Hello everybody, I’m Roberto Cerchione and I’m a PHD Student of the University of Napoli Federico II. The title of my presentation is «Knowledge Management.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Hello everybody, I’m Roberto Cerchione and I’m a PHD Student of the University of Napoli Federico II. The title of my presentation is «Knowledge Management in Supply Chain: a literature review» 1 Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 Dott. Francesco Menna Oncoematologia Pediatrica AORN. Santobono-Pausilipon - Napoli Roberto Cerchione 1 1

Hb < 2DS per l’età MCV < 70 fl Iposideremia Ipertrasferrinemia The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Definizione Hb < 2DS per l’età MCV < 70 fl Iposideremia Ipertrasferrinemia Ipoferritinemia Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 2 2

Hb < 7 mg/dl : grave Hb >7 <10 mg/dl: moderata 3 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Definizione (2) Hb < 7 mg/dl : grave Hb >7 <10 mg/dl: moderata Hb > 10 mg/dl: lieve Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 3 3

- Pallore - Dispnea da sforzo - Astenia - Rallentamento 4 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Sintomatologia - Pallore - Dispnea da sforzo - Astenia - Rallentamento - Apatia dell’accrescimento - Anoressia - Glossiti e Stomatiti - Cefalea - Atrofia ungueale - Irritabilità - Coilonichia - Tachicardia - Amenorrea Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 4 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 4 4

1. Inadeguato apporto dietetico 2. Scarse riserve neonatali 5 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Cause 1. Inadeguato apporto dietetico 2. Scarse riserve neonatali 3. Perdite di sangue 4. Ridotto assorbimento di ferro Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 5 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 5 5

1.1 Inadeguato apporto dietetico 6 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 1.1 Inadeguato apporto dietetico La sideropenia rappresenta la carenza nutrizionale più diffusa in età pediatrica e la più frequente causa di anemia nel primo anno di vita. Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 6 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 6 6

1.2 Inadeguato apporto dietetico 7 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 1.2 Inadeguato apporto dietetico LA QUANTITA’ DI FERRO ALIMENTARE ASSORBITO DIPENDE: - Forma del ferro contenuto negli alimenti (eminico e non eminico) - Interazione tra i costituenti della dieta - Meccanismi di regolazione della mucosa intestinale Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 7 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 7 7

2. Scarse riserve neonatali 8 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 2. Scarse riserve neonatali - Prematurità - Basso peso alla nascita - Gemellarità - Grave sideropenia materna - Emorragie fetali Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 8 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 8 8

- IPLV e allergie alimentari - Emosiderosi polmonare idiopatica 9 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 3. Perdite di sangue - IPLV e allergie alimentari - Emosiderosi polmonare idiopatica - Sindrome di Goodpasture - Glomerulonefrite progressiva - Ernia iatale, diverticolo di Meckel - Polipi, rettocolite ulcerosa Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 9 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 9 9

4. Ridotto assorbimento di Ferro 1010 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 4. Ridotto assorbimento di Ferro - Diarrea cronica,enteropatia essudativa - Sindrome celiaca - Parassitosi intestinale - Infezione da Helicobacter pylori - Deficit isolato di assorbimento di ferro - Resezioni chirurgiche - Atrasferrinemia congenita Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1010 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 10 10

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 1111 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio -Emoglobina, MCV, MCH, RDW -Protoporfirine eritrocitarie libere (FEP) -Sideremia, Trasferrinemia -Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC ) -Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity(UIBC) -Indice di saturazione della transferrina (IS) -Recettore solubile della transferrina (sTfR) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 11 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 11 11

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 1212 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio -Protoporfirine Eritrocitarie Libere (FEP) La protoporfirina è una molecola presente nella fase finale della sintesi del gruppo eme. Per il passaggio da protoporfirina a eme, necessita di ferro; se questo non è presente non si ha la conversione. Alti livelli di Protoporfirina Libera Eritrocitaria indentificano l’anemia sideropenica Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1212 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 12 12

Diagnostica di Laboratorio : FEP 1313 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio : FEP VALORI NORMALI: < 35 µg/dl VALORI ANORMALI AUMENTATI: se valori sono superiori (valori alti) rispetto ai valori normali si potrebbe trovarsi in una o più delle seguenti condizioni o patologie. - Anemia da patologia cronica - Anemia emolitica - Anemia sideropenica - Avvelenamento da piombo - Talassemia VALORI ANORMALI DIMINUITI: se i valori sono inferiori (valori bassi) rispetto ai valori normali si potrebbe trovarsi in una o più delle seguenti condizioni o patologie. - Anemia megaloblastica FATTORI CHE INFLUENZANO: La principale causa di alterazione dei risultati è l'emolisi del campione. Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1313 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 13 13

