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EU Observatory Estratti delle evoluzioni nello scenario corporate governance a livello europeo in base alle notizie diffuse dalle varie associazioni e.

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Presentazione sul tema: "EU Observatory Estratti delle evoluzioni nello scenario corporate governance a livello europeo in base alle notizie diffuse dalle varie associazioni e."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 EU Observatory Estratti delle evoluzioni nello scenario corporate governance a livello europeo in base alle notizie diffuse dalle varie associazioni e enti di riferimento Marzo 2015 Documento prodotto con il supporto di Tutti i diritti riservati

2 Index European Authorities
1. MEF – Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze 2. ECB - European Central Bank 3. BANCA D’ITALIA 4. ESMA - European Security and Markets Authority Associations/Institutes 5. SEC - Bank for U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission 6. OECD - Organisation for economic co-operation and development 7. FEE - Federation of European Accountants 8. FRC – Financial Reporting Council 9. AIMA - Alternative Investment Management Association 10. Surveys & Insights

Issuer Title Description Link to document MEF - MINISTERO DELL’ECONOMIA E DELLE FINANZE Consultazione pubblica per l’attuazione della direttiva 2013/34/EU del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 26 giugno 2013, relativa ai bilanci d’esercizio, ai bilanci consolidati e alle relative relazioni di talune tipologie di imprese. Il Dipartimento del Tesoro ha avviato una consultazione pubblica su due schemi di decreti legislativi finalizzati a dare attuazione alla direttiva 2013/34/UE in materia di informativa di bilancio per le società di capitali non soggette all’applicazione dei principi contabili internazionali IAS/IFRS. Le nuove disposizioni saranno applicabili a partire dagli esercizi finanziari aventi inizio il 1° gennaio 2016 o nel corso dello stesso anno e pongono particolare attenzione alle PMI. Tra gli elementi di maggior rilievo rientrano: -La differenziazione degli obblighi informativi in base ad alcune soglie dimensionali dell’impresa; -L’introduzione di una nuova categoria di imprese, le cd. “micro imprese”, che si avvalgono di un regime di contabilità particolarmente semplificato; -L’utilizzo di alcuni moderni istituti contabili già contemplati dai principi contabili internazionali IAS/IFRS, quali l’indicazione a bilancio del “fair value” per gli strumenti finanziari derivati, diverse modalità di imputazione relativamente al “costo ammortizzato” e alla “attualizzazione” delle attività e passività finanziarie; -L’estensione di questi ultimi istituti contabili anche alle imprese di assicurazione, in attesa che nei prossimi anni si completi la transizione delle imprese assicurative ai principi contabili internazionali (IFRS), oggi ad esse applicabili solo per la redazione del bilancio consolidato. Schema decreto bilanci consultazione pubblica direttiva 2013/34/EU Schema decreto intermediari consultazione pubblica direttiva 2013/34/EU PRESS RELEASE - Nuove norme sul diritto contabile delle società di capitali non quotate, parte la consultazione pubblica

Issuer Title Description Link to document MEF - MINISTERO DELL’ECONOMIA E DELLE FINANZE Documento di Economia e Finanza (Def) 2015. Gli obiettivi della politica di bilancio del Governo presentata nel Documento di Economia e Finanza (Def) 2015 approvato in Consiglio dei Ministri sono: -Sostenere la ripresa economica evitando aumenti del prelievo fiscale e allo stesso tempo rilanciando gli investimenti; -Avviare il debito pubblico (in rapporto al PIL) su un percorso di riduzione, consolidando così la fiducia del mercati e riducendo la spesa per interessi; -Favorire gli investimenti e le iniziative per consentire un deciso recupero dell’occupazione nel prossimo triennio. Due delle sezioni di cui si compone il Def, il Programma di Stabilità e il Programma Nazionale di Riforma (PNR), saranno inviate al Consiglio dell’Unione Europea e alla Commissione europea a Bruxelles. Documento di Economia e Finanza (Def) 2015 Firmati i decreti di modifica delle black lists su "Indeducibilità dei costi" e "CFC". Il Ministro dell’economia e delle finanze, Pier Carlo Padoan, ha firmato due decreti ministeriali che modificano le black list sulla “indeducibilità dei costi” e sulle “Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC). I due decreti danno tempestiva attuazione alle disposizioni contenute nella legge di stabilità 2015. Sono stati cancellati dalla black list 21 Paesi e giurisdizioni con i quali è in vigore un accordo bilaterale (Convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni oppure TIEA - Tax Information Exchange Agreement) o multilaterale (Convenzione multilaterale sulla mutua assistenza amministrativa in materia fiscale OCSE/Consiglio d’Europa) che consente lo scambio di informazioni in materia fiscale. Con il decreto firmato sono quindi stati eliminati dalla “black list CFC” quei Paesi che, oltre ad avere un accordo con l’Italia sullo scambio di informazioni, applicano un regime generale di imposizione non inferiore al 50 per cento di quello applicato in Italia: Filippine, Malesia e Singapore. Firmati i decreti di modifica delle black lists "indeducibilità dei costi" e "CFC"

