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Napoli, 4 dicembre 2013 Unione degli Industriali Quali approcci e quali strumenti, tradizionali e di ingegneria finanziaria, a sostegno del tessuto produttivo.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Napoli, 4 dicembre 2013 Unione degli Industriali Quali approcci e quali strumenti, tradizionali e di ingegneria finanziaria, a sostegno del tessuto produttivo."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Napoli, 4 dicembre 2013 Unione degli Industriali Quali approcci e quali strumenti, tradizionali e di ingegneria finanziaria, a sostegno del tessuto produttivo con i fondi strutturali 2007/2013 e 2014/2020. Gennaro Luigi Ramazio, Capo Dipartimento Programmazione e Sviluppo Economico Regione Campania 1

2 Dati Regione Campania: *Fonte: Osservatorio Economico su dati ISTAT (Dati 2012 provvisori) -ESISTE una domanda estera per i beni Campani -ESISTONO imprese in grado di vendere allestero -ESISTONO imprese in grado di avere accesso al credito Fondo di Garanzia Nazionale :operazioni garantite in Campania nel 2012 Anni201020112012 Export8.9389.4269.374 Import*11.68612.70110.435 PIL94.11286.58384.159 RegioneImporto totale del credito % sul totale nazionale Importo garantito Campania802,0599,8%518,213 2

3 Una disgressione: Megatrend al 2040 ( *)Fonte: Trading Economics Popolazione2012 (*)2040 Regno Unito63.26? Francia65.28? Germania81.84? Italia59.39? Spagna46.20? Popolazione (Mln) 72 100 49 52 3

4 Coerenza strategica Recepisce linput della normativa comunitaria sul maggiore utilizzo degli strumenti finanziari innovativi Risponde agli obiettivi della politica di coesione e alle priorità del QSN contribuendo allinclusione sociale, allaccupabilità e alla competitività del sistema produttivo Partenariato e Sussidiarietà Contribuisce a rafforzare il partenariato con le parti economiche e con gli intermediari finanziari che attuano e cofinanziano le operazioni Contribuisce al rafforzamento del principio di sussidiarietà attraverso il coinvolgimento corresponsabile di attori e risorse private Addizionalità Massimizza leffetto indotto a parità di unità di risorsa pubblica impiegata, attraverso il leverage delle risorse pubbliche con quelle private Rotativita Consentirà di disporre a fine programmazione di un plafond di fondi nuovamente reimpiegabili sul territorio STRUMENTI DI INGEGNERIA FINANZIARIA Elementi caratterizzanti: 4

5 Gli indirizzi della UE in materia di competitività delle imprese IL PROGRAMMA CIP 2007-2013 5

6 CIP objectives 1. Foster the competitiveness of enterprise, in particular of SMEs 2. Promate all forms of innovation, including eco-innovation 3. Accelerate the development of a sustainable, competitive, innovative and inclusive information society 4. Promote energy efficiency and new renewable energy sources in all sectors, including transport 6

7 Time frame and budget Time frame: 2007-2013 Budget envelope: 3.621 million Annual work programmes for each of the three specific programmes: 1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme 2. ICT Policy Support Programme 3. Intelligent Energy Europe 7

8 Some major CIP themes and their budgets Facilitate access to finance for SMEs 1129 million Support services for enterprise (especially SMEs) 338 million Promotion of innovation and particularly eco-innovation 585 million ICT interoperability and up- take 728 million Energy issues (e.g. efficiency, renewable) 727 million 8

9 Intervention mechanisms 1. Community financial instruments for SMEs 2. Business and innovation support services 3. Pilot and Market replication projects 4. Policy development at Community level as well as at national, regional and local level 9

10 1. Community Financial Instruments for SMEs Provides funds Co-Guarantees Invests Invests Lends EU budget EUROPEAN INVESTMENT FUND Guarantee Society Venture capital Fund Banks SMEs 10

11 2. Business and innovation support service s 600 partner organitations in more than 40 countries Proximity, full geographical coverage, extension beyond EU Free-of-charge services: o Information on EU legislation and policies on EU funding opportunities o Assistence To find a business partner for cooperation or technology transfer To achieve internationaization To foster innovation o Feedback to the Commission (listening to SMEs) Enterprise Europe Network Business Support at Your Doorstep 11

12 3. Pilot and market replication projects Eco-innovation ICT-PSp programme GRANTS To partially cover the eligible project costs Projects: First applications or market replications of techniques, products or practices which have been technically demonstrated with success, but owing to residual risk, have not yet significantly penetrated the market and support to interoperability (for ICT based services) 12

