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Vivere e lavorare nel Regno Unito
Nome: Helen Giles Consulente EURES del Regno Unito, Copies of the presentation are available – if not, you can me and I will forward it to you. Handouts with useful websites, including the websites mentioned in the presentation will also be given out/can be ed to you
Vivere e Lavorare nel Regno Unito
Cercare un Lavoro La Legge sul Lavoro Vivere nel Regno Unito Living and working in the UK
Il Regno Unito - UK L’Inghilterra, la Scozia, il Galles, l’Irlanda del Nord Tasso di disoccupazione 7.9% - Simile alla cifra italiana 2.47 milione di disoccupati Parlare la lingua inglese è d’obbligo claimant unemployment was 1,607.4 thousand in August 2009, up 24.4 thousand on the level in July, and up thousand on the year. 2.47 million people were ILO unemployed in the May to July quarter, up by 210 thousand on the February to April period and up 743 thousand on the same quarter last year. the ILO unemployment rate is 7.9%, up 0.7 percentage points on the quarter and up 2.3 percentage points on the year. Living and working in the UK
Servizi publici per l’impiego
La Gran Bretagna – l’Inghilterra, La Scozia, il Galles Tel: L’Irlanda del Nord Tel: Chioschi self-service PES – Public Employment Services GB is England Scotland and Wales – 900 Jobcentreplus offices NI – 35 jobcentres Jobseeker Direct Helpline, May wish to mention FAS – Rep of Ireland’s PES website Living and working in the UK
I candidati più richiesti per I datori di lavoro
Ingegneri meccanici, aeronautici, chimiche, bio-ingegneri, con l’esperienza Fisici, geologiste, meteorologiste Medici e dentisti Veterinari Altri professioniste nel settore della salute (psicologi, biochimici, radiologi) Qualche professore – soprattutto di matematica e di scienze Chef Badanti This list of occupations is from the HO, UK Government – tier 2 PBS. These job positions are identified as the current Skill shortages in the UK Strongly advised to secure a job before coming to the UK English is essential to work in the UK It is more difficult to find jobs due to the economic problem throughout the world; Competition is high However UK companies want the best person for the job. UK is a multi cultural society, a diverse workforce Living and working in the UK
Difficile Impieghi negli uffici – troppa concorrenza e si deve essere residenti nel Regno Unito Lavori nei settori artistico-culturali o dei media Lavori nel settore dell’edilizia, anche come architetto, ingegnere civile, geometra Insegnante delle lingue italiana o inglese This list of occupations is from the HO, UK Government – tier 2 PBS. These job positions are identified as the current Skill shortages in the UK Strongly advised to secure a job before coming to the UK English is essential to work in the UK It is more difficult to find jobs due to the economic problem throughout the world; Competition is high However UK companies want the best person for the job. UK is a multi cultural society, a diverse workforce Living and working in the UK
Lavoro Stagionale Soprattutto maggio-settembre Periodo minimo – 2 mesi
18 anni + I servizi – alberghi, ristoranti, villagi turistici, o parco di divertimento L’agricoltura – il raccolto This list of occupations is from the HO, UK Government – tier 2 PBS. These job positions are identified as the current Skill shortages in the UK Strongly advised to secure a job before coming to the UK English is essential to work in the UK It is more difficult to find jobs due to the economic problem throughout the world; Competition is high However UK companies want the best person for the job. UK is a multi cultural society, a diverse workforce Living and working in the UK
I laureati – siti utili – la consulenza sulle carriere laureate – per I lavori in Irlanda del Nord Again, competition is high These are just some of the useful graduate job searching websites Handout: job searching websites for Jobseekers and Graduates contains many more. Living and working in the UK
La legge sul lavoro Salario minimo di £5.80 (€6.38) all’ora all’età di 22 anni Orario di lavoro ore alla settimana 25 giorni di ferie retribuite all’anno Il salario offerto è sempre al lordo, e si paga al mese NMW £5.80 (22 years+) £4.83 (18-21) £ If you are 18 years+ and wish to work more than 48 hours a week, you can choose to do so. This must be voluntary and put in writing to your employer. From 1 April 2009 all workers have a statutory right to at least 28 days' paid holiday if you work five days a week. Your employer could choose to include bank holidays in the 28 days Living and working in the UK
Il Numero della Previdenza Sociale
Per pagare I contributi per la previdenza sociale Dovete richiederlo quando cominciate lavorare Tel: o Tel: (NI) This is a private, personal number; it must be kept safe at all times If you have worked in the UK before, you will NOT need to apply for another NINO Both very important websites – as they link together ALL government websites, under the one site. Jobs, healthcare, taxation, driving licences, training, education, funding. A great SEARCH mechanism in both websites. Living and working in the UK
L’ imposta è trattenuta direttamente dalla busta paga mensile
L’Imposta sul Reddito L’ imposta è trattenuta direttamente dalla busta paga mensile La percentuale normale: 20% £0 - £37,400 (€4,1140) La percentuale più alta: 40% £37,400 + (€4,1140+) Chi lavoro in proprio deve pagare l’imposta direttamente al governo Tax is deducted from your wages weekly or monthly. Tax Free, personal allowance of £6,475 = basic level Living and working in the UK
11 % - percentuale normale
La Previdenza Sociale La previdenza sociale è trattenuta direttamente dalla busta paga mensile 11 % - percentuale normale Chi lavora in proprio deve pagare sua propria previdenza sociale direttamente al governo Another deduction from your wage is National Insurance contributions NICs (contributes towards NHS, social benefits if required, and state pension) Living and working in the UK