Diagnostica di Laboratorio TIBC=trasferrina x 1,25 (in mcg/dl) 1414 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio TIBC E' la misura indiretta della capacità della trasferrina di legare il ferro. Nonostante TrF eTIBC siano due esami differenti hanno un andamento sovrapponibile ed essenzialmente lo stesso significato TIBC=trasferrina x 1,25 (in mcg/dl) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1414 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 14 14

Diagnostica di Laboratorio UIBC= TIBC – sideremia(in mcg/dl) 1515 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio UIBC Misura la quantità di trasferrina di riserva cioè la trasferrina che non è stata saturata con il ferro UIBC= TIBC – sideremia(in mcg/dl) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1515 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 15 15

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 1616 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Indice di saturazione della trasferrina Il rapporto sideremia/TIBC definisce la saturazione della trasferrina Vn: 15-50 % Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1616 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 16 16

Recettore solubile della transferrina (sTfR) 1717 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Recettore solubile della transferrina (sTfR) L’sTfRè una proteina presente nel circolo sanguigno. La diminuzione dei livelli di ferro provoca aumentata produzione di recettori per la trasferrina, aumento del taglio dei recettori e conseguente formazione ed immissione in circolo dei sTfR. E’ elevato nell’Anemia sideropenica Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1717 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 17 17

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 1818 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Saturazione transferrina UIBC TIBC Transferrina Ferritina Sideremia Carenza di Ferro Bassa Alta Emocromatosi Malattie croniche Bassa / Normale Normale / Alta Anemia emolitica Normale / Bassa Anemia sideroblastica Normale / Alta Avvelenamento da ferro Normale Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1818 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 18 18

Diagnostica di Laboratorio (1) The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 1919 Diagnostica di Laboratorio (1) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 1919 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 19 19

Diagnostica di Laboratorio (2) The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 2020 Diagnostica di Laboratorio (2) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2020 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 20 20

Diagnostica di Laboratorio (3) The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 2121 Diagnostica di Laboratorio (3) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2121 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 21 21

Diagnostica di Laboratorio (4) The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. 2222 Diagnostica di Laboratorio (4) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2222 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 22 22

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 2323 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Stadio Iniziale - Riduzione dei depositi di ferro (Ferritina) - Sideremia ,transferrina ed emoglobina normali Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2323 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 23 23

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 2424 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Stadio Intermedio - Esaurimento dei depositi di ferro (ferritina) - Riduzione della sideremia - Aumento della trasferrina e della TIBC - Aumento delle FEP - Presenza di rari poichilociti allo striscio periferico - Hb e MCV ancora nei limiti Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2424 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 24 24

Diagnostica di Laboratorio 2525 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Stadio Finale - Hb, MCV, sideremia,transferrina, ferritina ridotti - RDW aumentato - Anisopoichilocitosi allo striscio periferico Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2525 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 25 25

Diagnostica di Laboratorio Deficit isolato di assorbimento di ferro 2626 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Diagnostica di Laboratorio Deficit isolato di assorbimento di ferro Carico orale di ferro Somministrare 2mg/fe+++/kg a tempo 0 Dosare sideremia a tempo 0 e 2 h Normale: valore sideremia triplicato Non attendibile: sideremia basale normale Patologico: Sideremia non significativamente aumentata Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2626 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 26 26

Apporto raccomandato di ferro (mg/die) 2727 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Apporto raccomandato di ferro (mg/die) < 6 mesi 10 6-12 mesi 15 1-10 anni 10 11-18 anni 18 Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2727 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 27 27

- 4 mg/kg/die (pn < 1 kg) 2828 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Profilassi Lattanti di basso peso alla nascita (dal 2° al 12° mese) - 2 mg/kg/die (pn 1.5-2 kg) - 3 mg/kg/die (pn 1.-1.5 kg) - 4 mg/kg/die (pn < 1 kg) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2828 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 28 28

-Allattamento con formule: dal 4°mese, 1 mg/kg/die 2929 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Profilassi Neonato a termine -Allattamento con formule: dal 4°mese, 1 mg/kg/die -Allattamento materno: dal 6° mese, 1 mg/kg/die Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 2929 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 29 29

