN-SME GA eIDAS Regulation and Electronic Invoicing

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Presentazione sul tema: "Andrea Caccia PIN-SME GA eIDAS Regulation and Electronic Invoicing"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Andrea Caccia PIN-SME GA eIDAS Regulation and Electronic Invoicing
Brussels, 18 June 2015

2 ANORC is the Italian Association of operators and responsibles for digital preservation
founded in 2007 to link all the stakeholders involved in the process of digital preservation and digitalization growing each year now exceeding 400 members, mostly SMEs can count on the appropriate mix of legal and technical expertise, is involved in standardization activities related to eIDAS and electronic invoicing launced an European Competence Centre on Digital Preservation & Digitalization to link up association and professionals at european level

3 eIDAS: benefits for the business

4 The eIDAS Regulation Regulation (EU) n. 910/2014
Will repeal the e-Signature Directive 1999/93/CE legal framework for electronic transactions 2 main concepts: a framework for electronic identification Trust Service Providers and related services: e-Signatures, e-Seals, e-TimeStamps e-Delivery web certificates Qualification of TSP: legal presumption/equivalence with paper based transactions Il SICOGE è utilizzato da tutte le Amministrazioni Centrali dello Stato (Ministeri) e dalle seguenti amministrazioni autonome: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; Consiglio di Stato e TAR; Corte dei Conti; Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione Dipartimento per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza The SICOGE is the Accounting System used by all the Central Government of the State (ministries) and the following Administrations:      Presidency of the Council of Ministers;      Council of State and TAR;      Court of Auditors;      School of Public Administration      Department for Information and Security 4

5 What is the eIDAS Regulation ambition?
To strengthen EU Single Market by boosting TRUST and CONVENIENCE in cross-border and cross-sector electronic TRANSACTIONS Who will benefit from the proposal? 13 million EU citizens work in another EU country 21 millions of SMEs of which more than 40% have cross-border activities 150 million EU citizens shop online, However, only 20% buy in another EU state 5

6 How? By ensuring that people and businesses can use their national eIDs to access online services in other EU countries.

7 How? By removing the barriers to seamless eSignatures and related trust services across borders i.e. by ensuring that trust services have the same legal value as in traditional paper- based processes.

8 ETSI activities ETSI/ESI TC Standards in support of EU regulation
Standards for global ICT markets ETSI has 3 main dimensions to its activities: ETSI is a recognized European Standards Organization and as such can produce standards supporting European regulations. ETSI has also become highly-respected as a producer of technical standards for worldwide use. Many ETSI standards answer global ICT markets Finally ETSI has defined testing methodologies and a testing language (TTCN). ETSI also runs interoperability test events. Those events are: an opportunity for companies to test their prototypes against a standard with their partners and competitors Enhancing the quality of specifications Speeding up the standardization process Reducing time to market Supporting the deployment of a technology Interoperability Testing

9 The European e-invoicing infrastructure for public procurement
Directive 2014/55/EU defines the legal framework for electronic invoicing in public procurement CEN/PC 434 "Electronic Invoicing" wes established in September 2014 to develop the standard framework in support to the Directive Most of the PC434 work will be devoted to set up a common semantic data model and a set of standard formats for all the EU PAs Trust Services can play a fundamental role in the establishment of a trustable e-delivery infrastructure in support to e-invoicing and B2B/B2G transactions in general TSPs and their related qualification and supervision concepts can be easily extended to e-Business to combine competition and trust (key for Digital Single Market) and open to SMEs this market Il SICOGE è utilizzato da tutte le Amministrazioni Centrali dello Stato (Ministeri) e dalle seguenti amministrazioni autonome: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; Consiglio di Stato e TAR; Corte dei Conti; Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione Dipartimento per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza The SICOGE is the Accounting System used by all the Central Government of the State (ministries) and the following Administrations:      Presidency of the Council of Ministers;      Council of State and TAR;      Court of Auditors;      School of Public Administration      Department for Information and Security 9

10 An example: the Italian e-invoicing infrastructure for public procurement
All the electronic invoices to Italian public administrations must be in electronic format since 31 March 2015 The only exception is for cross border invoices but the system will be extended to cross border invoices with the transposition of the Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement The system will be soon be extended to B2B, radically changing and simplifying the fiscal rules and allowing cost savings to the private sector while reducing fiscal frauds Triggered new business opportunities for lot of SMEs and startups Il SICOGE è utilizzato da tutte le Amministrazioni Centrali dello Stato (Ministeri) e dalle seguenti amministrazioni autonome: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; Consiglio di Stato e TAR; Corte dei Conti; Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione Dipartimento per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza The SICOGE is the Accounting System used by all the Central Government of the State (ministries) and the following Administrations:      Presidency of the Council of Ministers;      Council of State and TAR;      Court of Auditors;      School of Public Administration      Department for Information and Security 10

11 Key points - business needs
Address the information asymmetry issue with TSP qualification "The Market for Lemmons: Quality Uncertainity and the Market Mechanism", Akerlof, 1970 TSP qualification can face a clear risk to exclude SMEs from TSP offer market Simplicity and usability for inclusion of SMEs and citizens trustable solutions should be based on eIDAS tools like eID, electronic signatures and seals, e-delivery should be simple to use and not require special devices for most cases Il SICOGE è utilizzato da tutte le Amministrazioni Centrali dello Stato (Ministeri) e dalle seguenti amministrazioni autonome: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; Consiglio di Stato e TAR; Corte dei Conti; Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione Dipartimento per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza The SICOGE is the Accounting System used by all the Central Government of the State (ministries) and the following Administrations:      Presidency of the Council of Ministers;      Council of State and TAR;      Court of Auditors;      School of Public Administration      Department for Information and Security 11

12 Thank you for your kind attention!
Il SICOGE è utilizzato da tutte le Amministrazioni Centrali dello Stato (Ministeri) e dalle seguenti amministrazioni autonome: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; Consiglio di Stato e TAR; Corte dei Conti; Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione Dipartimento per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza The SICOGE is the Accounting System used by all the Central Government of the State (ministries) and the following Administrations:      Presidency of the Council of Ministers;      Council of State and TAR;      Court of Auditors;      School of Public Administration      Department for Information and Security 12

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