HOW TO MAKE A SHORT FILM Basic actions and suggestions (Proposal for a handbook) Contribution by the students of the Film-maker course Città di Castello 23.04.2010
Basic actions for the production of a video Plot Screenplay Story Board Shooting Editing
Realisation Pre-production Production Post-production
PRE-PRODUCTION Finding the plot and setting up the script Staff organisation Finding locations and actors Schedule transfers and request of authorisations when needed Setting up the set: set design, costumes, props Schedule and working agenda
PRODUZIONE (PRODUCTION) Shooting agenda Shooting Shot check
POST-PRODUCTION Editing Sound mix
PLOT A plot is the first sketch of a story that will become a film. The synopsis is usually dreawn up on one page. Every story is the outcome of a traditional drama set of elements: Conflict Crisis Climax Conclusion
SCREENPLAY A screenplay is the backbone of a film. Writing a script should be rigorous. Its main elements are: Actions Dialogues The format of a screeplay is structured in a way that one page usually equates to one minute of screen time. In a “shooting script”, each scene is numbered & technical direction may be given
LO STORYBOARD In questa fase è importante pensare a quello che i francesi chiamano il decoupage tecnico. Pensare cioè al tipo di inquadrature che si vogliono realizzare. Uno strumento utile per abituare i ragazzi a quella che sarà la visione reale del girato, la composizione di uno storyboard, ovvero il disegno vero e proprio di ogni singola inquadratura. Are graphical oganizers such as a series of illustrations images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture or interactive media.
SHOTS Environment Extreme long shot Long shot Medium shot Total People Full figure Cowboy shot/American shot Close-up Detail
Long shot Barry Lyndon (1975) - Stanley Kubrik
Full shot Mulholland Drive (2001) – David Lynch
Cowboy shot/American shot The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) – Sergio Leone
Close up The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) – Sergio Leone
Detail Psycho (1960) – Alfred Hitchock
CAMERA PLACEMENT Long take Land scape view Camera dolly Shot/Reverse shot
The SET Set design Lights Costumes Make Up & Hair-Styling
SCHEDULE AND SHOOTING AGENDA organization of shooting day Call sheet Decoupage – detailed scenes Location Crew Accessoires
POST-PRODUCTION Acquisizione del girato Scelta delle scene migliori Montaggio delle scene seguendo la sceneggiatura (Editing) Scelta della colonna sonora Finalizzazione
VISIONE DEL PRODOTTO FINITO La visione di gruppo del prodotto ultimato servirà come feed-back del lavoro al fine di verificare se gli obiettivi prefissati sono stati raggiunti e in quale misura.
Grazie per l’attenzione Thank you for your attention Contributo degli allievi del Corso per Film-maker