Issuer Title Description Link to document ECB - EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK Indirizzo (UE) 2015/510 della Banca Centrale Europea del 19 dicembre 2014 sull'attuazione del quadro di riferimento della politica monetaria dell'Eurosistema (BCE/2014/60). Il presente indirizzo detta norme uniformi per l'attuazione della politica monetaria unica da parte dell'Eurosistema negli Stati membri la cui moneta è l'euro. Lo strumentario utilizzato dall'Eurosistema nell'attuazione della politica monetaria consiste di: a) operazioni di mercato aperto; b) operazioni attivabili su iniziativa delle controparti; c) obblighi di riserva minima. Se necessario per l'attuazione della politica monetaria, le BCN possono scambiare tra loro informazioni individuali, quali i dati operativi, relative alle controparti che partecipano alle operazioni di politica monetaria dell'Eurosistema. Tali informazioni sono sottoposte all'obbligo del segreto professionale di cui all'articolo 37 dello statuto del SEBC. Indirizzo (UE) 2015/510 della Banca Centrale Europea del 19 dicembre 2014 sull'attuazione del quadro di riferimento della politica monetaria dell'Eurosistema (BCE/2014/60)

6 3) BANCA D’ITALIA Issuer Title Description Link to document
Circolare n. 286 del 17 dicembre 2013 recante "Istruzioni per la compilazione delle segnalazioni prudenziali per le banche e le società di intermediazione mobiliare" - Aggiornamento n. 4 del 31 marzo 2015. Banca d’Italia ha pubblicato il 4° aggiornamento del 31 marzo 2015 alla Circolare n. 286 del 17 dicembre 2013 recante Istruzioni per la compilazione delle segnalazioni prudenziali per le banche e le società di intermediazione mobiliare. Con il presente aggiornamento della Circolare si adegua l’impianto segnaletico nazionale agli emendamenti apportati agli schemi COREP dal Regolamento n. 227/2015, che modifica il Regolamento (UE) n. 680/2014 in materia di norme tecniche di attuazione relative alle segnalazioni degli enti. Inoltre, si è provveduto a: -Chiarire le modalità di calcolo del requisito patrimoniale in materia di rischio operativo; -Allineare alcuni dettagli informativi alle disposizione del COREP. Con l’occasione sono stati introdotti nella Parte II della Circolare: i) la Sezione 4 riguardante gli obblighi segnaletici in materia prudenziale di Bancoposta; ii) nelle Sezioni 1 e 2, riferite ai Soggetti Collegati, un’apposita voce relativa al patrimonio di vigilanza, volta ad agevolare la verifica del rispetto dei limiti previsti dalla normativa di riferimento. Le innovazioni contenute nel presente aggiornamento sono applicabili a partire dalle segnalazioni riferite al 31 marzo Gli obblighi segnaletici di Bancoposta hanno come data di riferimento il 31 dicembre 2014. Circolare n. 286 del 17 dicembre 2013 recante "Istruzioni per la compilazione delle segnalazioni prudenziali per le banche e le società di intermediazione mobiliare" - Aggiornamento n. 4 del 31 marzo 2015 Bollettino di Vigilanza n. 3 - Marzo 2015 (aperto) - Provvedimenti di carattere generale della Banca d'Italia - Circolare n. 286 del 17 dicembre 2013