13 4. Policy developoment Networking and cluster schemes Mutual learning for excellence Benchmarking Best practice exchange Meetings of experts Data collection and surveys Analysis and monitoring performance 13

14 Cosa ci riserva il 2014-2020? Il Programma COSME 14

15 COSME What is COSME? COSME is the EU programm for the Competitiveness of Enterprise and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) running from 2014 at 2020 with a planned budget of 2.3bn. COSME will support SMEs in the following area. Better access to finance for Small and Medium- sized Enterprises (SMEs) Access to markets Supporting entrepreneurs More favourable conditions for business creation and growth 15

16 Better access to finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Smes) COSME will facilitate and improve access to finance for SMEs through two different financial instruments, available from 2014: 1. The Loan Guarantee Facility The COSME budget will fund guarantees and counter-guarantees for financial intermediaries (e.g. guarantee organisations, banks, leasing companies) to help them provide more loan lease finance to SMEs. This facility will also include securitisation of SME debt finance portfolios. By sharing the risk, the COSME guarantees will allow the financial intermediaries to expand the range of SMEs they can finance. This will facilitate access to debt finance for many SMEs who might otherwise not be able to raise the funding they need. From 2007 to date, more than 240 000 SMESs have already benefited from a guaranteed loan or lease thanks to the CIPE, the current programme supporting business competitiveness. 2. The Equity Facility for Growth The COSME budget will also be invested in funds that provide venture capital and mezzanine finance to expansion and growth-stage SMEs in particular those operating across borders. The fund managers will operate on a commercial basis, to ensure that investments are focused on SMEs with greatest growth potential. From 2007 to date, the CIPE has mobilised more than 2.3 billion euros in equity investments. If you are an SME or an entrepreneur looking for debt or equity finance and would like to see which financial intermediaries currently work with the CIPE, as well as the other EU financial instruments, visit 16

17 Access to markets All businesses have access to the services of the Enterprise Network and can freely approach the local partner in their region. Over 600 partner organisations in 54 countries have built a capacity to reach out to more than 2 million SMEs. Your nearest partner can be found on the Networks website. The services offered include: Information on EU legislation and participation in EU programmes (Horizon 2020, regional funds); Assistance to find a business partner abroad : in the EU or worldwide; Advice on EU access to finance; Support for innovation and technology transfer; Obtaining SMEs opinion on EU legislation. If you want to go abroad with your company, this portal gathers all services provided by national authorities you might need. COSME will also fund IPR SME helpdesks for China, ASEAN and Mercosur to help SMEs to deal with issues relating to intellectual property rights (IPRs) in these countries. This includes the registration of formal IPRs, such as patents, trademarks or utility models, but also how to deal with infringements of intellectual property rights or manage intellectual as business assets. Thanks to CIP, the China IPR SME Helpdesks is fully operational. Its free services include confidential first-line advice, awareness raising, training and the provision of materials on relevant topics. Since 2011, the helpdesks has answered more than 400 direct enquires from SMEs that would like to operate in that country and supported thousands of SMEs through events and online services. The multilingual online portal of the China IPR SME Helpdesk can be accessed there : 17

18 Supporting entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs and their new business are key to European growth and competitiveness. Promotion of entrepreneurship and antrepreneurial culture is therefore one of the four main objectives of COSME. The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan is a decisive call for joint action at European, national, regional, and local level. Initiatives under the Action Plan include three main improvements: Entrepreneurship education – COSME will support exchanges among European educators and trainers support best practice in entrepreneurship education in the EU. Improving the business environment so entrepreneurs can grow and flourish-together with improving the legal and fiscal environment, experts will also develop recommendations on the best support for businesses throughout their lifecycles. Specific support for Web entrepreneurs will be provided. Role models and outreach to specific gropus- under COSME groups such as young people, women or senior entrepreneurs will be able to benefit from mentoring or other tailored programmes. Examples of actions already supported by the European Commission include : The European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs provides advice and support to women entrepreneurs in the start-up, running and growth of businesses during their early years (2° to 4° year of in business). Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps new entrepreneurs (not necessarily young in years, but in the age of their business) by offering an opportunity to learn from a more experienced host entrepreneur in another country. The host in return benefits from a fresh perspective on his/her business. 18

