The Mediterranean diet WHAT IS IT? The Mediterranean Diet is the set of eating habits of the Mediterranean peoples, consolidated over the centuries.


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Transcript della presentazione:

The Mediterranean diet

WHAT IS IT? The Mediterranean Diet is the set of eating habits of the Mediterranean peoples, consolidated over the centuries and remained virtually unchanged until the '50s.

The mediterranean diet is a combination of different nutritional elements contained mainly in: Bread Bread Pasta Pasta Vegetable salad Vegetable salad Legumes Legumes Fruit Fruit Olive oil Olive oil

OLIVE OIL Olive oil has become the main fat food of the Mediterranean Diet as a control of the cardiovascular risk. The main features of this food are: it is well digested; it inhibits gastric acid secretion; it stimulates the secretion of the pancreas; it promotes the absorbition of calcium and the growth of long bones.

PASTA Durum wheat is a common element in all the populations of the Mediterranean sea because it is the raw material of foods such as pasta, bread and others. It is considered healthier to consume pasta with vegetables for vitamins; meat, or fish to supply for your protein intake; cheese for lipids.

FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Fruit and vegetables occupy the main place in the Mediterranean Diet. They contribute to the intake of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and at the same time they reduce the caloric intake of the diet, as fruit and vegetables contain a lot of water and the fiber has a satiating effect.

WINE Although it is on the wide-ranging debate, science has recognized some positive effect of wine for human health. Alcoholic drinks contain the flavonoids and polyphenols which are antioxidants. It should be remembered, that alcohol consumption leads to an increase of levels of serum triglycerides that potentially,increase a vascular risk.

CONCLUSIONS Comparing the menu with the principles of the Mediterranean diet, we can see that: the consumption of vegetables is in line with what is recommended; On the contrary, meat is consumed too frequently than the recommended amount

OUR CANTEEN FOOD WORKING PROCESS METHOD: Four week menus; analysis of the caloric and nutritional values of the given meals comments and comparisons with the Mediterranean diet

MENU’ MondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFriday riso al pomodoro pasta ai formaggi gnocchi al basilico e pomodoro pasta all'olio Crema di legumi e pane frittata prosciutto di tacchino scaloppina di maiale al limone FormaggioHamburger di trota Carne bianca ai ferri Fagiolini e carote insalataCarotine e insalata Finocchi e radicchio patate al vapore e carote Frutta fresca (banana) frutta fresca (mela) Polpa di frutta( mela) Frutta fresca (pera) Frutta fresca (pesca) MondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFriday Riso alla zucca Pizza margherit a Passato di verdura con crostini Mezzi rigatoni con pom- ricotta mezze penne al ragù svizzera di manzo alla piastra prosciutto cotto Scaloppina di pollo con limone Bastonci ni di merluzzo Formaggi o Montasio DOP Spinaci e cappucci insalata e carote Purè patate e radicchio Piselli e finocchi Carote all'olio e cappucci frutta fresca (banana) Budino alla vaniglia Frutta fresca (pera) Frutta fresca (mela) frutta fresca (arancia) MondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFriday Minestra risi e piselli fusilli all'amatrici ana(speck) Pizza margherita Tortelloni ric-bur- spin-salvia Mezzi rigatoni al pomodoro scaloppine maiale al limone Formaggio Asiago DOP prosc. di tacchino fettina bianca ai ferri tonno all'olio d'oliva purè di patate e carote Fagiolini all'olio e radicchio Fagioli, carote e insalata carotine all'olio e cappucci rossi cavolfiori all'olio e carote frutta fresca (pera) Frutta fresca (mela) yogurtFrutta fresca (arancia ) frutta fresca (banana)

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Pasta with boscaiola (with mushrooms) Rise with parmigiana spaghetti with tuna Cream with potatoes, celery and leek pasta with tomato Meatballs with sauce (chicken) Scrambled eggs Cheese cream Chicken thigh Fillet of sole Beans with oil e radicchio Hood and peas SaladChicoryBaked Potatoes and salad Fruit (pear)Fruit (banana) Fruit (apple) Fruit (pear) Fruit (orange )

FIRST OBSERVATION… FIRST COURSE: On average there are: pasta twice a week rice once a week 1 soup or pizza once a week SECOND COURSE: On average there are: meat twice a week fish once a week cheese or eggs once a week Every day fruit and vegetables

OBSERVATIONS CALORIES: from the caloric point of view, the calories amount is almost balanced; the values go from 300 kcal to 900kcal on meal The highest amount is on Tuesday because of the “risotto” alla parmigiana. Analizing the information about the menus of 4 school weeks we have chosen to concentrate on the third one:

CARBOHYDRATES Analysing the menu from the point of view of the carbohydrates we have: the total amount isn’t well balanced; values go from 30 to 100 mg per 100 g; the highest amount is on Tuesday because of the risotto alla parmigiana. The lowest amount is on Thursday because of higher amount of proteins and fibres that substitute carbohydrates.

PROTEINS Analyzing the menu from the point of view of the protein amount: it is were balanced; the values go from 20 to 30 mg every 100 g; the highest amount is on Wednesday because of the tuna pasta ; the lowest amount is on Thursday because of higher quantity of vegetables.

FATS Considering the fat concentration: the amount of fat is balanced during the week; the values go from about 10mg to 40 mg per 100 gr; the highest value is on Wednesday because of the cheese cream; the lowest amount is on Friday because of higher quantity of carbohydrates.