3 documenti importanti La tessera sanitaria – in caso d’urgenza E301 – un record dei contributi della previdenza sociale versati E303 – per trasferire l’assistenza sociale da un paese all’altro These E Forms are the most commonly used/recognised in the EU/EEA EHIC – entitles you to Free NHS healthcare in the UK E301 – records your social security/national insurance contributions – this info enables an assessment of entitlement to unemployed benefits – should you move to another EEA country to look for work E303 – Must be claiming U/E benefits for 4 weeks in your own country before transferring your benefits to another EEA country while you look for work. You can claim u/e benefits using the E303 for a maximum of 3 months; your benefits will be paid at the rate of your own country E301 + E303 go together Living and working in the UK
La Salute NHS – Servizio Nazionale Sanitario
Visitare un medico è gratuito,ma si paga per una visita dal dentista o dall’ottico Per ogni medicina prescritta dal medico può darsi che si deva pagare £7.10 (€7.8) – dipende dalla regione Tel: NHS Hospital treatment is FREE If you are Employed/working, you will have to pay for: Spectacles, dental treatment and sometimes medical Prescriptions. Prescription charges vary, depending on where you live in the UK. Some regions provide FREE medical prescriptions such as Wales, and soon Scotland NI prescriptions are 3 pounds. England is the only region of the UK where persons have to pay the full, £7.10 per medicine Living and working in the UK
Vivere nel Regno Unito – l’Alloggio
Pochi datori di lavoro provvedono all’alloggio Gli appartamenti arredati: £450 - £600 (€ ) Una stanza arredati in una casa condivisa: £200-£350 (€ €385) Si deve pagare in anticipo l’affitto di un mese come deposito Council Tax – l’Imposta Locale (council tax) Houses/flats can be furnished on unfurnished (Costs are per month) When looking for accommodation (to rent or purchase a home), search for “Estate Agents” online Large cities such as London can be expensive to live in, and difficult to find accommodation. Some people tend to live outside the city Question the audience – are the costs higher or lower than their country? Council Tax is paid to the council where you live - to pay for local services like rubbish/refuse collection… The amount you pay depends on your accommodation value and family/personal circumstances. Council tax for an average property is approximately £100 per month (€107) Council Tax may be included in your rent. Check with your landlord Living and working in the UK
Cercare un lavoro Il servizi publici per l’impiego EURES
I siti web delle imprese I giornali del Regno Unito (siti web) Le agenzie di reclutamento (servizio gratuito) Other mediums for jobsearching in the UK Refer again to Handout: document of useful UK job searching websites for Jobseekers and Graduates Handout: top 100 UK companies with Graduate opportunities (and other, lower level jobs too) Living and working in the UK
Il sito EURES Cercare un lavoro Registrare il suo cv online
Mettersi in contatto con I consulenti EURES Un foro per I laureati Per ogni paese, l’informazione su - Il mercato di lavoro la vita e il lavoro l’educazione 800, Jobs on the EURES portal 700+ EURES advisers contact details. Advisers are located throughout the 30 countries of the EU/EEA + Switzerland Register your CV online for employers to access L+W conditions, social security, healthcare, taxation Studying, learning, training opportunities in other EEA countries Living and working in the UK
Fare domanda per un lavoro
Curriculum Vitae – C V 2 pagine scritte a macchina, senza fotografia Create un CV adatto al lavoro ricercato Lettera di richiesta breve I moduli di richiesta (forse online) I colloqui CV – 2 pages to include Personal details, Qualifications and Work experience. State first (whatever is more relevant to the job you are applying), your work experience or your qualifications? Include Personal achievements, IT, Language skills… An employer will judge your CV in 20 seconds. It must make a quick impression!! Application letters, one page, typed. A brief synopsis of your skills/experience. State when you are ready to start Interviews are usually formal; dress smartly. There are usually 2 or more people interviewing you. Research the company before the interview. Websites will give you samples of CVs and Letters and helpful hints on preparing for interviews Living and working in the UK
L’Educazione – I titoli
Per fare un confronto tra le qualifiche italiane e britanniche, potete mettersi in contatto con NARIC Avere un titolo nella lingua inglese è d’obbligo per studiare all’università nel Regno Unito Studiare la lingua inglese Per cercare un corso all’università nel Regno Unito Qualifications can differ in each European country. Some qualifications are recognised throughout Europe. Harmonious training requirements throughout EU for: Nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, architectures, vets National Academic Recognition information Centre. There is a fee for this service and it can take 4 – 6 weeks to receive recognition of your qualifications. In order to study in the UK, you need to take the IELTS International english language testing system course– to prove that your english language is sufficient to study in english You can search the Complete university guide by subject and it will show all the universities in the UK that offer that subject/course website provides information on funding/sponsorship for courses. University websites will sometimes provide information on funding Living and working in the UK
Work placement/stage Non ne abbiamo molti
Work placement/stage Work placements/internships are not as popular in the UK as in other EU countries. I would advise you to explore the various UK job searching websites and make contact with companies/employers directly, sending a CV and letter, stating that you would be grateful to have an opportunity to work in their company for a period of time Living and working in the UK
Avete delle domande……..
Copies of the presentation are available – if not, you can send me an and I will forward it to you. Handouts with useful websites on living and working in the UK, including websites mentioned in the presentation are also available/ will be ed to you
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