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ADI: Italian association of PhD doctors and students Non partitic association composed by voluntary PhD students and doctors, ADIs activity: representative.

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Presentazione sul tema: "ADI: Italian association of PhD doctors and students Non partitic association composed by voluntary PhD students and doctors, ADIs activity: representative."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 ADI: Italian association of PhD doctors and students Non partitic association composed by voluntary PhD students and doctors, ADIs activity: representative and lobbing role with the institution such as locally: Faculties, Ateneo and Opera but also Province national: Ministry, Confindustria... cohordinating work groups (the so called GOL at a national level) locally organizing cultural events (e.g. cenacoli) supporting intiatives and requests from the PhD class

2 ADIs Operating mode: e-mail communication (national activity) periodical meeting for specific finality or theme cohordination via responsible of the single initiative ADIs field of interest improvement of PhD condition (recent increase of the grant - national) promotion of the PhD title locally working with placement office nationally via workshops, fairs and exibitions promotion of research value and merit in university system reducing precariousness in research ADI: Italian association of PhD doctors and students

3 Italian University People (from il Sole 24 ore) FULL PROF.:18.721 ASSOCIATE PR.:17.898 RESEARCHERS:22.910 Funding (very approx % of Trento balance year 2006) ordinary ministerial fund (FFO) of which max 90% can be devoted to salaries of permanent positions (40%) student taxes (7%) projects (PRIN – EU – …) special funds (institution fund for Trento – 5%) other financers – Trento with program agreement with province (20 – 40%) Problems (just to mention some) changing to 3+2 ordering multiplication of courses and cost + increase of prof. (double plug effect) organization and transparency in decisions – recruitment research quality and scientific production

4 Report from theADI cenacoli on L 133 with Rettore and local Politics Contents of L133/08 a)Economic reduction (progressively up to 20% of presumed FFO in 2013) b)Turnover cut (to 20%) c)University fundation transformation d)closure of SISS (courses for high school teaching) Trento questions Turnover is worst point – only non-permanent researchers positions save our career perspectives Requirement of economic cut proportional to merit and good previous administration Foundation is too onerous for privates… can be just a state-fundation (is it even worst?) Onda anomala movement Even with some confusion these points are given to the general public Public manifestation – various positions in the movement – no direct cohordination

5 Reform of University Guidelines of minister Gelmini Some Keywords responsible administration and economic sustainability merit criteria for every choice process (starting with national evaluation committees CIVR output application for fund distribution) DM 270: opportunity to reformulate teaching offer and cost mechanisms revision governance: more efficiency, less doublig of competences – foundations discussing the law value of titles (laurea, PhD is already no law- valuable) financial responsibility: e.g. No new positions for universities over 90% of FFO e.g. Obligatory plans for reduction of costs from universities in debt, otherwise external commisary

6 Reform of University Guidelines of minister Gelmini PhD and post-PhD reconsideration most things already activated in our schools??? promote universities which enrole PhDs of other universities reduction of PhD schools number – Ateneo PhD schools high quality criteria requested to activate new PhD programs international admission criteria and methods structure and PhD duration linked to scientific results achievment more international PhD programmes increase number and entity of courses in PhD programmes promote PhD students residentiality promote creation of very high quality research programmes with international selection and standards

7 Reform of University Guidelines of minister Gelmini Waiting for the DL proposal (to be discussed next spring) Through ADI we hope to be direct interlocutor of the ministry present critical voice from the basis of PhD students and young researchers, different from the old university and usually more conservative positions

8 DL 180 + modifiche Senato (28.11.08) Reclutamento Le università che superano il 90% al 31/12: - non possono indire concorsi o valutazioni comparative - non possono assumere personale - escluse dal fondo straordinario ricercatori (2008/09) Assunzioni personale (2009/2011): 50% spesa personale uscito nellanno precedente > 60% ricercatori e ricercatori td < 10% professori ordinari Assunzioni libere su fondo straordinario ricercatori

9 DL 180 + modifiche Senato (28.11.08) Concorsi I e II fascia - Commissione: 5 ordinari (1 interno + 4 sorteggiati) - Sorteggio da lista di eletti in numero triplo rispetto ai commissari complessivamente necessari per SSD Ricercatori (…. in attesa di riordino) - Commissione: 1 interno PO/PA + 2 ordinari sorteggiati - Sorteggio (come per I e II) - Concorso (nuovi bandi) : discussione titoli e pubblicazioni con parametri internazionali - Regolamento da emanare entro 30 giorni da DL180 (votazioni e parametri internazionali) - Possibilità di riapertura dei termini entro 31/1

10 DL 180 + modifiche Senato (28.11.08) Chiamate dirette (modifica art.1 legge 230) - Studiosi che ricoprono una posizione accademica equipollente in istituzioni universitarie estere (o su rientro cervelli) da almeno un triennio: ordinari, associati e ricercatori (parere del CUN) - Studiosi di chiara fama (commissione di 3 ordinari del SSD nominata dal CUN) - Senza oneri a carico della finanza pubblica

11 DL 180 + modifiche Senato (28.11.08) Qualità del sistema universitario Dal 2009 quota > 7% FFO ripartita sulla base di: - qualità e risultati offerta formativa - qualità ricerca scientifica - efficienza sedi didattiche (dal 2010) Regolamento emanato entro il 31/12/2009 Anagrafe nazionale - Elenco pubblicazioni scientifiche PO, PA, RIC - Dal 2011 scatti dimezzati in assenza di pubblicazioni nel biennio precedente - Esclusione dalle commissioni di concorso in assenza di pubblicazioni nel triennio precedente

12 PhD and then? Placement out of the University 1.Low recognisation of the PhD title outside Academy 2.PhD doctors are older than new graduates (for work-market) ADI-Trento started a cooperation with the placement office of Unitn creation of database of PhD – visibility at the placement site creation of a document (work in progress) presenting all the PhD schools in Trento – to be diffused in private enterprises, etc. Contacts with the development agency of Trento province National ADI organized workshops, conferences and exibitions

13 How to contribute to ADIs initiatives Get in contact via mailing list: send an e-mail to Become a member e-mail me ( very convenient: only 5 1 year membership (10 for PhD Doctors) 17,5 for 3 years or 50 for permanent Get involved organizing initiatives, participating workgroups Have a look to the site And when it will be operating again also

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