Natural Treasures of Europe


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Transcript della presentazione:

Natural Treasures of Europe THE PLANTS Science Didactic Unit

THE PLANTS Natural Treasures of Europe

Map of the Oasis Natural Treasures of Europe

Natural Treasures of Europe

Lychnis flos-cuculi Fam : Cariofillacee Fior di cuculo Natural Treasures of Europe Lychnis flos-cuculi Fam : Cariofillacee Fior di cuculo

Diantus deltoides Fam : Cariofillacee Garofanino minore Natural Treasures of Europe Diantus deltoides Fam : Cariofillacee Garofanino minore

Saponaria officinalis Fam : Cariofillacee Soponaria Natural Treasures of Europe Saponaria officinalis Fam : Cariofillacee Soponaria

Anemone hortensis Fam : Ranuncolacee Anemone Natural Treasures of Europe Anemone hortensis Fam : Ranuncolacee Anemone

Hypericum perforatum Fam : Guttifere Erba di San Giovanni Natural Treasures of Europe Hypericum perforatum Fam : Guttifere Erba di San Giovanni

Cistus creticus Fam : Cistacee Cisto comune Natural Treasures of Europe Cistus creticus Fam : Cistacee Cisto comune

Cyclamen repandum Fam. Primulacee Ciclamino Natural Treasures of Europe Cyclamen repandum Fam. Primulacee Ciclamino

Fam. Fabacee (Leguminose) Cracca Natural Treasures of Europe Vicia cracca Fam. Fabacee (Leguminose) Cracca

Fam. Fabacee (Leguminose) Sulla Natural Treasures of Europe Hedysarum coronatum Fam. Fabacee (Leguminose) Sulla

Tordylium apulum Fam : Ombrellifere Ombrellino pugliese Natural Treasures of Europe Tordylium apulum Fam : Ombrellifere Ombrellino pugliese

Malva officinalis Fam : Malvacee Malva comune Natural Treasures of Europe Malva officinalis Fam : Malvacee Malva comune

Centaurium erythaea Fam : Genzianacee Centaura minore Natural Treasures of Europe Centaurium erythaea Fam : Genzianacee Centaura minore

Natural Treasures of Europe Vinca minor Fam : Apocynacee Pervinca

Natural Treasures of Europe Ajuga reptans Fam. Labiate Bugula

Rosmarinus officinalis Fam : Labiate Rosmarino Natural Treasures of Europe Rosmarinus officinalis Fam : Labiate Rosmarino

Lamium pupureum Fam : Labiate Falsa ortica purpurea Natural Treasures of Europe Lamium pupureum Fam : Labiate Falsa ortica purpurea

Natural Treasures of Europe Lamium album Fam : Labiate Orticone bianco

Natural Treasures of Europe Myrtys communis Fam : Mirtacee Mirto

Cymbalaria muralis Fam.:Scrofulariacee Cimbalaria Natural Treasures of Europe Cymbalaria muralis Fam.:Scrofulariacee Cimbalaria

Verbascum plhomoides Fam.:Scrofulariacee Verbasco Natural Treasures of Europe Verbascum plhomoides Fam.:Scrofulariacee Verbasco

Natural Treasures of Europe Rhamnus alaternus Fam. : Ramnacee Alaterno

Natural Treasures of Europe Knautia arvensis Fam : Dipsacacee Ambretta

Urospermum dalechampii Fam.: Asteracee Boccione maggiore Natural Treasures of Europe Urospermum dalechampii Fam.: Asteracee Boccione maggiore

Sonchus oleraceus Fam : Asteracee Cicerbita Natural Treasures of Europe Sonchus oleraceus Fam : Asteracee Cicerbita

Natural Treasures of Europe Cichorium intybus Fam : Asteracee Cicoria

Orobanche minor Fam : Orobancacee Succiamele Natural Treasures of Europe Orobanche minor Fam : Orobancacee Succiamele

Natural Treasures of Europe Leopoldia comosa Fam : Gigliacee Leopoldia

Gladiolus italicus Fam : Iridacce Gladiolo dei campi Natural Treasures of Europe Gladiolus italicus Fam : Iridacce Gladiolo dei campi

ITIS F. Giordani Caserta Natural Treasures of Europe ITIS F. Giordani Caserta This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.