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Università di Macerata Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia MEDIAZIONE LINGUISTICA - Classe: L-12 a.a. 2013-2014 – II semestre Lingua e traduzione inglese.

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1 Università di Macerata Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia MEDIAZIONE LINGUISTICA - Classe: L-12 a.a – II semestre Lingua e traduzione inglese II Mod. A: LINGUA E TRADUZIONE TURISTICA Dott.ssa Marisa Di Lello Pagina docente:

2 Translating t o u r i s m

3 Tourist texts consist of a variety of publications produced by:
Tourist Boards City councils Private enterprises Their goal is to promote a given locality, its tourist attractions, services and facilities. Tourist texts may be distributed abroad or made available in the host countries.

4 Examples of tourist publications:
Visitor guides - available in booklet and brochure format Multilingual and monolingual magazines Periodicals and leaflets - giving information about cultural events and describing places of historical, artistic and geographical interest Flyers - advertising trips and events Posters - advertising events and artistic performances Descriptive panels - placed near monuments, areas of geographical interest or places of worship

5 Tourist texts fulfil two communicative functions:
Informative: - provides information - oriented towards the context Appellative: -for persuasive purposes -oriented towards the addressee

6 In the translation of INFORMATIVE texts […] the aim is invariance of content and the translation is deemed successful if the information has been transmitted in full. The translation of APPELLATIVE or operative texts types […] aims to provoke in the target readers identical behavioural reactions to those of the reader of the source text and the translation method called for is ADAPTATION. Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies edited by Mona Baker, assisted by Kirsten Malmkjaer London/New York: Routledge, 2001 p. 116

7 Language domains: Architecture History of art History Geography
Gastronomy Economy Sports Customs and traditions Music and dance

8 Some English and Italian tourist sub-genres differ significantly with regard to CONTENT and STYLE

9 CONTENT ENGLISH VISITOR GUIDES include information on:
places of cultural and historical interest shopping facilities car and street parking bus, coach and train services ITALIAN VISITOR GUIDES focus mainly on: art architecture history gastronomy

10 STYLE ENGLISH TOURIST LANGUAGE personal and informal style:
imperative, used to invite the reader to visit, explore and enjoy the attractions of a given town, city or village Impersonal: passive constructions ITALIAN TOURIST LANGUAGE impersonal and formal style, often rendered by passive constructions. The personal style is reserved to texts with a dominant appellative function and even then, the reader is usually addressed in the formal second person plural pronoun ‘VOI’. Vivid, florid descriptions in evocative, figurative language

11 Examples of appellative imperatives taken from English tourist brochures and leaflets
Visit the Roman City at Wroxeter. See the remarkable Iron Bridge itself and explore seven museums (…) Discover the delicate art and mistery (…) Enjoy the unique experience of Granada Studios tour. (…)

12 Examples of appellative imperatives taken from an Italian tourist brochure:
Preparatevi ad una sensazione di benessere (…). Lasciatevi catturare dall’essenza di questa terra (…). Pensate alle Terre di Siena e dimenticatevi tutto il resto. Apprestiamoci a visitare quei monumenti e quei palazzi che custodiscono il segreto dei secoli passati. From ‘Acqueantiche.Terre di Siena’

13 Examples of passive constructions taken from an English Visitor Guide
Sites which feature in the Chronicles can be discovered all around Shewsbury – like Shewsbury Castle and St. Mary’s Church. Great outdoor activities can be enjoyed across Angus and Dundee with golf, fishing, birdwatching, and other outdoor pursuits.

14 Examples of agentless passive clauses taken from an Italian visitor guide
(…) la tranquillità è garantita a chi la cerca tra pinete e ville (…). Tutto questo è ben protetto e ben dotato di attrezzature ricettive. L’Abruzzo è mille altre cose che però non si possono né scrivere e neppure raccontare, ma vivere e credere. from “Viaggio in Abruzzo”

15 Examples of florid descriptions and evocative, figurative language in Italian tourist brochures
Le terre di Siena sono una sinfonia dolce che non nasconde l’istinto imprevedibile di un cavallo di razza, un’opera d’arte fatta di cielo e colline, spazi e geometrie che ondeggiano sul filo dell’armonia. Otranto è il cuore bizantino, è la memoria saracena, è il mosaico della vita nella Cattedrale, è il portentoso bestiario di un monaco paziente che ad una ad una sistemò le tessere policrome della vita. Passare da qui è non essere più gli stessi. From ‘Terredisiena in bici, Salento turismo aperto tutto l’anno’

The convention is to adhere to the target language style: English imperatives tend to be translated with impersonal expressions, unless the target text has a prominent appellative function. Different regulatory conventions concerning the translation of culture-bound words.

17 PERSONAL STYLE (imperatives)
English PERSONAL STYLE (imperatives) Visit a truly unique Scottish destination. Share with us the legacy of ancient peoples. Absorb dramatic and breath-taking scenery. Italian IMPERSONAL STYLE La Scozia è una meta veramente unica. Qui è possibile condividere l’eredità degli antichi popoli. In Scozia è possibile ammirare scenari maestosi e mozzafiato.

18 Share with us the legacy of ancient peoples.
Qui è possibile condividere l’eredità degli antichi popoli. (…) Potrete condividere… (…) Condividerete… Condividete…

19 Peculiar usage of imperatives
Walk along the main street and you’ll see some magnificent monuments. Passeggiando lungo la via principale della città, potrete ammirare alcuni maestosi monumenti. Live the history and solve the mistery within this medieval attraction. Rivivendo la storia, potrete svelare i misteri racchiusi in questa attrazione medievale.

20 CULTURE-BOUND WORDS (1) Monuments, museums, places of worship and historical interest
Westminster Bridge The Tower of London National Museum of Scotland St Paul’s Cathedral St Alfege’s Church Glamis Castle Il Ponte di Westminster La Torre di Londra Museo Nazionale Scozzese La Cattedrale di St Paul La Chiesa di St Alfege Il Castello di Glamis

21 CULTURE-BOUND WORDS (2) Associations, clubs, ships, colleges, observatories, shopping centre, theatres, halls, galleries, markets Old Royal Observatory Royal Naval College Mayflower Mermaid Theatre Royal Festival Hall Hayward Gallery Old Billingsgate Market Royal Society for the Protection of the Birds Overgate Shopping Centre Old Royal Observatory Royal Naval College La Mayflower Mermaid Theatre La Royal Festival Hall Hayward Gallery Old Billingsgate Market Royal Society for the Protection of the Birds L’Overgate Shopping Centre

22 Reference textbook Laviosa S., Cleverton V., Learning by Translating, Bari, Edizioni dal sud, 2006

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