Issuer Title Description Link to document ESMA - EUROPEAN SECURITY AND MARKETS AUTHORITY Advice to Esma. Response to ESAs joint consultation on cross-selling. The SMSG welcomes the joint consultation of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) on cross-selling and concur with the view that cross-selling transactions may provide real benefits to retail investors, but also offer the risk that the interests of the client is not adequately considered. At present, supervision is probably best placed with national competent authorities, but the SMSG believes that it may in time be necessary and efficient to engage the ESAs in direct supervision of cross-selling transactions in order to secure a truly pan-European approach. Advice to Esma. Response to ESAs joint consultation on cross-selling

Issuer Title Description Link to document U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC) SEC Proposes Rules to Require Companies to Disclose the Relationship Between Executive Pay and a Company’s Financial Performance. The Securities and Exchange Commission voted to propose rules to require companies to disclose the relationship between executive compensation and the financial performance of a company.  The proposed rules, which would implement a requirement mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act, would provide greater transparency and allow shareholders to be better informed when they vote to elect directors and in connection with advisory votes on executive compensation. A company would be required to disclose executive compensation actually paid for its principal executive officer using the amount already disclosed in the summary compensation table required in the proxy statement, making adjustments to the amounts included for pensions and equity awards. The amount disclosed for the remaining executive officers would be the average compensation actually paid to those executives. As the measure of performance, a company would also be required to report its total shareholder return (TSR) and the TSR of companies in a peer group. All companies would be required to disclose the information for the last five fiscal years, except for smaller reporting companies, which would only be required to provide disclosure for the last three fiscal years. The proposed rules provide phase-in periods for these requirements. The comment period for the proposed rules will be 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.

Issuer Title Description Link to document OECD- ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Unlocking SME finance through market-based debt: Securitisation, private placements and bonds. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are key contributors to economic growth and job creation. The current economic and financial crisis has reduced bank lending and has affected SMEs in particular. Capital markets will have to play a bigger role in financing SMEs in order to make them more resilient to financial shocks. Non-bank market-based financing can improve the flow of credit to SMEs, while enhancing diversity and widening participation in the financial system. This study reviews the spectrum of alternative non-debt market-based instruments for SME financing, focusing in particular on securitisation (off-balance sheet) and covered bonds, but also addressing issues regarding small-/mid-cap bonds and private placements. These financing instruments could complement bank lending, help repair the credit channel and ease SMEs’ financing constraints, while also facilitating a better distribution of risk amongst market participants. private placements and bonds Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs An OECD Scoreboard. New Approaches to SME and Entrepreneurship Financing: Broadening the Range of Instruments. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are fundamental for inclusive growth and obs, but they need to broaden their sources of finance in order to reduce their vulnerability to volatile credit market developments, according to two new OECD reports. Both studies underline that alternative funding options must be developed and promoted to support investment. Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2015: Some alternative instruments such as crowdfunding and factoring are gaining traction but venture capital investment and leasing have yet to recover to 2007 levels in most countries. The OECD warns that high levels of non-performing loans among SMEs have a negative effect on banks’ willingness to lend and pose a particular threat to economic recovery in the countries most affected by the financial crisis. New approaches to SME and entrepreneurship financing: Broadening the range of instruments : It maps the main features of a broad range of external financing techniques acting as alternatives to straight debt, including asset-based finance, alternative debt, hybrid instruments, and equity instruments. PRESS RELEASE - SMEs and entrepreneurs need to diversify their funding amid continued credit constraints RELATED DOCUMENT - Remarks by Angel Gurría, Secretary-General OECD

Issuer Title Description Link to document FEE – FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN ACCOUNTANTS Overview of the ISA adoption in the EU. FEE's new publication "Overview of the ISA adoption in the EU" demonstrates to what extent the 28 European Union Member States have chosen to apply ISAs for all audits. Based on information gathered from FEE Member Bodies, FEE noted that significantly more countries voluntarily adopted ISAs than when we last asked in Currently, only three Member States have not yet adopted these global standards. The following information is included: -Adoption status in each EU Member State; -Add-ons or carve-outs to clarified ISAs1 currently in place in EU Member States; -Adoption status in each EU Member State regarding ISQC 1; -Guidance on proportionate application of clarified ISAs; -How the application of ISAs (and ISQC 1) is made binding as well as disciplinary actions or sanctions for incorrect or incomplete application of ISAs (and ISQC 1) in EU Member States. The information included below has been compiled based on information requested and gathered from FEE Member Bodies. Overviw of the ISA adoption in the EU PRESS RELEASE - FEE shows that European countries increasingly move towards International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)

