PROGETTO SOCRATES Dante Alighieri Primary School Classes 2A-B-C GENERAL OBJECTIVES: -To increase the motivation and the pleasure for reading -To pass.


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Transcript della presentazione:

PROGETTO SOCRATES Dante Alighieri Primary School Classes 2A-B-C GENERAL OBJECTIVES: -To increase the motivation and the pleasure for reading -To pass from a passive reading to the active creation of a message and of a book. METHODOLOGY AND AIMS: We will present the author, Mario Lodi, through the listening and comprehension of some books with a reading course and a didactic experience. Read and interpret a text, create suggestive pictures, stimulate the pleasure for reading and introduce some textual elements that will be deepened during the course. CONTENTS: -Presentation of Mario Lodi. -Reading of three storybooks, one for each class: “Cipì”, “Il bambolo”, “Il mistero del cane”. -Analysis of the texts. -Graphic representations of the narrative and descriptive elements and of the dialogues. -Analysis of the essential contents of the listened texts and their relation according to time-logical sequences.

BIOGRAPHY “…To keep the spark alive” “ Each child has it inside. It’s the joy, the stimulus to play, ask, touch and look everything.” Mario Lodi. The teacher’s aim –says Mario Lodi- is to keep the spark alive, that’s changing this light into the pleasure of learning. Mario Lodi was born in 1922 in Piadena (Cremona)and he graduated as a primary teacher in In 1948 he became a regular teacher in the primary school, since then “he has devoted his life to children’s rights so that they could have the best school….. for promoting and turning to account the teacher’s training and the children’s expressive capacities.” This is the motivation for the UNICEF award assigned to him in March When he retired, he begun other activities in the educational field and classified 5000 fables created by Italian children, in order to demonstrate that the children’s creativity, in spite of tv prevalence, is still alive if we enable the children to exercise and develop it. Since 1990 Mario Lodi is leading the House of Art and Game where the products of children’s mind (stories, poems and every kind of texts) are collected.