19 More favorable conditions for business creation and growth On this page: Reduction of administrative and regulatory burden Identification and exchange of best practices among administrations to improve SMEs policy Analytical tools for better policy Sectorial actions such as tourism Reduction of administr19ative and regulatory burden Action programme for Reducing Administrative Burdens in the EU COSME aims at lightening the administrative burden on businesses by removing unnecessary reporting and information requirements. As research indicates, SMEs are disproportionately affected by regulation. A special focus is thus needed to create more favorable conditions for them. Idetintification and exchange of best practices among national administrations to improve SMEs policy Best practices in SMEs policy Initiatives at nationa, regional and local level will be launched. One of these is the European Enterprise Awards to reward promotion of SMEs and entrepreneurship, particularly on regional and local nevel. Analytical tools for better policy To facilitate the preparation of new legislation at EU and national level, and compare performance of different policies in member states, conferences and analytical tools, such as Competitiveness report, will be supported. 19


21 CAMPANIA: Un esempio concreto 21

22 Le banche italiane, in base agli accordi siglati nell'ambito dell'Unione Europea, hanno adottato criteri sempre più stringenti per concedere credito. Il razionamento del credito sta facendo crescere rapidamente il numero di soggetti non bancabili. Per contrastare la cosiddetta esclusione finanziaria, la Regione Campania ha istituito un Fondo Rotativo a valere sul Programma Operativo Regionale Campania FSE 2007-2013. Si tratta di Fondo volto a finanziare progetti imprenditoriali coerentemente con quanto previsto dagli artt. 43-46 (strumenti di ingegneria finanziaria) del regolamento CE n. 1828/2006. Agisce attraverso meccanismi finanziari e rotativi cumulabile entro il limite de minimis, con altri strumenti di supporto finanziario (ad esempio: Titolo II D.lgs. 185/2000 e JEREMIE). STRUMENTI DI INGEGNERIA FINANZIARIA CON FONDI FSE 22

23 IL MICROCREDITO FSE La Regione Campania ha istituito il Fondo MICROCREDITO FSE con DGR n. 733 del 19 dicembre 2011 prevedendo una dotazione finanziaria complessiva di 100 Meuro di cui 30 Meuro impegnati per lerogazione con il primo Avviso. La gestione del Fondo MICROCREDITO FSE è stata affidata a Sviluppo Campania S.p.A., società in house. Il Fondo MICROCREDITO FSE, attinge a risorse a valere sugli assi I, II e III del Programma Operativo Regionale Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007-2013 con efficacia dello stesso fino al 31/12/2015. 23

24 MICROCREDITO FSE Lobiettivo è di favorire processi di crescita e sviluppo per il lavoro autonomo e la microimpresa, coinvolgendo quei soggetti in condizione di svantaggio economico, sociale ed occupazionale altrimenti esclusi dal sistema creditizio. Il Fondo funziona attraverso l'erogazione di micro prestiti, da un minimo di 5.000 ad un massimo di 25.000 euro, da restituire in 60 mesi a tasso zero a partire dal settimo mese successivo alla sottoscrizione del finanziamento. 24

25 MICROCREDITO FSE COSA FINANZIA -spese di investimento per lavvio di nuove iniziative imprenditoriali -spese afferenti lampliamento/espansione di iniziative esistenti localizzate nel territorio regionale. SETTORI PRIORITATI Servizi al turismo, servizi culturali, tutela ambientale, risparmio energetico ed energie rinnovabili Servizi sociali alla persona, ICT, attività professionali in genere, manifatturiero, artigianato e valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici locali, commercio di prossimità. RREQUISITI PER ACCEDERE -microimprese, costituende e costituite (composte da disoccupati, inoccupati, Inattivi, lavoratori in CIGO, CIGS e mobilità, giovani under 35, donne, Immigrati, disabili, studenti, lavoratori svantaggiati; -imprese del Terzo settore costituende o costituite (associazioni riconosciute e Cooperative sociali). MODALITÀ DI ACCESSO La domanda va presentata in formato elettronico, sul sito 25

26 MICROCREDITO FSE Con il primo Avviso 2012, sono pervenute 5.283 domande, di cui 440 in provincia di Avellino, 377 in provincia di Benevento, 767 in provincia di Caserta, 2.087 in provincia di Napoli, 1.612 in provincia di Salerno, dimostrano che sul territorio campano cè una grande capacità di progettualità e di microimprenditorialità. Sono state ammesse a finanziamento n 1.087 iniziative e impegnate risorse per circa 27 Meuro. Dalle domande ammesse n.468 sono imprese esistenti e n.619 start up con una pressoché uguale distribuzione di genere. Tra i settori sono preferiti lartigianato e valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici, il commercio e i servizi al turismo. Il secondo Avviso prevede uno plafond di 70 Meuro. Le domande possono essere presentata dal 16 dicembre 2013 al 16 gennaio 2014. Per datagli consultare il sito sezione MICROCREDITO 26

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