Group G Francesca Accogli, Eve Brown, Antonia Lombardo,


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Transcript della presentazione:

Group G Francesca Accogli, Eve Brown, Antonia Lombardo, Giancarlo Molina, Chiara Sarni, Tiziana Tambone

Mission statement BARILLA: LA NOSTRA MISSIONE: BUONO PER TE, BUONO PER IL PIANETA Essere l’Azienda preferita dalle Persone promuovendo un’alimentazione sana e gioiosa, ispirata allo stile di vita Mediterraneo OPERIAMO OGNI GIORNO PER DIVENTARE L’AZIENDA ALIMENTARE ITALIANA PIÙ REPUTATA AL MONDO Coltivare l’amore per il “pasto all’italiana” nel mondo. Sviluppare le nostre categorie e le quote di mercato Rafforzare la nostra leadership nei prodotti da forno ed espandersi selettivamente nei mercati più attrattivi Aggiungere valore alle nostre categorie per ricambiare la fiducia delle Persone

OUR MISSION: GOOD FOR YOU, GOOD FOR THE PLANET To be the people’s favourite company, promoting joyful and healthy eating inspired by the Mediterranean lifestyle. WE WORK EVERY SINGLE DAY TO BECOME THE MOST RENOWNED ITALIAN FOOD COMPANY IN THE WORLD To share our love of Italian cuisine all over the globe. To develop our product categories and market shares. To consolidate our leadership in baked goods and to selectively expand in the most attractive markets. To add value to our product categories to repay the customers’ trust.

Characteristics: Infinitive of purpose: to be, to share, to develop, to consolidate, to expand, to add, to repay All embracing measures: the people’s favorite company, in the world, all over the globe ‘Refined’ terms: renowned, cuisine, to consolidate Comments: to expand in/into (into > movement, in > already there), to share/to cultivate our love (wrong collocation), joyful eating (you can eat joyfully, food is not happy), every single day (to exaggerate), category (too generic)