Issuer Title Description Link to document FRC - FINANCIAL REPORTING COUNCIL FRED 61: Draft Amendments to FRS Share-based payment transactions with cash alternatives. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has issued an Exposure Draft, FRED 61 ‘Draft Amendments to FRS Share-based payment transactions with cash alternatives’ which proposes clarifying and simplifying the accounting for share and share option awards where a cash-settlement alternative exists. Entities would generally be able to continue with their existing accounting practices applied under previous UK and Irish GAAP which should reduce transition and application costs of FRS 102. PRESS RELEASE - FRC consults on limited amendments to FRS 102

Issuer Title Description Link to document ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (AIMA) AIMA publishes updated guide for fund directors The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), the global hedge fund association, has published an updated Fund Directors’ Guide. The Guide, last published in 2008, takes account of regulatory and tax reforms since the financial crisis, such as the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which have brought significant changes to the role and responsibilities of fund directors and boards. The Guide is designed to be used by investment managers, fund promoters and existing and prospective fund directors. New sections have been added covering, among other topics, the general approach to fund governance, monitoring of trading practices and business continuity planning. Practical, legal and tax considerations when selecting and appointing fund directors are considered. The basic tasks that fund directors should carry out are explained, while issues relating to the way in which fund directors manage their relationships with the fund’s service providers are also discussed.

10) Surveys & Insights Issuer Title Description Link to document FED – FEDERAL RESERVE The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday issued a final rule to expand the applicability of its Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement and also apply it to certain savings and loan holding companies. The Federal Reserve Board issued a final rule to expand the applicability of its Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement and also apply it to certain savings and loan holding companies. The policy statement facilitates the transfer of ownership of small community banks and savings associations by allowing their holding companies to operate with higher levels of debt than would normally be permitted. While holding companies that qualify for the policy statement are excluded from consolidated capital requirements, their depository institution subsidiaries continue to be subject to minimum capital requirements. The final rule raises the asset threshold of the policy statement from $500 million to $1 billion in total consolidated assets. It also expands the application of the policy statement to savings and loan holding companies. All firms must still meet certain qualitative requirements, including those pertaining to nonbanking activities, off-balance sheet activities, and publicly-registered debt and equity. ECGI - EUROPEAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE The Rise of Corporate Governance in the U.K.: When and Why While issues that prompt corporate governance responses are endemic to the corporate form, the term “corporate governance” only began to feature with any regularity in discussions of public companies in Britain as the 1990s got underway. It is well known that work done by the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance, known as the Cadbury Committee, played a major role in fostering the rise of corporate governance in the U.K. at that point. This paper explains why the topic did not move into the spotlight in Britain in the 1970s, a development that might have been anticipated given that explicit references to “corporate governance” were beginning in earnest then in the United States.

10) Surveys & Insights Issuer Title Description Link to document ECGI - EUROPEAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE Banking Union: Aspects of the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism Compared. The Banking Union is based on different components, partly on directives applicable throughout the EU, partly on two regulations applicable only in the euro states introducing the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism. These regulations are based on a comparable pattern, with centralisation of decisions at the European level, and involvement of authorities in the member states. However, also for legal reasons, the centralisation is much stronger for prudential supervision that for resolution. Issues of cooperation between the two Mechanisms, and between the European level and the national level reveal some interesting analogies but also differences. Coordination and cooperation will be necessary to avoid conflicts. M&A Contracts: Purposes, Types, Regulation, and Patterns of Practice. M&A transactions are governed by contracts that exhibit constrained variation – they are negotiated, yet full of boilerplate, tailored, yet full of patterns and regularities. This paper (a chapter of the Research Handbook on Mergers and Acquisitions, forthcoming) reviews the suite of contracts commonly needed in an M&A transaction, and offers two complementary descriptions of the core “deal contracts” in M&A. the customary organization of the contracts themselves, and the second re-analyzes their contents with a new, functional typology derived from the purposes of deal contracts: (1) specification (especially of deal structure, pricing terms, and, in partial acquisitions, the business to be acquired), (2) risk-sharing, (3) process management, (4) control and information sharing, and (5) dispute management.

