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PubblicatoGavino Sacchi Modificato 11 anni fa
We are in it together Living well with dementia the East Midlands. Keeping people with dementia and their carers at the heart of the regional strategy
Greetings Buongiorno e benvenuti al nostro gruppo di lavoro. Siamo lieti di vedervi cosi numerosi. Good afternoon, welcome to our workshop, we are delighted to see so many people here.
Can we talk? Use coloured dots to show which languages you can speak to a working standard: Red………. English Blue……….Italian
Today: Tell you about the East Midlands work in creating a regional strategy for Living Well with Dementia. Talk about what it means to live well with dementia in your country. Imagine what it will look like when people with dementia across Europe are living well.
Show introductory DVD clip 5.29 mins
Jill Guild Strategic Health Authority Living Well means being included
Creating a regional strategy Regional Summit to create our Vision Local Workshops to plan and commission Support services Discovery with people with dementia and their carers
Creating a regional vision People with dementia are at the centre of this work Workshop 1 Current baseline mapping As is Pathway Workshop 2 Validation and analysis of current As is Pathway Workshop 3 Identifying gaps and plan ideal To be Pathway Workshop 4 Refining the future To be Pathway Workshop 5 New commissioning strategy and costed business plans Diagnostic Screening From Data Mapping what services are there Discovery Stories From service users and carers A regional summit event Creating the Vision
Living Well – with dementia 1. What does living well mean in your country? 2. How are people with dementia living well in your country? Tell me about your best experience of this? 3. How can they live even better? What do you wish for them? Italian translation 1.Che cosa significa vivere bene nel vostro paese? 2.Come vivono bene le persone che soffrono di demenza nel vostro paese? Raccontateci la vostra miglior esperienza di questo. 3.Come possano vivere ancora meglio? Quali sono i vostri desideri per loro?
Malc Cooper Carer Living well means being well-supported
Looking forward… Martin Luther King did not say, "I have a strategic plan." Instead, he shouted, "I have a DREAM!," and, he created a crusade. Unknown source, provided by Kathy Wells
Living well - and better - with dementia 1. If we knew that people with dementia and their carers across Europe were living well, what would be happening? 2. Can you find a single word and an image or symbol to capture this? 3. Write it on a post-it note and display on the flipcharts on the wall. Italian translation 1.Se sapessimo che tutti coloro che soffrono di demenza ed i loro badanti dappertutto in Europa stessero vivendo bene, che cosa sarebbe succedendo? 2.Riuscite a trovare una singola parola ed un imagine o simbolo per rispecchiare questo? 3.Mettetelo su un post-it e poi su un foglio appeso al muro
Living well means really listening to each other
Just before you go… Closing DVD – 1.58 minutes
Farewell Buona sera e grazie di aver partecipato nel nostro gruppo di lavoro. Speriamo che sia stato di vostro gradimento. Good evening, thank you for coming to our workshop, we hope you enjoyed it.
Creating a regional vision for living well with dementia If you want to build a ship, don't drum up men to gather wood, give orders, and divide the work. Rather, teach them to yearn for the far and endless sea. Antoine Saint Exupery
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