Fattori che inibiscono l’assorbimento di ferro - Te - soia 3030 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Profilassi Fattori che inibiscono l’assorbimento di ferro - Te - soia - fibre vegetali - fitati - fosfati - fosfoproteine dell’uovo -sovraccarico di ferro Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3030 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 30 30

Fattori che facilitano l’assorbimento di ferro - carne - pesce 3131 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Profilassi Fattori che facilitano l’assorbimento di ferro - carne - pesce - acido ascorbico - acico citrico - acidi organici - aminoacidi -sideropenia Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3131 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 31 31

- Individuazione e rimozione delle cause 3232 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia - Individuazione e rimozione delle cause - Prevenzione delle recidive - Ripristino delle riserve marziali Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3232 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 32 32

Orale Parenterale Terapia 3333 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia Orale Parenterale Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3333 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 33 33

Terapia orale: Vantaggi 3434 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia orale: Vantaggi -Ben tollerata -Ben assorbita -Bassa percentuale di effetti collaterali (in circa il 20% dei pazienti ) Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3434 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 34 34

Terapia orale: effetti collaterali 3535 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia orale: effetti collaterali -Diarrea -Stipsi -Nausea -Vomito -Epigastralgia Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3535 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 35 35

3 mg/Kg/die in 2-3 somministrazioni 3636 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia orale -Solfato ferroso o ferro polimaltosato: 3 mg/Kg/die in 2-3 somministrazioni Un’ora prima o un' ora dopo i pasti Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3636 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 36 36

3737 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia orale È bene ricordare... -I sali ferrosi sono assorbiti circa tre volte in più rispetto ai sali ferrici - la contemporanea assunzione di alimenti può ridurre sino al 75% il loro l'assorbimento intestinale Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3737 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 37 37

Indicazioni: non trattabile - Sindrome da malassorbimento 3838 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia parenterale Indicazioni: -Intolleranza gastroenterica grave e non trattabile - Sindrome da malassorbimento Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3838 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 38 38

Preparati: -Ferro gluconato - Carbossimaltosio ferrico 3939 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia parenterale Preparati: -Ferro gluconato - Carbossimaltosio ferrico Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 3939 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 39 39

Terapia parenterale: effetti collaterali 4040 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia parenterale: effetti collaterali - Shock anfilattico - Reazioni tardive: Febbre Mialgia Artralgia orticaria - Reazioni locali nella sede di somministrazione Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 4040 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 40 40

Deficit Hb in gr (=Hb(v.m./età)-Hb):100 X Volume ematico(80 ml/Kg) 4141 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Terapia parenterale Calcolo della dose: Deficit Hb in gr (=Hb(v.m./età)-Hb):100 X Volume ematico(80 ml/Kg) 3.4 (indice conversione dei gr di Hb in mg ferro) 1,5 (50% in più per i depositi) = mg di ferro necessari per correzione anemia Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 4141 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 41 41

12-24 ore Ricostituzione degli enzimi contenenti ferro 4242 The review of existing literature has shown an increasing interest in the application of knowledge management principles in supply chain. This is mainly due to the flexible and fragmented nature of many industry sectors and the fragmented knowledge across an increasingly complex supply chain (Marra et al., 2012). After a short introduction about the background of our literature review, first I will focus on the methodology and the different phases that have characterized the research process: the material comprehensive search, definition of criteria for articles selection, descriptive analysis and content analysis. Then, as a consequence of the review process I will illustrate the state of the art, literature gaps identified, and future research directions. Finally the formulation of the research questions included in my PhD research design will be presented. Risposta alla terapia 12-24 ore Ricostituzione degli enzimi contenenti ferro 30-38 ore Risposta del tessuto eritropoietico 48-72 ore Reticolocitosi 4-30 giorni Incremento dell’Hb 1-3 mesi Ricostituzione dei depositi marziali Le Anemie: quadri clinici. Trattamenti a confronto – L’Anemia Ferrocarenziale Capri, 26 Maggio 2018 4242 Presentazione delle attività svolte durante il terzo anno di dottorato - Napoli, 2 marzo 2016 Roberto Cerchione Dott. Francesco Menna 42 42

Grazie per l’attenzione! Per contatti: 081.220 5442 5496 franmen@tiscalinet.it 43 43