10) Surveys & Insights Issuer Title Description Link to document BUSINESS EUROPE Economic Outlook Spring 2015. Based on a survey of its member federations across the continent, BUSINESSEUROPE’s Economic Outlook predicts: • GDP growth of 1.9% in the EU in 2015 and 1.6% in the Euro Area (compared to 1.7% and 1.2% in our autumn 2014 Outlook); • The recovery to slightly strengthen in 2016, when we foresee GDP to grow by 2.1% in the EU and by 1.9% in the Euro Area; • Domestic demand should gradually replace net exports as the main growth driver. Amidst signs of growing consumer confidence we expect EU private consumption growth of 1.9% in Businesses are reporting the highest demand for finance since the start of the crisis and we expect investment growth of 2.8% this year; • While remaining at high levels, unemployment is expected to fall a little; to 9.5% (from 9.8%) in the EU and 10.6% (from 11.3%) in the EA in 2015, and to 9.0% (EU) and 10.1% (EA) in Country differences still remain high; • Inflation is forecast to remain low in 2015 but to gradually increase to 1.5% for the EU and 1.2% for the Euro Area in 2016, as the effect of higher import costs and stabilising energy prices work though. PRESS RELEASE - Spring Economic Outlook: More companies are seeking finance for investment ICSA - INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATORS FCA publishes feedback to financial crime consultation Following a consultation on proposed examples of good practice relating to financial crime in November 2014, the FCA has published a summary of its feedback. The examples of good practice follow two thematic reviews that considered small banks’ anti-money laundering and financial sanctions and small commercial insurance brokers’ anti-bribery and corruption, systems and controls. All of the 20 respondents to the consultation thought that the FCA’s examples of good practice were useful to help illustrate what some firms have done to identify, assess and manage financial crime risk. They also said that these would help them approach financial crime compliance in a more proportionate and risk-based way.

10) Surveys & Insights Issuer Title Description Link to document ICSA - INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATORS Small firms have little confidence in Prompt Payment Code. Small firms have little confidence in the Prompt Payment Code, according a survey conducted by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). The FSB found that only one in five (21%) FSB members are confident the Prompt Payment Code will be enough to address the UK's poor payment culture. As part of the survey, FSB members reported that the top five reasons why their customers paid late were: no excuse or justification was given (49%); internal invoice processing issues caused a delay (35%); the customer extended the payment terms without your consent (34%); invoice was lost or misplaced (33%); and invoice was never received (31%). John Allan, National Chairman of the FSB said: ‘Late and poor payment practices are holding back our economy and pushing potentially successful firms out of business. ‘If businesses do not get the money they are owed, they may not be able to pay their staff, invest in their business or pay their own suppliers. There is a knock-on effect right down the supply chain, which undermines the UK economy as a whole.’ The FSB has also previously found that almost one in five small businesses had been subject to some form of supply chain bulling. The so called ‘pay to stay' practice used by Premier Foods, who asked suppliers to pay a flat fee in order to be considered for future contracts, was experienced by 5% of small firms. BORSA ITALIANA A cerimonia Elite emerge importanza Corporate Governance Alla cerimonia di ammissione al programma Elite, svoltasi a Milano per 26 societa' italiane, è emersa la consapevolezza tra le aziende che per crescere è necessario far evolvere i propri sistemi di Corporate Governance. La piattaforma Elite è un programma nato dall'iniziativa di Borsa italiana per promuovere i sistemi manageriali e finanziari delle imprese associate. Il processo prevede una fase di apprendimento e una successiva fase di verifica.

10) Surveys & Insights Issuer Title Description Link to document ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (AIMA) AIMA publishes updated guide for fund directors The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), the global hedge fund association, has published an updated Fund Directors’ Guide. The Guide, last published in 2008, takes account of regulatory and tax reforms since the financial crisis, such as the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which have brought significant changes to the role and responsibilities of fund directors and boards. The Guide is designed to be used by investment managers, fund promoters and existing and prospective fund directors. New sections have been added covering, among other topics, the general approach to fund governance, monitoring of trading practices and business continuity planning. Practical, legal and tax considerations when selecting and appointing fund directors are considered. The basic tasks that fund directors should carry out are explained, while issues relating to the way in which fund directors manage their relationships with the fund’s service providers are also discussed.

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